missionarySWISS is Single in Cookeville, Tennessee


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Male | 46
United States
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missionarySWISS is Single in Cookeville, Tennessee, 1 missionarySWISS is Single in Cookeville, Tennessee, 2
Eye Color
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Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Church Attendance
Once or Twice a month
Church Raised In
No answer
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
traveling missionary
theology, face to face conversations, art, crafting, farming and most importantly music
About Me

I find that every once in a while, I have to rewrite my profile. just for my own peace of mind. and maybe some real talk, even though real talk is shyd away from, now a days.

I read a lot of profiles, and a common theme is that most claim to know what they are looking for, and not willing to compromise on what they are looking for. and then it's totally ambiguous after that. but then I read elsewhere about all of the physical attributes that are turn on. and it is really hard not to put "these are the attributes that excite me" and, "I know what I want and will not compromise" together.

when I was younger, I made lists on what to try to find in a woman. long lists. eventually, as I lived life, I learned what on the list is important, and what is not.

now.... there are things that I will compromise on, and some things I won't. and frankly, what I won't compromise on is shorter than what I will compromise on.

what I won't compromise on is: a hunger to learn from the scripture, a boldness matched with humility (arrogance [boldness without humility] is a turn off); God has given me one of two callings, so a mate that fits with one of these two callings cannot be compromised. that's about it.

now, there are a whole list of things that can excite me about a woman... but these get put on the chopping block of compromise. some of these are: age, height, weight, eye color, hair color, hair style, tattoos, piercings, skin shade, etc.

are there any women out there that can display meekness, intelligence, and a shared calling? if so, a lot of other things could be discussed.

one of the things that I wrestle with, is that since I may have to compromise on my woman, I may have to compromise on my longing to be a daddy. don't get me wrong, I'll love on any woman's child. Jesus had Him a step daddy. but I wonder about having one of my own.

as for the callings, I have two. a stationary, and a traveling one. and both of these callings are independent of the church industrial system, (better as paraministries). one calling is as a missionary. the pattern of lifestyle that this calling provides doesn't leave many decisions to thinking about a family. with this lifestyle, it directs most of the decision making into streamlined decision making skills, which typically does not promote a family supported lifestyle. I say, not typically, because there are always exceptions to the rule.

my second calling is designed for married life. it is a calling to start a community urban homestead.

neither one of these callings scream prosperity, so if your version of christanity and relationships do not include "in wealth or in poverty". then you and I have a completely different view of what the gospel is.

I'm sorry to report, that too many women only want a man where there is wealth (in some way, shape, or form) is included... but loving someone who I poor? just out of the question.

there is a lot that I am willing to compromise on, as a sign of my faith in God to provide more than the longing of my flesh.

who is willing to compromise, even in just sending a response.
First Date
frankly, dating feels more like a job interview, now a days.... and this is all part of the process.

generally anything online I take with a salt shaker full of salt. I can like the idea that someone presents online, but it is not until some body language can be exchanged.

I attempt to be an extrovert, by hanging out in a public space (currently writing this using the free WiFi at taco Bell) as often as I can be, so finding me for a face to face shouldn't be that hard to do

after we meet face to face, let's discuss wat a date would look like for us.
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Age between 24 to 45.
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