Author Thread: Clinical dpression and online dating!

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Clinical dpression and online dating!
Posted : 31 Aug, 2008 10:19 AM

Not all depression is the same, from temporary to longivity. Some depressions are brought on by chemical imbalances such as low serotonin, car accidents, menopause and still others by loss of income, death of a child, husband wife, divorce, adultery, etc etc.

1.Should you tell your online interest of your depression? And how long that you have been experiencing it?

2. Do you think a special interest ( mate) will eliminate your depression?

3.Can a new mate bring you out of your depression if it was caused by a loss of a husband wife etc, etc?

4. Does depression leave you feeling conflicted about your christian beliefs.

5. Do you think some depressions are influnced by demonic spirits?

6. Should two people hook up if they both are clinically depressed?

Please exchange your views so that we can learn?

God bless you,,,, Bruce,,,( hedgedweller)


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Clinical dpression and online dating!
Posted : 13 May, 2009 07:38 PM

After divorce new relationships can be complex but they do not have to be. Children can create a problem with the relationship but I have found that if the two of you really like one another you both have to stand together. Two are better than one so to speak.

Yes alot of men do just want sex but this mainly out of Lust not what a Lady needs. I have learned thru reading that when you have sex outside of marriage there is a chemical released in the brain that makes you have doubts and mistrust. But if you wait until after marriage there is another chemicaly released that leaves you with respect and trust. This is Because that is what God intended.

A woman as well as a man should know in their hearts if the relationship is real and that feelings on both sides are Geniune.

God is not the author of confusion and depression so if you are having depression etc you should consider if this relationship is for real. Men and Women were made for each other and I believe that there is someone for each of us and if we do not get in a hurry and seek someone who has the same values in life as you do that a connection can be made.


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Clinical dpression and online dating!
Posted : 11 Sep, 2010 07:29 AM

Clinical depression is basically an illness that can be treated with the proper medication. It is an imbalance in the brain chemistry and may or may not be triggered by an event in a person's life.

However, some kinds of depression may be caused by an accident, hormonal changes, and yes- some sad or overwhelming tragedy that a person cannot normally handle. Some bouts of depression last from three months to a year and some go on chronically over many years.

The extent to which a depression needs medical attention comes when it already prevents the person to lead a normal life. This means it affects his work, his family, and his overall well-being. He cannot cope with it alone and so some medication must be prescribed to regulate and eventually cure the condition. The best thing here is to know that it can be cured, and with family support, totally eliminated.

Should a person reveal to another, at a dating site, thst he is suffering from depression? This may not be necessary if the communication is on the "acquaintance level" and there is no definite, established "bond" of friendship to earn a degree of trust.

When the acquaintance develops into a friendship and the person feels comfortable in telling about his depression, then it will be safe to tell another (friend) about it. There will be no fear of judging or rejection.

Is depression caused by demonic spirits? There are areas when the Christian is under "spiritual attack" but these are temporary and can be dealt with by prayer, fasting, and the Word of God. "Greater is He Who is in us than he who is in the world." Depression without any outside cause or valid reason is a probable spiritual attack.

Should two people who suffer from depression get together in a dating site? Dating sites offer venues for sharing experiences and there is opportunity to share how one can overcome depression. It can also be an encouragement for those undergoing the problem, and help them feel they are not alone and other people have the same predicament.

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Clinical dpression and online dating!
Posted : 2 Jan, 2012 05:10 PM

James,i understand what your going thru,i also deal with extreme pain and refuse to live on meds. I also lost my only child in 2009,broke out in sores that the docs said was nerves,gained a lot of weight.Deppression can destroy your body. I had to make a decision to live or die.I decided that I had to live and be a grandma to my 3 grands,teach them about God so I have had the gastric banding surgery,going to neuro dr to see about surgery,eating healthy,and going to be the best that I can be. I still have my bad days.God is my salvation and Im trying to watch the thiughts and words and keep it positive.I feed my spirit with the word.Its really amazing what the mind can do.I wouldnt want to have a relationship with a negative speaking person.Most people go thru hard times and we gave to except whatever we get and Know it will be ok and we will get stronger.

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