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If you are christian you shouldn't claim someone is the antichrist
Posted : 8 Feb, 2020 02:40 PM

my personal opinion about the antichrist.....

in the bible, there are two times that the antichrist is mentioned. one time is in reference to a person, the other time is in reference to the spirit of the antichrist.

likewise, the name Emmanuel only appears twice in the old testament: once in reference to the Man, and once in reference to the Holy Spirit.

all of that to say this.....

logically speaking, if you truly worship a King of kings, a Lord of lords, and a Dictator of dictators; where in any TRUE Kingship, Lordship, or Dictatorship, where is there any voting for you to change rulers?

the whole idea of american's idea of voting, is in complete contrast to the worship of a King who is in control of raising and lowering world leaders, as stated in the book of daniel. so why does God allow the system of voting, when there are no votes against the rule of the Lord in heaven?

it is for the purpose of humanity to VOTE for who they want their antichrist to be.

now, the bible never describes how the sausage is being made, on the nuts and bolts behind the antichrist coming to power.... just that he is the one that will seize power, and that humanity will be in favor of him over following the invisible God of the 66 books of the bible.

all of this is demonstrated in the old testament of how the isrealites wanted a visible king (saul) over the invisable God they brought them out of the house of slavery.

now to name a specific someone as the antichrist, is claiming a special revelation from God. and there is a lot more nuance to the roll of a prophet, than can be explained easily over a forum.


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Posted : 8 Feb, 2020 02:25 PM

i don't ghost.

i live by the golden rule, both online, and offline.

ghosting is basically a sign of selfishness: you choose for for your own reasons, not to leave a conversation on good civil terms

where did Jesus treat people as disrespectfully as how ghosting treats people?

this question almost justifies NOT ACTING LIKE JESUS, as a possible norm in today's online culture....


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why do so many men refuse to post their photo
Posted : 8 Feb, 2020 02:22 PM

most guys, like most gals have not been able to keep up with the cultural norms of beauty, and therefore there is a lot more self conscience about one's looks.

way too many humans are programs by the culture to judge the book by it's cover, or dismiss soneone's heart for Jesus, based on their physical appearance.


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Joining Multiple dating sites
Posted : 8 Feb, 2020 02:19 PM

i am on many different dating sites, because the communication on just one is very very lacking.

in addition, i join less to find love, but to find friendship, and use the dialogue for the possibility to minister into another's person's life.

one of the major things that i am looking for, personally, just in general, throughout all the different sites, of a christian who is more biblical in orientation, rather than cultural in orientation. because most cultural christians, have their minds closed off to anything except what the culture warps about the gospel message - 2 coringhians 4:4


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the character of Christ, and online dating.
Posted : 22 Mar, 2017 09:33 AM

um... none of my questions were really answered.

question #1... can anyone provide passages in the bible why this behavior is CURRENTLY accepted as being"Christ-like"?

the basic response has been that no one can provide any answers from the bible, the standard of life coming from the Father Himself. instead, the response has been justification for a behavioral style that is not advocated in the bible: "women get more messages, therefore they have the privilege to disrespectful to men online." or, "nor everyone who claims to be a christian on here is not REALLY a christian... therefore holding anyone on here to the standard of 'being known by your love for one another' is a fool's errand."

its like selfishness has taken control of the responses from women on these sites, yet everyone wants to claim that selfishness is "Godly behavior", when in fact is it the idol of putting one's self above the standard that your GOD calls His followers to behave. what does the most basic form of love look like on a online dating site? ignoring people "just because" does not demonstrate love.....

yet no one can explain how church teaching has gotten SO MESSED UP that what the bible says is an improper way to behave, is ignored "just because women get more emails...."

question #2.... if the actions on the cross shows us that our God is a God of second, third, and forth chances (if not more depending on how many times a person is truly willing to repent), how is NOT giving a guy at least one or two chances, COPYING Jesus' example?

again... not answered. one of the guys who answered (in a ASK A GIRL section) tried to explain this with a hypothetical about a guy in prison, wanting a second chance....

the situation is like this..... guys try to get into girls pants online. girls get super defensive, therefore they treat EVERY GUY LIKE THE PLAYERS JUST TRYING TO GET SOME. this is why the justification for selfishness can look like it has some merit, from the female perspective, so long as THEOLOGICAL LOGIC is not applied. now the second, third, forth, etc chances that was discussed in question #2, was just concerning giving a guy another chance, when he has messed up..... that aspect cant apply here, when the women EVEN REFUSE TO GIVE THE FIRST CHANCE. because of how OTHER MEN treated them in the past.

if a guy doesn't type the "right" thing.... NO CHANCE FOR HIM.

if a guy doesn't have a good paying job.... NO CHANCE FOR HIM,

if a guy is not perfect in every way.... NO CHANCE FOR HIM.

i mean... all of this just demonstrates an idolatry that the women have that they trust in themselves more than trusting in God. THIS is where the forgiveness and additional chances really come in... because it is not the males that these woman have to give additional chances to.... IT IS GOD THAT THESE WOMEN HAVE TO FORGIVE AND GIVE ADDITIONAL CHANCES.

every time that a woman ignores, and acts selfishly.... she just demonstrates that she doesn't trust God, over her relationships.... that she trusts in her own understanding, (thus contradicting proverbs 3:5)...

where are the woman that DEMONSTRATE their trust in God, BY WAY OF their responding to messages sent?

question #3a and 3b.... at want point in this current bent culture, do you believe that it became standard practice to replace grace, mercy, and forgiveness toward another sibling in God's kingdom; with ignoring and blocking AS FIRST RESORT? and how does jumping to the conclusion that would result in a ignoring and blocking represent anyone AS emotionally mature for a relationship?

again... no answer.

there is lots of talk in the justification of this selfish idolatry behavior

interesting how the bible never brought up into this conversation... is that because if you truly devote yourself to the holy scripture, then you are either going to have to choose how the world does things (thus the current example of justification for current actions), or be challenged in your faith, and choose to do things how God says they are supposed to be done, even if the world would call you foolish for doing it that way.


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the character of Christ, and online dating.
Posted : 10 Mar, 2017 08:04 AM

here is the set up before the question.....

i am on several online dating sites, and the social scientist prophet in me continues to see a recurring pattern.... a pattern that does not point to the character of the Christ.

there are SO MANY God fearing men seeking a Godly woman, yet when they (i) put their trust in Jesus, and send a message..... and in replay, these sons of God, get ignored, and or blocked so that they can never send another message....

so.... social science question #1... can anyone provide passages in the bible why this behavior is CURRENTLY accepted as being"Christ-like"?

social science question #2.... if the actions on the cross shows us that our God is a God of second, third, and forth chances (if not more depending on how many times a person is truly willing to repent), how is NOT giving a guy at least one or two chances, COPYING Jesus' example?

social science question #3a and 3b.... at want point in this current bent culture, do you believe that it became standard practice to replace grace, mercy, and forgiveness toward another sibling in God's kingdom; with ignoring and blocking AS FIRST RESORT? and how does jumping to the conclusion that would result in a ignoring and blocking represent anyone AS emotionally mature for a relationship?