Author Thread: Chris Cuomo is a despicable human being

Chris Cuomo is a despicable human being
Posted : 24 Apr, 2021 08:42 PM

He talks like he wants white kids to be shot by cops. He could have just talked like he doesn't want any kids to be shot, but no, he had to go straight there. And I've seen comments on the video from people that are black defending him. Listen, if you are a person of color and you are believing everything that CNN and MSNBC and any fake news channels and your government and Hollywood is feeding then you are just as ignorant as the white people that believes them. You want to know the truth about racism in this country today? It's not as common as it used to be. I believe the majority of black people that calls something racist is only trying to do what the white people that does the same thing are doing. They're trying to swoop in and be the heroes and try to make a name for themselves, like Martin Luther King did. Difference is Martin Luther King didn't want to burn down buildings and tear down statues. But let's forget what King accomplished, let's forget what everyone who fought against segregation and slavery and fan these nonexistent flames. If this country keeps going down the road that it's going you're going to segregation and possibly slavery once again. And you know who's fault it'll be? Black Lives Matter rioters, Democratic law makers, the media, Hollywood and so on. I truly believe we're going to see white kids and black kids going to separate schools again if this whole thing continues. And you know what's going to the black people that are probably going to be responsible for getting to that point, they're going to be rewarded. And you know what's going to happen to the black people that doesn't play by the rules? Cancellation. Exactly what Mr. King wanted wasn't it?

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