Author Thread: World Peace, Muslim Style

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World Peace, Muslim Style
Posted : 11 Nov, 2009 02:11 PM

Islam's world peace: Now or later?

Exclusive: William Federer points out ultimate result of U.S. deference to Muslims

Islam is a religion of peace, but in the world of paradoxical definitions, perhaps some explanation is needed.

The word "Islam" means submission to the will of Allah. A "Muslim" is one who has submitted.

Whereas most think world peace will be when people just learn how to get along, faithful Muslims think world peace will be when the whole world submits to the will of Allah.

In other words, world peace means world Islam. To a fundamental Muslim, submission to Allah means submitting to Islamic law, called Shariah.

Islamic Shariah law governs every aspect of human life, including:

what to believe

what to eat

how to dress

when to pray

in what direction to pray

what position to be in when you pray

how many wives to have

the correct way to beat a wife

who must accompany a woman in public

who cannot be your friends

how to treat a non-Muslim infidel

whether to drink alcohol

when to lie

when to kill an apostate

how to run a government

how to cut off the hand of a thief

how many times to whip a woman who has been raped

whether one can listen to music

whether one can play a musical instrument

what pets are permitted

how to wash parts of your body

the correct way to clean you teeth with a twig

and even what direction to face when using the restroom!

Islamic Shariah law is the complete submission of one's life, marriage, family, community and country to the will of Allah as revealed to Muhammad.

In its fullest sense, the word "Islam" actually means the opposite of the words "freedom" and "liberty."

But what about the majority of moderate Muslims?

Moderate Muslims believe the world will submit to Allah later, maybe at the end of the world, or maybe just figuratively.

Since it is so far off in the distant future, moderate Muslims have a more relaxed, patient attitude that allows them to get along in a friendly way with non-Muslim infidels.

Moderate Muslims can live comfortably in a free, democratic society.

Fundamental Muslims, on the other hand, think the world is in the process of submitting to Allah now. They are very excited and want to establish Shariah law, even justifying threats of violence and terrorism.

What are moderate Muslims, who believe the world will submit to Allah later, supposed to think when they see unprecedented acts of acceptance of Islam right now?

Such as:

U.S. Postal Service issuing Islamic postage stamps (September 2001; October 2002)

President Bush removing his shoes and visiting a mosque (Dec. 5, 2002)

President Bush putting a Quran in the Presidential Library (October 2005)

President Bush celebrating Ramadan for the first time in the White House (Oct. 18, 2005)

U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison, a Muslim, taking his oath of office upon a Quran (2007)

Presidential candidate Obama reciting Muslim prayers in Arabic, saying it is "one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset" (New York Times, Feb. 27, 2007)

U.S. Speaker Nancy Pelosi putting on Muslim hijab veil during a trip to Syria (April 2007)

President Bush appointing a Muslim, Zalmay Khalilzad, to be the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations (April 17, 2007)

President Bush removing his shoes and visiting a Mosque a second time (July 27, 2007)

U.S. First Lady Laura Bush putting on Muslim hijab veil during trip to Persian Gulf (Oct. 29, 2007, Jerusalem Post)

A second Muslim, Andre Carson, is elected to the U.S. Congress (2008)

Presidential candidate Obama mistakenly says in a George Stephanopoulos interview, "My Muslim faith" (Sep. 7, 2008)

President Barack Hussein Obama elected, whose middle name is that of Muhammad's grandson (November 2008)

President Obama bows to Saudi King Abdullah (April 1, 2009)

President Obama says America is not a Christian nation (April 6, 2009)

President appoints devout Muslim Arif Alikhan to key position in the Department of Homeland Security (May 6, 2009)

President Obama does NOT publicly recognize America's traditional National Day of Prayer (May 6, 2009)

President Obama says America is one of the largest Muslim countries (June 3, 2009)

President appoints Syrian-born devout Muslim Kareem Shora to key position in the Department of Homeland Security (June 5, 2009)

President Obama broadcasts a Ramadan message to Muslims of the world (Aug. 22, 2009)

President Obama publicly recognizes the Muslim Ramadan with a dinner at the White House (Sept. 1, 2009)

Hundreds of Muslims gather at the U.S. Capitol to bow toward Mecca (Sept. 25, 2009)

White House's first full-veiled Muslim woman adviser, Egyptian-born Dalia Mogahed, praised Shariah law as "gender justice" (Oct. 4, 2009, on London-based TV discussion program "Muslimah Dilemma," hosted by Ibtihal Bsis, a member of the extremist Hizb ut Tahrir party)

Again, the question is, what is a moderate Muslim, who believes the world will submit to Allah later, supposed to think when they see these unprecedented acts of acceptance of Islam right now, especially in a nation where 77 percent still identify themselves as Christian, 2 percent Jewish, etc., ... and only 0.6 percent Muslim? (Pew Religious Landscape Survey, 2008)

Understandably, the bipartisan actions of America's leaders showing tolerance and acceptance of Islam are exciting for Muslims, resulting in an increased enthusiasm for their faith.

As a result, many moderate Muslims are being persuaded that the world is submitting to Allah now rather than later.

Thus, the dilemma for the West is that the more it bends over backwards in unprecedented ways to show acceptance of Islam, the more moderate Muslims become enthused and gravitate to become fundamental Muslims.

They move from the moderate "LATER" peaceful camp into the fundamental "NOW" camp, which advocates Shariah law and justifies threats of violence and terrorism.

So in the world of paradoxical definitions, world peace means world Islam, and the more the West accepts Islam, the more it can expect threats of violence.

Now or later - are you ready for Islam's world peace?

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World Peace, Muslim Style
Posted : 12 Nov, 2009 02:29 PM

Fear not. All leaders have their appointed season, past, present and future leaders.

The Lord is coming for the faithful, those of us with oil in our lamps, His Bride, His Church.

What ever is the worst they can do? Kill us? Would that not be delivering us unto Our Master's Hands?

He is not Coming to War Against us, but to War Against our Enemies and save us from their persecution.

Be Glad thy Hearts for the Day of the Lord draws nigh, and soon all this shall come to pass away like chafe in the wind, and we will live under the Divine Rule of Our Blessed Lord and Savior, the Son of God, the only one Righteous for to Rule the Faithful, and we are the living stones in the Walls of His Church.

And Murder and Terror and Savagery will be no more.


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World Peace, Muslim Style
Posted : 15 Nov, 2009 09:51 PM

Happy, you should reconsider.Because you are getting kind of out there.

Islam does not serve the same God of Christians. If they did they would not seek to kill Christians and/or Jews. True, Islam is monotheistic meaning they believe there is one God. But not in the understanding that "God is one," in compound unity, as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In other words they do not believe in the true God.

They believe in a God of Judgment but not mercy. They only got it half right. They do not believe Jesus is the way. The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob sent Jesus as the only WAY.

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World Peace, Muslim Style
Posted : 17 Nov, 2009 03:48 AM

dear folks, here is what wikipedia says about the muslim belief..

Although Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet, they reject the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, comparing it to polytheism. In Islamic theology, Jesus was just a man and not the son of God;[30] God is described in a chapter (sura) of the Qur'an as "�God, the One and Only; God, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; And there is none like unto Him."[31]

my words here..

definitely a false teaching.. blasphamas even..

ole cattle

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World Peace, Muslim Style
Posted : 17 Nov, 2009 04:58 AM

The Hal Lindsey report had some really great material on just this subject this week. Well worth checking out on his website. He talked about how the islamic faith preaches peace, but demonstrates exactly the opposite throughout its entire history, having no tolerance for any that cannot be forced to convert to their faith.

They believe that the "believers of the book" (Christians and Jews) have corrupted the Bible, and changed it to reflect what they want it to say, making us infidels of the worst of their enemies.

They preach peace and practice war....sound familiar? Peace, Peace, but there will be no peace only wars and rumors of wars.

the more I learn of islam, the more their blood thirsty god reminds me of a serpent that once lurked in the garden. I have also heard that they blame women for the acts of Eve, believing she deceived and seduced Adam to consume the fruit of the tree of life, so feel justified in treating their women badly for the feel it is unjust that they suffer because of Eve, which is truly ridiculous. Both knowing participate in the act of defiance against God. Both were stained and because of it all mankind was affected by the stain of sin upon our nature.

My dear Sisters, we need to Thank God Every Day for being born in a nation where we were not indentured to serve under such oppression.

Hal Lindsey says that being "Politically Correct" will lead to our demise, and I think he is probably right.


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