Author Thread: why comes?

why comes?
Posted : 7 Jul, 2010 04:16 PM

Why come is back?

why come the last why come beat the record of 18 pages?

Will this thread beat 20 pages?

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why comes?
Posted : 10 Jul, 2010 11:08 AM

why come my loaf of bread turned out pretty awesome?

why come it's not my mom's but it tastes good!

why come i'm going to bake another loaf after that one is finished?

why come people who focus on negatives hate people?

why come I have not been to the beach in so long, and it's ALL around me?

why come i'll go when I go home God's willing:yay:

why come 10 more days!!!!

why come my world is peachy even though people owe me money and i'm broke?

why come his grace is sufficient for me and his joy is my strength in the most literal of terms?

why come Thank You Lord!!!!!!!!!!!:yay:

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why comes?
Posted : 10 Jul, 2010 02:25 PM

why come I say something like that, then write a post in praise of rejection?

why come i find what nyanda said subtly encouraging to me :)?

why come I have my moments?

why come those moments are all the time?

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why comes?
Posted : 10 Jul, 2010 02:41 PM

Why come I'm glad Brandon has joined us? Why come I'm so proud of him? In the last 7 months I've seen him grow by leaps and bounds. Why come I think he just needs to be patient with himself and his situation? Why come I think he will love college and meet lots of godly women at his school's CampusLife/Navigators chapter?

Why come Nyanda's yearning for home makes me yearn for my heavenly home? Ahh, streets of gold.

Why come I think that Auntie Lamb is decorating a room for her adorable nephew? Why come Auntie Lamb is acting like a grandma? Go for it girl!

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why comes?
Posted : 10 Jul, 2010 03:13 PM

why come buttering me up doesn't let your gender off the hook?

why come I kid?

why come I'm smiling?

why come I don't just say thank you very much really springrose?

why come I have a feeling what i'm about to say has been brought up before?

why come I wonder what ole cattle is up to?

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why comes?
Posted : 10 Jul, 2010 04:26 PM

why come wins again!!!!! :winksmile: *chuckling to myself*

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why comes?
Posted : 10 Jul, 2010 07:34 PM


Why come I am so excited about tomorrow? Oh yeah dunking time lol!

Why come I went to a christian singles summer party and was amazed? It was well awesome

Why come it felt so good to be able to hang out with men who were smart, funny, and God fearing?

Why come I finally found a large group of christian men and women (the ratio is pretty equal) that truly follow God's word? I went to the party feeling nervous I walked out with quite a few new brothers and sisters in Christ.

Why come there was both single mothers and fathers there that put me in awe? No looks of pity just welcome.

Why come I am so happy to finally not be alone? Thank you God! :prayingf:

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why comes?
Posted : 11 Jul, 2010 11:56 AM

Why come you single mothers should ignore a certain mans negative comments about being single mothers?

Why come you need to use the word of God to do battle with him?

Your brother in christ speaks on that issue in another post.

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why comes?
Posted : 11 Jul, 2010 02:41 PM

Why come it is awesome that Brandon is here!?

Why come Brandy's news is awesome!?

Why come Nyanda always has something(s) to share that is awesome?

Why come I want Nyanda to mail me some of her bread?

Why come I can't come up wtih a better word than awesome?

Why come you don't need to worry Dennis -- God is very close to single mothers and - at least the ones that have posted on that thread - I do not believe that have taken the negativity to heart. God's word is very very clear on how we are to look after and take care of orphans and widows --- and I always include single parents with that. Single fathers, single Grandparents, and single mothers.

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why comes?
Posted : 11 Jul, 2010 08:02 PM

Why come I packed everything I needed for my baptism except for one little thing which I found out afterwards? Thankfully no one could tell my clothing under my shirt was baptismal clean lol

Why come it was just such an amazing feeling? All the nervousness and fear came down to one thing. It wasn't about anyone else but me declaring my commitment to the Lord

Why come my daughter wanted to go swim in the baptismal waters? When she is ready she will take that submersion.

Why come I recently found out everything I feel is written all over my face? Hey I did say I couldn't lie and well I can't

Why come I don't mind it? At least I don't have to say what I am feeling it is already there to see.

Thank y'all for being blessings in my life nite nite

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why comes?
Posted : 11 Jul, 2010 08:45 PM


why come God's will is so perfect that I want to take a bath in it... just go swimming and float away in it...

why come being right sucks next God's perfect will!

why come anything other than that is utter frustration and turmoil :laugh:


why come if I ever dance like that in real life my peeps will disown me? seriously! they will! :ROFL::ROFL::ROFL:

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