Author Thread: Dating outside your own religion

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Dating outside your own religion
Posted : 7 Mar, 2020 08:16 AM

I stated a topic in another location on this site and it kind of took a turn to dating outside your own religion. So I replied to it but have decided to move it over to this thread as well.

The region I live in most women smoke. The last census said something like 65% of all women in the area smoked. I can't be around smoke of any kind. And most women in my region, again around 60% are gay or bisexual. I don't approve of it. Was always taught that was wrong. And a lot of women in my region more then 50% are atheist. Which like I said in my response in the other thread, I did that once and don't want to do it again. So it's slim pickin' s around here for a decent "normal" female. So like I stated before as long as they believe in God and the Bible and have it in their heart and soul. I would date them. As if I (we) get too specific, well, I'll die a lonely man. And at our age (40's+) we can't be that picky or have too high of standards. At this point I have almost became desperate for a female friend, companion. Not really to marry right away. Marriage is the farthest from my mind. I use to have high standards and I probably still do to a point as at our age we are all set in our ways in most ways. If I had a wish list I would want to find a female who takes pride in herself. Meaning dress to impress. I was raised with old fashioned morals and ways of thinking. I didn't own a pair of blue jeans till I was in high school as blue jeans were worn by hillbillies and white trash. And t-shirts were undershirts only. Printed t- shirts weren't allowed in the house. Now a days I have nice blue jeans I wear out. Nothing ripped, torn, or stained. I dress up when I go out. Even to the gas station or to Wal-Mart. You won't find me in a t-shirt or sweat pants or pjs in public. I feel you need to always dress to impress. But that is just me. But how much effort would it take to get up in the morning and dress up if you were going out in public? Not, all the time. Like when you aren't going out in public. Heck, when I come home from work on a Friday night I put my pjs on and don't take them off till Monday mornings most weekends as I don't leave the house so no one sees me. No harm no foul. But these are only my thoughts and the way I was raised. Right or wrong.

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Dating outside your own religion
Posted : 29 May, 2020 06:49 PM

Never a good idea 2 Corinthians 6:14-17 ...there's a huge chance they could b a challenge for most ppl to find a true Christian to date and not to mention one going to date a person who doesn't even identify as a Christian

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