Author Thread: Is it just me... the old "New Email Sparkle Syndrome"

Is it just me... the old "New Email Sparkle Syndrome"
Posted : 11 Nov, 2008 11:51 AM

I'm finding a common trait on this site and I'm sure both men and women are doing it.. but why does it seem to be a steady habit/pattern?

You are talking to someone and getting to know them, and suddenly they disappear with no reason, and won't reply to an email to see if they're okay and not hurt? Is this the dreaded looping syndrome I've coined as "New Email Sparkle Syndrome", where the person gets a new email and finds those butterflies and sparkles and forgets about the other 2-4 people they are getting to know on here?

Wish people would be more honest and state they either would like to focus on one person alone at a time instead of juggling a bunch of emails. If I had to guess I'd say the juggling is mostly with people who are fencesitters and know how to say the flowery words that charm instead of truth that seems to divide.

After a few experiences with this, I really have little interest in emailing any woman on this site anymore. Not that they are bad evil women... they just can't seem to pick one and work on it to see what develops. Yes, men do it too, perhaps even to a greater degree so please know I see both sides of the coin on this one.

Have a great day and God bless! :waving:

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Is it just me... the old "New Email Sparkle Syndrome"
Posted : 17 Nov, 2008 10:16 AM

Hello :)

To me it seems like the online dating thing is so totally different than the ideal. :p

The ideal is a church where there are many singles who love God and who are actively serving Him and growing in their relationships with Him and encouraging each other. They are friends who have fun going bowling, going to sing in the square and tell people about Jesus, going to the park together, and eventually as a man and woman from the singles group get to know each other, they pray and take the decision to pursue marriage. Isn't that cool? :) In my church, a wonderful couple met this way. :applause:

That's the ideal I think, but in the internet it is really difficult because people live far away and they do not get to see each other going to church and serving together and so no real bond develops. Do you see what I mean please?


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Is it just me... the old "New Email Sparkle Syndrome"
Posted : 18 Nov, 2008 08:07 AM

Hey Bro.,

I feel your pain. I have been on the internet for years and have made many friends, some life long. I have found that in many cases, women are as big a player as men are. Imagine if you will, a woman who just came out of a divorce and she is let's say, very attractive. She comes into this brave new world of internet personals only to find she gets more attention than she could imagine from all over the globe. It may possibly go to her head. Sometimes they will meet a nice guy and begin to develope a friendship and then a new e-mail comes from a guy who may live closer or be better looking or have a more prestigious career making more money and then poof....she is gone and you don't hear from her again. Then of course sometimes it could just be that she was not clicking as well as the guy thought she was. Unfortunately there is a lack of communication and plain lack of honesty. As for me I would prefer a woman tell me the truth as opposed to ignoring me. What happend to the commandment from Jesus to "Love one another JUST AS I loved you". ? We have to keep in mind that not everone who cliams to be Christian is a Christian and then sometimes it may be that they just don't know how to handle letting a guy down. If a woman cannot properly communicate her feelings to you would you really want her to begin with? Of course this applies to us all. But there is also one aspect of all this we must keep in mind. Jesus was very clear in His warnings in that in the last days the Love of Many will grow cold. This was "Agape" love He was talking about. The Christian love for God will wax cold and we are seeing it happen all around us.


In Christ,


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Is it just me... the old "New Email Sparkle Syndrome"
Posted : 18 Nov, 2008 08:49 AM

Elaina, it is wonderful to see someone so young actually "get it". God bless you dear sister.

Walter, what can I say other than Amen and Amen. Great post.

Love and grace to all,


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Is it just me... the old "New Email Sparkle Syndrome"
Posted : 23 Nov, 2008 10:47 PM

Mmmh, fencesitters spewing flowery words, I like that expression... yep! they know who they are... Anyway, don't take them to heart. People like wearing masks and online chatting seems to be a means for some. Until you look straight into one's eyes and pierce through their soul, all else comes to nought. People are bound to disappoint, I think it's just human nature. I really hope that people could keep the name of Christ out of their game because I think some people are here on this site with dark intentions. It's either that or they are experiencing some lapses in their memories, or maybe they are just afraid of what might be, or not...just know that sooner or later all that is done in the dark will be brought to light. As for me, I shall not be afraid to love my brothers and sisters, I have been so loved by my Father in heaven that I shall risk loving too... As christians, we should be building bridges wherever we can, not walls....So, do not despair, know that someone loves you very much and He will never leave you... God bless you +++

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Is it just me... the old "New Email Sparkle Syndrome"
Posted : 24 Nov, 2008 10:14 PM

man i totally agree, i cant stand when you emailing a girl a she is emailing you as well, and the you dont hear from her happend to me already four times and havent been on here but maybe 4 months.

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Is it just me... the old "New Email Sparkle Syndrome"
Posted : 2 Dec, 2008 08:54 AM

Those are great replies... thank you everyone!! I tried a few churches around here to find one that felt like home, but it only had one bible study a month which I felt was inadequate. There was no outreach ministry of any sort so I keep looking for a church where there is a lot of life, a lot of God's word, and a minimum of orthodox ritual and tradition conjured up by man.

As far as meeting a great woman there at church.. can't say I go to church precisely for that and don't have much time to go out and do things as others may be used to with their family in Christ. I just don't sign on this site much anymore because of this. When I first signed on this site I wanted to donate money, but after 1 or 2 people who were trying the nigerian overpayment scam and a handful of women who vanished into thin air which I though were sincere.. perhaps I should just buy a good pet. Most of the people at church are already married and the church I'm a member of doesn't have a singles part. It's odd, you see someone who looks 19 or 20 in church and they already are married and have a child.

Perhaps this site is meant for certain people only, because I still hear stories about how many men on this site are dogs in heat looking for intimacy just like all the other sites.. and I know there are women on this site just looking to walk in the flesh as well.

True that, I still have Jesus and He doesn't disappear into thin air unless He chooses to = D Thank you all for your input and God bless! My prayers go out to those of you who have experienced this phenomena where it brings weariness and possibly discouragement to the soul.

Have a great day and God bless you!!

~ a mere man :waving:

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Is it just me... the old "New Email Sparkle Syndrome"
Posted : 2 Nov, 2009 07:35 AM

very profound what you wrote. many people are 'afraid'

so they are still in the 'testing the waters' mode.

we girls have to ( as well as you guys) sort thru the 'trash' so to speak__however ___'love' is so very special and 'AMAZING' that we CAN not be discouraged..

SEEKERS find... whenever it is to be...finding 'love' should be the most important activity that we put as a # 1 priority.

Everything revolves around 'LOVE'.. it does NOT come

easy! ! but so much worth the pursuit.

Just remember 'EVERYONE' is looking for it. Some of us are

ready and some aren't.. some deserving and many NOT'.

we have to get ready to be 'worthy' of meaning someone worthy. the BIGGEST planned event that will give you the

joy' of a lifetime..

most important to remember, many people have never know what love is 'like' so they have to learn to be 'loving'. and learn how 'valuable' LOVE is.

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