Author Thread: Salvation

Posted : 26 Dec, 2010 01:14 PM

While I�ve seen it elsewhere outside this site, it seems a lot of people here like to question other peoples salvation. There are a lot of phrases thrown around like �probably wasn�t really saved�, �true Christians�, �just because you go to church doesn�t mean you are a real Christian�, etc. I find that rather disturbing. When it comes down to it, I have to think that salvation is quite simple.

Lets say that you are able to get past being an atheist, that you can consider that there is a god or higher power. What god do you believe in? Can everyone here honestly say that they would still be a Christian if they were born in India or China or Saudi Arabia? How many of you would honestly listen to a Hindi or Muslim person who was trying to convert you? So what do you think if you were born into a muslim family in Saudi, that you would listen to a Christian missionary?

Ok, so you were born into the US, how much influence did your family play into your current views? How many of you are denomination X because that is what you always were and were brought up in? And even if you were brought up in that, how many take it on as their own?

So maybe you went to college. Were you able to get past that science classes that teach things that conflict with the biblical views of creation? How much of each side did you study? Or did you just decide to take it all on faith? Ok, then why not just take any other religious view on complete faith? Why not be a muslim just on faith? So how much can you prove of your views? Considering all the arguments out there, I think people can certainly have evidence of their positions, but proving them is another story.

Ok, so you have made it to a faith/reasoned position to your �denomination�. How strong are you? Are you a new Christian? Maybe one who hasn�t matured even though you�ve been saved for years? Have you been lucky enough to not have any situations that have made you question everything? Maybe life is easy for you and you have no stumbling blocks? Maybe faith is easy for you and you don�t question the things around you?

So where are you in the race. The new testament likens the Christian journey to a race. In that analogy, as the race starts, I am sure there are being who are going to finish the race so strong, everyone is going to be saying, �wow the race just started and they are already finished�. Then there will be the huge pack of people in the middle who are not real fast or real slow. But run a steady race and cross the finish line into heaven. But then there will be those people, who trying with all their might, will be huffing and wheezing, stumbling, and falling across the finish line right as the race timer hits zero, but they are still in. And yes there will be those people who flop down in the race course and don�t make it.

So where are any of us? Should any of us really presume to be one of those strong runners? Or even in the middle of the pack? How do you know as you judge someone else, that you really aren�t one of those people stumbling across the finish line at the last minute skidding into heaven as the doors shut?

One thing I have learned working on an ambulance is that we are all jacked up in one way or another. I think we all have our issues or hidden little secrets but yet we all like to act all righteous. My point is who are any of us to starting judging what is in someone else�s soul? And their standing with God. We all make mistakes and do stupid stuff and act like hypocrites at times. Yes, there are probably a lot of people out there who are really not Christians, and yes we are to judge fruits of ones labors, but I don�t want to be the one responsible for judging their soul. Instead of judging, shouldn�t we be extending grace and mercy and trying to encourage others, even or maybe especially when we have been offended?

Ok, I wrote this in a hurry so there are probably a lot of errors. So I�ll stop my rant and hop off my soapbox.

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Posted : 26 Dec, 2010 11:55 PM


No where that I know of are we called to judge anothers salvation. In fact I can make a pretty good case for not judging our own salvation.


We are called to judge doctrine. And we are called to judge our own sincerity.

Jesus said He did not come to judge. Paul said he didn't even judge himself.

People often get discernment and judgement confused.

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Posted : 27 Dec, 2010 10:32 AM

I agree, I've always wondered how people can be so sure that they are making it to heaven and then say that someone else isn't.


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Posted : 28 Dec, 2010 11:43 PM

The God I know is a Loving God.

"God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him." - 1 John 4:16

This God does everything but prostrate Himself to get us to do His Will and to get to Heaven. He Loves us so much that He gave His Own Son for our Salvation. He is not a petty God or a Legalistic God. He is a Father who Loves His Children very much.

I cannot see Him dooming anyone to Eternal Damnation because they did not have the opportunity to �hear� the Good News! Salvation is a �gift� from God. It is His Merciful Grace given to us Freely of His Own Will. The thief on the Cross next to Jesus was a recipient of this Grace.

�There by The Grace of God�go I�.

Salvation is a never ending process and �yes�I believe it can be lost. The Church pondered this question and discussed and debated it for many years��Just how does God�s Grace work on man and how does it lead to Sanctifying Grace?��which leads to Justification and Ultimately� Salvation. The conclusion the Church came to is there to be read by any that chooses to do so.

None of us is qualified or authorized to judge anyone. Only God can do that. Even pointing out errors in Doctrine could possibly be considered �judging�. I believe that primarily we are called to �know� our Faith and to be able to Defend it when necessary. Yes�when we see an error in a Brother�s thinking it behooves us to ask why that Brother thinks that way, but�and this is quite important�are we sure that we are not in error?

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