Author Thread: Does your political views say anything about your faith in God?

Does your political views say anything about your faith in God?
Posted : 27 Jan, 2021 03:25 PM

There's probably a lot of people that world say no, but I believe it does. Let me explain. If a certain political parties views or political leader's views doesn't align with the word of God then if a person who claims to be a christian, yet throws support towards that party and/or leader, knowing that that party supports something that goes against the word of God then that person, know how many times they say they are, is not a true christian. Now let's say a person who claims to be a christian throws support at a party and/or leader who's beliefs align with the word of God, are they a true christian? I would say yes, but there are some that would probably support that leader or party who are not christian and doesn't claim to be and to those individuals I will say they need to be saved, even if they do support a true christian leader. God bless you, and I hope I haven't offended you, but if I have then then I pray you'll be saved my dear friends. Again, God bless you and I hope you have blessed day. Thank you.

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