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What happens when we die
Posted : 4 Jan, 2018 12:40 AM

OP - I'm sorry for your loss. I've lost both grandparents in the last few years and it doesn't seem to be a sadness which ever goes away nor heals. Losing family is much different than a relationship breakup. Not sure anyone can rightly say here that your grandfather is not watching over you - remaining hopeful and open might help you find some peace.

In regards to your question if not answered to your satisfaction yet;

While on the cross, Jesus spoke to the one repenting thief alongside him and said "On this day, you shall be with me in paradise." It indicates no long passage of time, or lag. No waiting.

In 2 Corinthians 5-:8, Paul states " We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord." (I just read the thread and saw this verse already mentioned.)

I've heard that verse interpreted and read a variety of ways including only "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord". The entire verse indicates willful submission towards Heaven. Internal doubt or being of a divided mind isn't the place I personally know God to loiter about but rather entirely not be present at.

May I present to you 1 Corinthians 13:7 regarding an "agape" kind of love which comes from Heaven. This kind of love.. Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

Believing and belief - the lifelong courses you never have the option to elect taking.


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Was Jesus a Christian?
Posted : 4 Jan, 2018 12:15 AM


Perspective is a subjective thing and while some consider Christianity a religion it is far more accurate to consider it a relationship if the person is on track - a relationship with the Son of God, Jesus Christ Himself.

A long time ago I heard a sermon which defined it better: Religion is man's attempt to find God, Christianity is God's attempt to find man (through His son, Jesus.)

That said, Christian does indeed mean "little Christ", follower of Christ, or disciple of Christ.

In short, the original question in the OP and trying to determine if Jesus was a Christian equates to being a misnomer. Jesus was God and IS God. Jesus himself said "those who see the son, see also the Father".



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Hypocrite Christians
Posted : 3 Jan, 2018 11:59 PM

OP - on the flip side, there are folks who go to church every Sunday and sin greatly the other 6 days of the week.

Some find a great deal of love within their church family and grow spiritually from it.

If you memorize enough scripture, you can take "church" out into the world and wherever you go!


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How should love in a marriage really work?
Posted : 20 Dec, 2017 03:25 AM

Melissa, great philosophical question!

It's never like you see on tv or in the movies - relationships can be work at times and people can be stubborn creatures of habit. If two people are committed and determined to make it work, it likely will.

Can't let the blame game take charge and become the head of the relationship, and it truly should be a personal competition to step up and admit fault first or lack of anyone's fault due to misunderstanding and apologize in sincerity, etc. Relationships aren't really textbook but when most forms of control enter the picture it generally doesn't go well or end well. The bible does specify roles for both men and women, but it's super old school and generally frowned upon by modern day professionals.

I heard a sermon a long time ago, can't remember by who. Might have been Charles Stanley Sr. The message was basically that if you're thinking about marriage and all the things you can get out of it, you shouldn't be seeking marriage. If you're thinking about marriage with all the love you want to give away freely to another, you have the right idea on marriage.

Or an even shorter version of all the rambling I just did - mutual submission to each other. Not talking about submitting to alcoholism, drug use, or any form of abuse with that either. "Yes, love." should be heard often from both who have joined to be together as one. I do understand that people have bad days, they can't all be winners. That's where you go beyond the extra mile for the person you claim to love. Jesus Himself did that for all of us.

God bless!


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Do you believe in 'love'? or have people grown too cold and self-centered to have true, loving emotions, for another?
Posted : 20 Dec, 2017 03:07 AM

Noticed this too - moral decay in people. Today, while truth has a bodyguard of lies, love has a bodyguard of control schemes.

I'm convinced today that many secular people believe that love is about what you can get out of a relationship rather than what you have to offer to another and it's certainly the self-seeking or self-centered coldness that was originally mentioned.

We're all picky, we have have certain looks we're attracted to. Back to the original point - if seeking love is about you, it's NOT love. If seeking love is about giving something to someone other than you, it could very well be love.

What I see mostly these days is a psychology barrier in place to keep people from accepting anything other than the specific programming they rec'd throughout life. While it can be a good mental martial art for both defense and offense, in the end it's still projection and control upon another or one's self and far from being original - the pharisee's were big on control too. Love doesn't control, it creates freedom the same way God allows free will in the world including the free will of those who don't serve Him. What I'm referencing in this paragraph is not the same as being in marriage and sanctifying your spouse for God's use. Jesus is the Savior, and if married your spouse is the one who helps set you up for God's use.

I'm just seeing way too much sloppy psychology projected around these days of which people use to selfishly control others. Psychology is still rooted upon Freudian thinking (rational thinking) rather than logic which is seen often throughout the New Testament.

Without God, life can easily teach people to only look out for numero uno and God's supposed to be #1 in your life if you want all of the blessings and the relationship like no other.

My apologies as this was mostly an early morning rant. Psychology can also be a useful tool to encourage others as well being that it's a socially accepted "language". I always just seem to see more harm than good with it as people are using it for personal/self gain.


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How do single men cope with the holiday blues?
Posted : 20 Dec, 2017 02:44 AM

Joy is something which can stay deep, and locked within. It's from knowing the Lord and talking to our Heavenly Father.

Maybe I'm just different, but I've always found the idea of being thankful one day a year on Thanksgiving more on the selfish side when we can be thankful every single day of the year.

Same with Christmas - why only give to others (your time, your ears, your heart, etc) one day out of the year when you can be selfless in many ways all year round.

I spent Thanksgiving alone, and I've opted to work Christmas Eve and Christmas day. While I like the alone time, I'm happy to be helping others rather than just sitting home alone.

Don't let roguish feelings in. Put on the whole armor of God each day and keep that inner joy safely radiating outwards with the fruits of the spirit.

God bless!


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Posted : 13 Nov, 2017 09:19 AM

Hoosier, you've said it.

Some never really get a choice or chance of their own to save it. I know someone who is 46 and she's still saving herself. Can only root her on in this day, age and culture where human sexuality is used to market and sell.

Whomever here reading this - if you still have your virginity, it's nothing to scoff at and no one who truly knows Jesus is looking down upon you.

If there is anyone here who never had a choice - pray to God for a mental renewal and mental refresh/cleansing such that you can choose who you give your holy temple to anew in the sacred bond of marriage.

You know I almost want to say being a virgin is something to be proud of, pride is just mostly associated with the adversary.

God bless.


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Fake profiles
Posted : 12 Jun, 2017 11:28 PM

GammaGM - lol!!! Thank you!


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How much $$$ do you need to get married?
Posted : 12 Jun, 2017 11:24 PM

Rambo - if you're friends with the pastor he might even do it for free. I've seen it happen - no lavish wedding or reception and the couple ends up pooling together with a good financial start in life for a family instead of struggling uphill for the next 20 years. So many couples today end up falling apart over either money or one other subject which I won't mention here.

1jon310 - Amen, brother. Fairy tales are exactly that - something to fantasize about or "get lost in" but in no way reflect reality in 99.94% of the world. Real relationships - there are going to be disagreements. There are going to be misunderstandings. Selflessness can turn into selfishness and then back again. If the adversary has got in and taken root, there will be an unclean spirit of control present (manipulation, etc.) Two unique upbringings and perspectives who may likely have to WORK to make things work at times. Relationships can be and often are work which will need to be maintained such that it may flourish. With the nature of the world today many find it easier to just quit and move on to the next person.

Leave the fairy tales to Disney. What is a fairy tale? Per the first few definitions on the web:

1. a children's story about magical and imaginary beings and lands

2. denoting something regarded as resembling a fairy story in being magical, idealized, or extremely happy

3. a fabricated story, especially one intended to deceive

Deceive - it's what the adversary of God does best. Some synonyms of "fairy tale" include: lie, white lie, fib, half-truth, untruth, falsehood, tall tale, story, fabrication.

My God is one of truth, not lies. Be extremely cautious about anyone who wants a "fairy tale" wedding and future. Being happy is ideal in a marriage or any other interpersonal relationship and the majority of that is about personal attitude. Having the right attitude in life will get you nearly everywhere you need to go without fairy tales, falsehoods, or fabrications.

Where do you get the right attitude? An eternal perspective is the right perspective. God helps anyone openly with that through His living word.

God bless!


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Fakes & Scams
Posted : 26 Mar, 2017 02:30 PM

Found a specific approach with people on the internet - they're not who they claim to be until you verify it one way or another.

If I receive an email offering an email address or phone number I see it as either an aggressive move, an assertive move, or a scammer trying to get contact outside the site. I'm not looking for aggressive or a scammer so the answer is to wait patiently and insist on keeping communication here until you've found enough verification to let a complete stranger further into your personal world. I've seen a handful throw anger tantrums when I don't want to give out my personal email address or call right away and that's not showing any signs of the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

If something is truly meant to be - God's perfect will... time isn't really an issue or factor in the equation. Take as much time as you need to verify a person is who they're portraying themself to be. Look for inconsistencies in their emails. I blocked a user who was without doubt a scammer, and the next day a new email came in with the exact same pictures. a different user name, and a different country of residence. It's funny but sad.

Time reveals most of the answers, don't let anyone rush you off to private conversation elsewhere.

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