Author Thread: Why are some of the democrats allowed to incite riots?

Why are some of the democrats allowed to incite riots?
Posted : 22 Apr, 2021 09:50 PM

Yet when Donald Trump "incites" a riot ( which he didn't, you can look up the video of him telling his supporters to protest "peacefully" and "patriotically ") it's wrong? Can anyone explain that to me? And you got Maxine Waters telling BLM rioters to get MORE CONFRONTATIONAL. I got to say it, anyone who supports this party (I can't even call it a Democratic party, because none of what they're doing is Democratic) and claims they are right with God, they're not. Why would any christian uphold for the actions of this insane, tyrannical government, knowing good and well what they stand for? You can tell me "Not all of them support this or that" all you want, but I've never seen one of them speak out against the things that they support. And then you got republicans (minus a few) that are just sitting idly by letting them do what they want. Same republicans that turned their backs on Trump after the debacle at the Capitol building. This government, this country seems to just be growing more and more wicked. And in the next four years it will get worse. If you think it's bad now wait another four years, it will get worse and it will get more wicked. They may be attacking supporters of Trump right now, but the time will come when they start attacking and killing God's children. I'm not going to ask you to support Trump or anything, but please, wake up and look at the hypocrisy and evil that is happening. Speak against it. Pray against it. Don't think that just because they have the same politics as you that you have to support them. Please, open your eyes, before it's too late.

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