Author Thread: I am curious to hear from those still in The Military...

I am curious to hear from those still in The Military...
Posted : 28 Dec, 2010 09:41 PM

...about Don't Ask Don't Tell.

Do you feel that the repeal will effect Morale and Efficiency?

Especially those in Combat?


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I am curious to hear from those still in The Military...
Posted : 31 Dec, 2010 12:15 PM

I work in a signal unit and it's totally gay. So not much change. jk'ing.

Probably no more so than always hearing from the homophobes that overcompensate by talking about all the strippers they've gotten and how they treat women like garbage and all the disgusting things they do so that, God forbid, no one would think they are a homosexual. Alpha Chino in Tropic Thunder is all they remind me of though.

On my first deployment we had a gay we worked with and I didn't even realize it, but then it made sense when they said so. I really don't know what it would look like if it were more widespread or accepted or prevelant to be honest, and I don't think our leaders who voted for this do either. One chick I was friends with was talking about it and said there are a lot more than you think when her gay friend showed her this social network site they have online. She was really disturbed by it and who she saw, which is why she brought it up in the first place.

I guess people will either ask/not ask or tell/not tell regardless of don't ask don't tell and it's basically killing a do nothing policy. I find peoples own sex lives and sexuality uninteresting as it is, and this just adds to that I guess. I don't know. All I know is Jan 10th will be year #5. 1 more and I'm promoted to civilian!

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I am curious to hear from those still in The Military...
Posted : 3 Jan, 2011 03:10 AM

When I was serving�my policy was whatever you do on your own time is none of my (and the Army�s) business. As long as it does not affect Morale and Discipline in my unit�I could care less!

As for Blatant Homosexuality�the Image of a unit is being called into question and I doubt that very many �combat� units will want to be known as the �gay� unit.

The only gay men that I was aware of were in support outfits (cooks�supply) and did not affect my unit.

I question an administration that needed to have this done while in the middle of being engaged with two fronts of combat. The democrats did this solely as a political maneuver�to gain more support from the gay community.

We�ll just have to wait and see.

Brandon, thank you for replying!


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I am curious to hear from those still in The Military...
Posted : 4 Jan, 2011 02:56 PM

I agree that this is a do nothing policy and all things aside I feel like it's congress trying to make themselves look good after a series of failures and disappointments. There are more important things going on in the world than a discussion about a coworker bringing their partner to work functions and openly displaying pictures.

Now my unit is having a discussion about an EO complaint that does not permit soldiers living in the barracks to have a roommate of the opposite gender. :laugh:

But in my personal opinion as long as inappropriate pictures are not shown and it does not interfere with work why bother to care about it?

I let God be judge of that issue and I wonder if the rampant spread of STDs and other such health issues were a factor. Mind you I am quite aware of how promiscus people are these days.

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I am curious to hear from those still in The Military...
Posted : 12 Apr, 2011 06:03 AM

There are alot of gays in the military, or should i say "extra activities" behind closed doors in the military. I'm not just speaking about gay people. But also straight men. In my city the military men are like a cest pool of crazy. I have been exposed to a lot of not normal things from military guys. Makes me wonder what is actually going on over there. I've seen guys drink so much they pass out or becoming raging drunks. Alot of them drink from friday to sunday. Because it's the weekend, and they can't do drugs. The alcohol makes things so much worse, and they end up doing really dumb things.

Plus you got a bunch of single guys, stuck in a city they don't really know much about, and they have money. What else are they going to do on the weekends but get into trouble. Also if they had a prostitution crack down, I think alot of the army would find thier military guys introuble. Alot of military guys pay for sex. And I'm not talking about the young ones, I am saying alot of the old ones. The higher up ones. It's sad to say but I am speaking from experience.

Now on a good note, I have dated 3 very nice military men. They happened to be in the navy. All three worked on submarines.

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