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Posted : 30 Jul, 2009 11:05 PM

every year is the year for the Cubs.....whether its this year or another 100 years.....even if they never win again, they will still be the most popular baseball team in not just the nation, but in the world......thanks to good ole' WGN!


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Becoming Bitter
Posted : 30 Jul, 2009 10:20 PM

man ur not the only 20 years old, never had a girlfriend, and the only 2 dates (1 of which i shouldnt really even count haha) i had were within the past 9 months. Was I bitter? of course I was, for a longgggg time. I seriously wanted to believe God was playing some sick joke with my life but lately im really starting to realize that I gotta take the things that conflict and irritate me and turn it into a positive. Our lives are not our own, we are created for God's own pleasure. And as believers we can all agree that we believe God has a plan for our lives, whether we like it at this point in time or not, when it comes right down to it, Him and His will for our lives is what our greatest delight should be in. So if it seems hard going through all this junk, why wouldnt we wanna give God more of us to show that we are desperate for Him in our lives? He knows what we desire, what we treasure, what we would love to have, and He doesnt look past that. But you gotta understand as well that His way benefits us (as individuals) the most. What u and I are going through may be exactly what He wants to bring praise to Him so then we can have the fulfillment of knowing that we put the our best effort in something that was difficult. Does that mean He will give us a wife? THe bible says that a man that asks for wife asks of a good thing from the its gonna happen if you ask with a joyful heart, one that isnt divided by the distraction of lonliness the enemy uses against us, one that understands the bigger picture of it all.....i hope this helped


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Christian Online Etiquette
Posted : 30 Jul, 2009 09:59 PM

good word bro.....good word. I do think that the fact this is by title a "dating website" that we (not tryin to generalize) use it as it is.....we pick and choose the people we wanna talk too instead of just being true to our word when we put in our profile that we wanna "talk to whoever"......but lets be honest at the same time, how many people on here only signed up because they're desperate for someone inparticular and could careless about those who message them that they dont necessarily wanna talk too? I know this is a hard statement, but im sure some of us can agree with not judging, I'll admit I have done it to one person on here and if by chance they are reading this i just wanna say sorry.....this site isnt a bad idea, some of us have difficulty with dating out in the 'real world' or some other situation why we turned here.......but lets just try and be what our God wants us to be first before we completely blow them off......this is a site about finding God-centered relationships right? Then lets do the God part first before we go into our own agendas on here.

Ive only been on here for less than a week and I can say im learning alot from these forum posts and my own experience with what the site offers......i hope we can all do the same.


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As a christian what kind of music should we stay away from?
Posted : 30 Jul, 2009 09:25 PM

this is one of my favorite subjects to discuss cuz I probably have been at every end of what be considered good, bad, or okay. Growing up (im not from a Christian family) i listened to what my parents listened too....what i referred to as 'the good stuff' (classic 70's, 80's, and early 90's rock) lol. To list a few bands my favorites were AC/DC, Def Leppard, Aerosmith, Foreigner, Boston, Journey....u get my drift. As I got older I wanted to learn this good music i loved so much so i picked up the guitar at the tender age of 13 and started to play (keep in mind i didnt give my life to Christ for real until i was 16....i believed in God as a kid, but not enough to live for Him). For the next few years, I saw music as an escape from my slightly troubled life. I had a lot of insecurities about myself and so whenever I would get home from school, I would drop my books, pop in a cd like 'Back in Black', crank that amp up and play for hours......this may have masked the pain, but the worst has yet to come for me, i didnt know it then.

By the time I gave my life to Christ, one of the first things I knew needed to go was my music. I just knew I had to do me, as a young believer, it just didnt make sense to have things that didnt directly glorify God so i threw all my cd's away and started listening to CCM (Chris Tomlin, Casting Crowns, etc). I started to get into worship teams at this time as well which was the point where God started to really use my passion for music into something positive (those who seen me play are astounded at my passion when I i get REALLY into it....not to brag of course). During these years I was under the impression that Christian music was the only thing to listen too.....but only certain types. No metal, no craziness like that. However, I went to a church that had people from all walks of life (im from Chicago) and ALOT of my friends were aspiring christian rap artists, or christian metal artists.....this really challenged my views.

After graduating high school then moving out to Fla (which is where I have been the last 2 years) I've taken on a different mindset. I've found some good christian rock bands (someone mentioned here Skillet and Seventh Day Slumber....i also think Hillsong United has got some poppy rock style to it thats neat) that I listen to all the time and I again appreciate the music i loved in the past but Im not goin out and buying the cds again.

You see, I think what we gotta understand is that we have to understand that God isnt keeping us from doing certain things or in this case from listening to certain things. He wants us to understand that by using His word and discernment in spirit, we must make the decision that are most beneficial to our relationships with Him. Ive always been told if u can stand before God and say "Lord i am ok with doing this.....i have wisdom in that I know what is right and what Im able to handle without falling into sin" then ur ok i guess. We gotta gauge whats we believe God thinks is right for us.....and some of us may have different views, whether its music, dating, drinking alcohol, or w/e.......the condition of ur heart is most important so basically make the right decision that u believe God sees fit for your relationship with Him.


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The Rules for Christian Dating?
Posted : 30 Jul, 2009 08:34 PM

theres plenty of little 'rules' I guess as Christians we have made so that we can be blameless in the activities that we do or in this case how we carry about relationships. All of the above that was said are great.....I agree completely. However, we all gotta understand that this life we live isn't based upon the rules but upon the condtion of our hearts. Yes theres a fine line with what is sin and what isn't sin, but I hope to believe that we as followers of Christ can understand that its much more than "oh what can I get away with so that I wont feel guilty of sin." One of my favorite verses says "all things are lawful for me, but not all things are expedient. all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not." - 1 Corinthians 10:23. Basically look at your heart, your underlining intention......yes the Bible clearly states what is right and what is wrong, which helps in guiding our hearts into the right direction. But for the things the Bible doesnt complete allude too, just use some good ole' holy spirit common sense......and this can go for anything that seems to fall into those "gray areas" of the Christian life.....