Author Thread: Trump, Biden, protests, impeachment and everything

Trump, Biden, protests, impeachment and everything
Posted : 17 Jan, 2021 06:02 PM

There's a lot that has happened over the last few months. I just want to say that I'm thankful that the Lord has brought me through 2020 without getting COVID. I pray that He will help me through 2021 without getting it, that is if Jesus doesn't return, which that could be any time. I just want to say that I am disappointed in this nation's government and it's senate. It seems they have all turned their backs on not only Donald Trump, but America as well, and I'm just talking about Democrats, but also a few Republicans too. Some of the Trump team members resigned after what happened at the Capitol. I know there are people saying that the one's who broke into the Capitol were ANTIFA and BLM rioters, and there may have been a few, but there were Trump supporters who did it too, not all of them, but a lot of them. Now just because there were Trump supporters that did this I don't believe it should have lead to Trump being shut down on Twitter or Facebook. And I don't believe it was a call for Trump to be impeached. Many have called for the Trump to condemn the actions of the supporters that broke into the Capitol, which he did in a video on Twitter, before it was shut down. Here's that exact video.

I would also like to add that Trump didn't tell his supporters to break into the Capitol and start a riot. No, he said to march peacefully and patriotically. Here is a video of him telling his supporters that.

And if I recall, didn't Maxine Waters pretty much tell BLM to harass Trump team members and supporters?

And what about celebrities like Madonna who said she'd like to blow up the White House?

Johnny Depp making a "joke" about assassinating Trump?

And we can't forget that picture of Kathy Griffin holding up the bloody Trump head, which I'm not even post a link to, it's really sickening, you can look for that one yourselves. Anyways, I don't see how Donald Trump is guilty in any way. Sure Trump may not be perfect, he may have his flaws, but constantly putting blame on him for everything that goes wrong isn't right. He's not Satan, and if He was that doesn't mean he's guilty of everything that goes wrong around you. Satan is responsible for a lot of things, most of them involve trying to turn God's children against God, and he's still doing that today, but just because Satan wants these things to happen doesn't mean that he alone is responsible, but we should also be responsible for our own actions. Also, Satan use to be the most beautiful angel in Heaven, and I'm sorry but Trump isn't what I would call beautiful. I'm sorry, but I love him as president, but not enough to say he's a beautiful though, that is never going to happen. Anyways that's all I have to say about that. Don't put your trust in politics or the news, keep putting your trust in Jesus, keep praising Him, and don't worry about the world getting worse. It's meant to get worser and worser until Jesus returns to call God's children home. Nobody is going to stop it, the news, Trump, Biden, us, nobody and nobody can speed up the process to get Jesus to return earlier, nobody is in control of that but God. To those who are unsaved repent of your sins to the Lord and believe in your hearts and confess with your mouths that Jesus is Lord and accept Him as your personal savior and you shall be saved. God bless you and amen. And NOT "awoman" .

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Trump, Biden, protests, impeachment and everything
Posted : 17 Jan, 2021 10:34 PM

The riot in DC just reminds us why we need a savior. The US is in a lot pain and suffering. As an observer from the outside, I can only pray that each Christian brother and sister in the US may share their light to the hurting in their community.

No matter who is in office, you can make a difference in someone's life. You can reach out to them regardless whether they ride with the red pill or blue pill. The Truth set you free and it can do the same to them.

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