Author Thread: Devotional Prayer

Devotional Prayer
Posted : 11 Jul, 2008 04:19 PM

I just want to share this with everyone. Read Ephesians 4:13-16

God Bless!

The whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love. Ephesians 4:16

Have you ever dislocated a joint or experienced debilitating pain when something in your back seemed to slip out of place? Aside from the immediate discomfort of the situation, you usually feel tingling in the affected limb and perhaps even some dizziness and muscle weakness. You definitely do not feel like doing your work or moving around much!

Why is it that nine out of every ten churches in this country do not impact even the single block of property their building occupies? The answer is that they are out of joint. They are out of the order of God; therefore, the power of God is missing from the homes and lives of their people, individually and corporately. We can never have God�s power unless we come into agreement with one another and into God�s order at home and at church.

Health professionals agree that dislocated joints must be put back in place to restore proper function and full strength to human bodies. The Great Physician is hard at work on the partially paralyzed church body. At times He gently manipulates a misplaced bone until it voluntarily slips back into place. In the worst cases, He must forcibly move a bone from dislocation to proper placement to the accompaniment of loud howls and cries of pain.

He will conform us to the image of His Son, even if it hurts. It is the only way to restore full function, strength, and communication (�nerve function�) to the disjointed body of Christ.

Examine your life. Is it in line with God�s order, or is there a painful misalignment somewhere? If something is out of line, yield to the gentle touch of the Holy Spirit and voluntarily slip back into place. Life is much more joyful and productive when everything is in its proper place.

Lord, I have put up with this �limp� for too long. The �ache in my shoulder� and the �catch in my back� have made me less than I am. Holy Spirit, show me where my life, my relationships, my home, or my ministry is out of order. Lord, help me to put things back in their proper place and order so I can serve You with all my strength. In Jesus� name I pray. Amen.


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Devotional Prayer
Posted : 11 Jul, 2008 05:45 PM

I just posted Ephesians 4 backing the "Faith.." topic.



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