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Sabbath 11/7/15 Daytona SDB church Pastor Wray sermon �When There is Something Wrong�
Posted : 7 Nov, 2015 09:33 AM

Sabbath 11/7/15 Daytona SDB church Pastor Wray sermon �When There is Something Wrong� II Timothy 3:1-5

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Despite the protection built around us, the enemy can come in and destroy us when we are complacent and unaware.

1) There is Something Wrong when you fail to remember the blessings of God:

Psalms says to forget NOT all the benefits of the Lord. Praise God continually because of all He has given. Praise God for Life! Thank God for family, church and salvation. Don�t take God�s blessings for granted. Give thanks for everything that God gives us. We need to appreciate the sweetness of the blessings we now have without trying to get more.

2) There is Something Wrong when you are serving God because of duty and not Love:

Col 1:10 says work worthy of the Lord and be fruitful in good works. When you do something just for duty, you do the bare minimum. You do just enough to get by. An act of love is doing as much as needed and seeking to do more. Seeking to help more because you are serving God in love. When church folk miss church services, this shows that something is wrong. The lack of prayer also shows that something is wrong. We need to not have a busy life that ticks tocks and not be fruitful for helping others.

3) There is Something Wrong when you start living without asking for God�s will in your life:

ALWAYS ask God what He wants you to do. We should want more than ever to please God. We should want God�s direction, not our direction for our lives. We are to please God and not ourselves. It�s God�s will for our lives that should come first. We know who God is and He knows who we are, so ask His will for our lives. When God calls us, we need to respond with immediate action to God�s will and direction for our lives. Make Jesus FIRST in our lives and share the gospel. Don�t turn a deaf ear to the call of God. Make God FIRST in whatever He wants us to do.

In all of our circumstances, turn it over to Jesus and let Him handle it! We are to be a Saved, Fanatical, Sold Out Christian! Surrender Fully to Jesus!



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Sabbath 10/31/15 Daytona Seventh Day Baptist Pastor Wray sermon �Shepherds�
Posted : 31 Oct, 2015 10:12 AM

Sabbath 10/31/15 Daytona Seventh Day Baptist Pastor Wray sermon �Shepherds� Ephesians 4:11-13

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Throughout the Bible, there are examples of the ideal that people are like sheep and they need a shepherd. Scripture says that pastors or shepherds are given to the church as a gift. Scripture defines the duties of shepherds are to feed the flock, strengthen the flock and heal the diseased and sick sheep. The shepherd is to seek the lost sheep. The sheep under the care of the shepherd must eat what he feeds them and heed the warnings of the shepherd. There are two musts for the sheep. The first is that they must know the voice of the shepherd and the second is that they must follow the directions of the shepherd.

The shepherd is ordered by God. God sent Moses to lead the children of Israel. God send Nehemiah to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. When God wanted people to have a golden era, He sent David. When He wanted a statement prophet, He sent Isaiah. When God wanted a church planter, He used a servant leader named Paul. Whenever God had a need for his sheep to be led, He picked a servant leader.

Leaders are made through God�s calling, commission and indwelling power of the Holy Ghost. God makes the leader and it is God who does the calling. If they have a gift at birth, it is of God. Some people may take what was divinely given then and use it for their own purpose. Men like Caesar, Napoleon and Hitler had the gift of leadership but were bad men. We should thank God that He is the giver of the leadership gift and not man. God chooses the person He calls.

� Joseph

Joseph was a called leader of God and he was almost killed by his brothers. Joseph remained faithful to God and to the dream God had given him. When all the troubles he went thru came, he held onto God and the dream of his future God gave him. He didn�t let the difficulties he had change his dream. A dream will give you a target to hit and a path to follow.

� Caleb

Caleb was one of the twelve spies sent to search out the land of Canaan. Ten spies said the land could not be conquered, but two believed God and said they could take the land. These two believed God. The difference had to do with where the spies put their faith. The ten spies looked at their own ability. Caleb had faith in the power of God. Caleb knew that God was bigger than their problem. He magnified God and believed in God�s word. He believed that God could and would keep his word that He would help them conquer the land. Caleb believed and acted on God�s word.

� Barnabus

Barnabus was a Levite who sold his land and gave the money to the apostles for the church. Barnabus means encouragement and counsel. To encourage someone is to comfort and challenge them with the Word of God. Christians are called to encourage one another. Barnabus encouraged throughout the book of Acts. He was a great encourager. At times, we all need encouragement when we are tired and weary. Often our gifts can be an encouragement to others. God�s gifts we receive can be an encouragement to us. The things that some of us have in storage units are a sign that God has blessed us enormously and this is an encouragement. There are many around us who are distressed, sick, shut-in, divorced and homeless. We should all encourage them. The workers that help the lost and homeless need encouragement just like the deacons and ministers in the church need encouragement too.

� Jabez

I Chron. 4:9-10 Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. He prayed to God and asked that God would bless him, enlarge his coasts and keep him from evil. He asked for God�s goodness and favor. He asked God to bless him with an intimate understanding of God�s name. Jabez wanted a closer walk with God so that he could make a greater impact on the world for God. This is why Jabez asked God to enlarge his territory. Jabez�s prayer and faith in God got him mentioned in the chronicles of Judah.

We should all want to be witnesses of Christ. We should ask God to enlarge our influences and make them be for God. Ask God to use us to have a greater ministry so we can witness for the Lord. We all need the Lord and we must know that we cannot do it alone. We must all walk in the Spirit and pray more that He will keep us from evil. We need to walk with God in all things so that when trouble comes, we will be protected and at Peace. Jesus asked for God to deliver us from evil. Jabez�s prayer said the same thing when he asked God to keep him from evil. We need God to do the same thing for us, that God will keep us from evil.



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Sabbath Oct 17, 2015 Daytona SDB church Pastor Wray sermon �Create a Compelling Future�
Posted : 17 Oct, 2015 11:37 AM

Sabbath Oct 17, 2015 Daytona SDB church Pastor Wray sermon �Create a Compelling Future� I Peter 1:13-17

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The best way to predict the future is to create it. The future that we create is by what we do and who we become. Don�t be always �down in the mouth�, complaining and being miserable all the time. We sometimes feel like we are not getting anywhere. But we must trust in the Lord to see us through. We need to read Psalm 34:4. Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Sit down and give some serious thought to what you want in your relationship with God and family. What you want in your financial situation, career situation and the Lord will show you that all things in life that we really want is in our control. How close we are to God is in our control. How we treat others is in our control as well. We can control some aspects of our health by what we eat and how much we exercise. The money part- we can�t control how much money we get but we can control how we spend what we get. This is the same for everyone.

We need to realize that our future does not arrive without warning. Our future will be exactly what we created it to be. What a man sows is what he will reap. The text says our harvest is our future. The seeds that we sow today determine our future. How do we create a compelling future?

Things to Do For Our Future

1) Think it Through:

Do not go day to day with no plans for the future! Think it through before we do any ideas we may have.

�What were they thinking� is a phrase used when people make decisions without thinking it through. Quaker Oats didn�t think it through when they bought the Snapple beverage company. They found out it needed to be refrigerated and Quaker did not own any refrigeration trucks. They ended up selling Snapple for 20% of the price they paid for it. Many have made decisions without taking time to think it through. Later we think back and wonder what we were thinking about when we spent money that we shouldn�t have. Many things like this happen to all of us. In verse 13, Peter tells us to think clearly and to exercise self-control. Be sober minded. Before we follow through, think it through. Think about the big picture and what God has promised to accomplish thru you. Think about what you will be. Think about how God who began a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. He will complete it. Before you follow thru, think it through. Learn to carry out an idea to its natural conclusion. If you plant a certain seed, what harvest will it bring? Before you sow a certain seed, think it through.

2) Raise the Bar:

Don�t settle for mediocrity. We need to set a standard for the least of what we will accept for ourselves. Set our bar higher than just saying we are a good person because we don�t kill people. We need to set a new standard as obedient children. Verse 14 says don�t fashion yourselves as we used to do as sinners. Strive to be holy and obedient to the Lord God. Create a new minimum that we will accept from ourselves. Peter is saying raise the bar and stop living like you lived in the past. Live obedient to God�s word. Verse 16. Be Holy because God and Jesus are Holy. If you want a good future, hold yourself to a higher standard.

3) Act On It:

When we get concepts in our head, act on it. Having good intentions is not enough. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. We need to do as Peter said in verse 17. Remember that God will judge or reward us according to what we do. We need to have faith. Faith is a doing thing. Faith is not a feeling but it�s something that you do. Faith leads to action! Faith without works is dead! James 2:26. As believers, we are saved by grace thru faith and not by works. Eph 2: 8-10. We are to do good works because God saved us for this. We are not saved by good works but we are saved for good works. The quality of our life is not measured by our good intentions. It is measured by what we do. Peter says to prepare our minds for action!

Obedience is what you do, not what you don�t do. Obedience to God will create a compelling future for us. The center of our focus should be on the good things that we do. Set the bar to live as God�s obedient child. This means we will read the word daily, give to God�s work, do our job even when the boss is not around. We will be judged and rewarded on what we do. The best way to predict our future is to create it. The harvest we reap will be the result of what we have sown. Act on your best intentions. Think it through first then raise the bar, then act on it and follow thru. Take action on your best intentions. We can thrive in this life and become more and more like Jesus. We can become excited by the future. God will never leave us!



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Sabbath 9/5/15 Daytona SDB Church Pastor Wray sermon �The Danger of Drifting� part 1
Posted : 6 Sep, 2015 10:20 AM

Sabbath 9/5/15 Daytona SDB Church Pastor Wray

sermon �The Danger of Drifting� part 1 Revelations 2:1-5

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Many people go to the beach, get on the plastic inflatable rafts and float on the water. They just float, float on their inflatable rafts. There once was a woman who was floating on her raft and she was relaxing. She got so relaxed that she didn�t notice that she was drifting out to the ocean. Her situation of relaxing and not being aware of her surroundings, got her into a very dangerous situation. Fortunately for her, the lifeguards were able to save her.

My question is, how many of us are just coasting along in our spiritual lives. Hebrews 2:1 says we must be careful and pay attention to the Word of God. We don�t want to �drift away� in our walk with Jesus Christ. Another question: Has there ever been a time when you were closer to Jesus then you are right now? Was there ever a time when you were more committed to Christ? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are in the process of drifting. The question is, why do people drift? Some of the reasons I�m going to tell you, all start with the letter �D�.

1) D = Depth: In Matthew 13:5-7, 20-21 it says that those who settle for a shallow relationship with Jesus, will never have the depth to make it through the trials of life. The Church today has �mud puddle� depth. The lack of spiritual depth will lead to a life of �spiritual shallowness�. You will become weak and spiritually die if you don�t nourish your spiritual walk with the Word of God. We must not choose the easy path but stick with Christ. Gal. 4:8-11. We must hold strong to our relationship with Jesus Christ when we go through trials.

2) D = Deception: Deception happens when people start to follow a doctrine that is not of God. Gal. 1:6-9. We must always search the scriptures to match our own beliefs with the scriptures. We must match our beliefs with the Word of God.

3) D = Division: There will ALWAYS be people who seek to divide the people around them. Always! We must decide to stand up for God no matter what the people around us are doing. God wants us to NOT tolerate wickedness but to endure hardships for His name.

We must not drift from God and our relationship with Jesus Christ. We must remind ourselves to turn our eyes on Jesus. When we look to Jesus, the things of this world will grow dim compared to the Glory and Power of Jesus. We all need to stay alert and mindful of our duties. We must keep our mind and eyes on the Lord.



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Sabbath 8/29/15 Daytona Beach SDB church Minister Tom sermon �We Have Met the Enemy�
Posted : 29 Aug, 2015 10:03 AM

Sabbath 8/29/15 Daytona Beach SDB church Minister Tom sermon �We Have Met the Enemy� Romans 12:2

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�Be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, acceptable and perfect will of God�.

Scripture says for us to put on the whole armor of God to fight the devil. We are soldiers of Christ and need to put on our armor. There is evil worldwide and terrorism is everywhere. Mass killings of people happen on college campuses and in shopping mall weekly. There is also evil sexual immorality everywhere. We must put on our armor to fight this evil.

The reality is that few of us will ever deal directly with the kind of evil that comes from Satan directly. We probably will not ever say �we have met the enemy and they are ours�. Many of us have more of a �spiritual defeat� instead. We should not be conformed to this world but have a new mind in Christ Jesus. We must not conform to the ways of this world.

1) Why is it easy to conform to the world?

The Christian church used to be prosecuted and killed for being Christians. Daily persecutions are a good reason for why it is easier to conform to the world. Jesus said the world hates Him and so it will hate us too. We are not of the world so the world will hate us. It is easier to conform to the world because the ways of the world bring wealth and success through ways that are NOT God-like. Remember the Bible says the world will pass away.

2) What�s wrong with conforming to the world?

Being conformed to the world separates us from God. We are called to be the salt and the light of the world. How can we be salt and light if we are conformed to the ways of the world? When this happens we have stopped being useful to our Father God.

3) What does it mean to be transformed?

The transformation is the renewing of our mind. We do this by reading and studying the Word of God. We also renew our minds by praying to the Lord. There is mental work when renewing your mind and comparing the ways of the world to the Will of God. A renewed mind is recognizing that the world�s ways may look good but are not good at all. Being transformed is being the light of the world and being different. It is daring to do it God�s way and NOT the world�s way! We should be able to say that we want to live above this world and have God plant our feet on higher ground.



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Sabbath 8/22/15 Daytona SDB Church Pastor Wray sermon �Why Glory is Due Christ�
Posted : 22 Aug, 2015 09:31 AM

Sabbath 8/22/15 Daytona SDB Church Pastor Wray sermon �Why Glory is Due Christ� John 1:1-27

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These scriptures introduce us to Jesus Christ and tell us why glory is due to Christ.

G- L- O- R- Y

G = Giving (Titus 2:14) Christ gave himself for us to save us from our sins and give us eternal life. Christ gave himself for us. Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sin. He was an innocent one who died for the guilty-Us. We still need the grace of God today. Christ needs to be glorified in our lives. We must accept Him as Lord and share Christ with others.

L = Love (Gal. 2:20) We have been crucified with Christ and He lives in us. We live by Faith in the Son of God. Christ�s great love brought faith, love and hope to the fallen mankind. We are to love the lonely, sick, poor and bereaved. We are to have love like Christ had love. Love your neighbor as yourself.

O = Obey (Phil. 2:8) Jesus humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death. He was obedient to God. Jesus obeyed God rather than man. We should do the same thing � obey God and seek His will. Obedience leads to righteousness. We should want to do what God wants us to do!

R = Rely (John 8:28) Jesus said He only did what God told him and taught him to do. God�s word ought to be our word. Jesus didn�t rely on his power. He depended and relied on God�s power. We need to rely on God�s power and not on our own. �Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to thy own understanding. But in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path�.

Y = Yield (Matt. 2:39) Jesus said not his will but God�s will be done. Yielding is letting God be in the driver�s seat of our lives. Yield, not to our will, but to God�s will be done. Jesus chose his father�s will instead of his own human desire. Jesus died to bring the fallen mankind, life and joy. Yield your body as righteousness to God.

Let your lives reflect the glory of Christ so others can see him reflected in your lives. In our daily walks in life, may our lives reflect Jesus Christ. Let others not see us but see the Lord Jesus Christ.



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Sabbath 8/15/15 Daytona SDB Church Pastor Wray sermon �Anchors That Hold�
Posted : 15 Aug, 2015 11:16 AM

Sabbath 8/15/15 Daytona SDB Church Pastor Wray sermon �Anchors That Hold� Acts 27:29

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All of us face storms in our lives. We can find security in God�s scriptures. How we handle the storms will determine how you live the rest of your Christian life. We must not allow the storms of live to move in and take over our happiness. We must not let defeat be on us with no happiness. There are anchors that Paul explains to us, that will keep our Christian life stable.

1) Vs. 24 Don�t Fear:

God will be with us in the midst of the storm. The anchor of no fear is built on the power of God. He is omnipotent and everything depends on God. God is self-existing. He is not dependent on us but we are dependent on Him. God is everywhere and He is the God of the universe.

2) Vs. 23 Understand Our Position in God:

God owns us and He will take care of us. We are the sons and daughters of God because we believe in God�s name. When we need assistance, God will take care of us because we are his children.

3) Exodus 21:6 We Must Be Servants of God:

We are to serve God forever. He is our Master and He has rule over us. We belong to Jesus and need not to be ashamed! We are to serve and be servants of God. Don�t have the �me only� attitude.

4) Vs. 24 God Supplies All:

We are not to fear when doing God�s purpose because ALL safety and ALL supply comes from God. As long as we do the will of God, we will be safe and protected.

5) Gal. 6:17 His Plan for Us:

We must follow God�s plan for our lives. It may not always be nice but God has THE plan, the ONLY plan that will work for us. We must fulfill the plan of God for our lives. Paul is saying that there will be hard times when we are doing the plan of God. God did not promise the waters would always be smooth but He did say we would make it to the other side.

6) Heb. 11:1 Faith:

The anchor of faith is what is needed. We should have faith and believe that God will do and can do what He said he would do. The Word of God will be of little benefit if we don�t have faith. Hold onto the anchor of faith in God. Hold on and do things God�s way. Give our all to God! God delivered us before and will deliver us again! Keep hold of the anchor of faith.

7) Vs. 31, Matt. 16:18 Abide in The Ship:

We are to abide in the ship and don�t jump overboard. The ship is the Church. Stay in church. Stay in your local church. Jesus said the church is the vehicle that we use to take the gospel to the world. Salvation is not the trusting in the church. Salvation is the trusting in Christ. Don�t break off from the local New Testament Church. The Ship-the Church has great importance in the community. Some people use the blessings God gave them to stop them from going to church. Some people get themselves into so much debt that they cannot or will not give to the church. People always make sure they get to work on time, so they need to do the same for Church.

8) Vs. 34 Read the Word of God:

Don�t be �fasting� in the reading of the Word of God. The Word is �meat� for our spiritual health. A steady diet of the Word will keep us safe from falling by the wayside. �The meat� of the Word will bring us to shore = Vs. 44. It will make us land safely land on the shore of the other side. We will come out successful no matter what kind of waters we are going through. We must have safe, solid anchors in God that will keep us from drifting out to sea. God grant each of us anchors that will hold.



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Sabbath 8/8/15 Daytona SDB Church Pastor Wray sermon �The Leadership Characteristics of Moses�
Posted : 8 Aug, 2015 01:11 PM

Sabbath 8/8/15 Daytona SDB Church Pastor Wray sermon �The Leadership Characteristics of Moses� Hebrews 11:23-29

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One of the outstanding examples of leadership in the Bible is Moses. He learned leadership principles from his parents and father-in-law. Moses had six great leadership characteristics: Faith, Fidelity, Foresight, Firmness, Fulfillment and Freedom.

1) Faith:

By faith Moses refused to be called the son of Pharaoh�s daughter. He chose God and God�s people over the fame and wealth of Egypt. Moses had faith in God. Heb. 11:1 Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not yet seen.

2) Fidelity:

Moses chose to suffer affliction with God�s people instead of enjoying the pleasures of sin. Integrity is ethical and moral soundness. Too many people in leadership are weak and broken in their relationship with God. We need more leaders with integrity.

3) Foresight:

Moses saw the big picture and not just the problems at hand. The big picture was God�s Big Picture. We need to not get caught up in our little picture but instead focus on God�s big ideas for his people. God wants us to set high standards for ourselves.

4) Firmness:

By faith Moses forsook Egypt. He took a big risk when he forsook Egypt and left for the promise land. Moses left a secure place and went to the uncertain. He felt this was what God wanted him to do. We must be strong enough to say �where God leads, we will follow�.

5) Fulfillment:

It is one thing to decide and another thing to do. The Passover observance was done because Moses knew that this was right. The sprinkling of blood saved the believing Israel and condemned the unbelieving sinners. The sprinkling of blood at the Passover was like the blood Jesus shed for us.

6) Freedom:

The Children of Israel went through the Red Sea on dry ground. It is the leader�s responsibility to lead God�s people thru the Red Sea. God says He will open up the sea and give us passage through it on dry ground. Leaders must lead the people through their faith in God.

Moses was one of many great leaders in the Bible. We must run with patience the race that is set before us while looking to Jesus. We must look to Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith. As we try to be the leaders God wants us to be, we must have faith in God and Jesus Christ. We need to embrace these leadership principles of Moses as we work and tell others about Jesus Christ. We want to live these principles so others can come to know the Lord.



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Sabbath 8/1/15 Daytona SDB Church Pastor Wray sermon �The Anointed of God�
Posted : 1 Aug, 2015 11:48 AM

Sabbath 8/1/15 Daytona SDB Church Pastor Wray sermon �The Anointed of God� II Corinthians 1:20-22


The difference between Holy Spirit and Anointing of God is that to be anointed means to be consecrated or set apart for service. The Holy Spirit gives the anointed person the power to operate in the anointing. There is a difference in being consecrated and empowered to operate in ones� anointing. Spiritual anointing with the Holy Ghost is given to Christians by God. The anointing is an assignment. There has to be an alignment to fulfill the assignment. The alignment is an adjustment within ourselves. Good deeds are not done by walking into a church. They are done by walking out and helping others. In our churches, Jesus Christ is the head and we get the outpouring from Him thru our pastors.

King David was first a lowly shepherd, a nobody that no one even noticed. He was overlooked by everyone including his family and especially his father. Once David was anointed, his life changed drastically and it was transformed. Transformed lives have many changes that happen and have to happen.

1) Overcome Ridicule and Criticism:

We must learn to ignore and pay no mind to ridicule or criticism we may get from family and friends. David was criticized for saying he could beat Goliath the giant. When we are walking in God�s anointing, it doesn�t matter what anybody else thinks. God is moving in us and they can�t stop us. People are always telling us we can�t do something and they are scared to do it themselves. King Saul said David couldn�t beat Goliath but Saul was scared to try and do it himself. We need to pay no mind to people running their mouths when God has anointed us to do something for Him! Stand steadfast in God, knowing what He wants us to do!!

2) Stand Up Against Our Enemies:

Have faith in God because we fight in the name of the Lord of Hosts! The Lord will deliver our enemies into our hand! We must learn the battle is the Lord�s and God will beat our enemies for us.

3) Standing Up For God Makes a Big Difference:

Those of us who stand up for God will make a big difference in the lives of those around us. When David destroyed Goliath, the Israelites perspective of themselves changed. The way they thought of themselves changed. They thought that if God will �kick butt� for one Israelite teenager named David, then He will do it for all the people of Israel. We as Christians have been set apart to make a difference in people�s lives.

4) Everyone Will Not Understand or Like the Anointing of God on Us:

We must understand that all people will not like the fact that we have the anointing of God on us. King Saul was afraid of David and twice tried to kill him by throwing a knife at him. Saul wanted to kill David because the Lord was with David. Saul threw knives and spears at David but David would not leave. He didn�t leave because the palace was the place of blessing for him. David just ducked and kept on serving. When things are bad for us, we may want to quit and leave. Instead, we must stay and just duck and keep on serving in our place of blessing.

5) Be Ready to Leave the Pasture for the Palace:

We must be ready to leave the pasture for the palace. Sometimes things are going bad and we are having difficult times. Our difficult times prepare us for the palace that God is preparing for us. We must realize that we are not perfect and we will make mistakes.

Phil. 1:6 �We must be confident that He which hast begun a good thing in us will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ�.

Don�t be afraid of making mistakes. It is through our mistakes that we learn things from God. As we are making the mistake, the Holy Spirit is still with us, leading and guiding our paths. The Holy Spirit is molding us to look more like Jesus. It is no longer us who lives but Jesus Christ who lives in us.



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Sabbath 7/25/15 Daytona SDB Church Pastor Wray Sermon �Seeking Motivation for Worship�
Posted : 25 Jul, 2015 12:03 PM

Sabbath 7/25/15 Daytona SDB Church Pastor Wray Sermon �Seeking Motivation for Worship� Psalm 96:1-4

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Worship by definition is to show love toward God. In Matt 15:8, Jesus said the people honored Him with their lips but their hearts were far from Him. The vain worship of the Pharisees sounded good, but their hearts were not right. They did what they wanted to do instead of what God wanted them to do. We must remember that our motivation for worship must be real and obedient to God. Our text focuses on the motivations to worship God.

1) God has saved us and He is doing what we can�t do for ourselves.

2) God is the Creator.

3) God�s presence fills his temple.

4) God is Majestic and Holy.

5) God is the Judge.

God saves us from impossible predicaments. When Jesus healed people, they afterwards worshipped Him. Worship is the belief that the Lord has the power to save us. When we go to the Lord for help and we believe that He has the ability to save us, then He will save us. The Lord says our blessings come through our Praise to God. He is our creator and God made the world and everything in it. God gives to all life, breathe and all things. We should seek the Lord and find Him because He is not far from us. We are God�s offspring and He is right here available to us. He is anxious for us to come to Him for everything! We are all God�s creation. He made us and reconciled us back to himself through the blood of Jesus Christ.

We must not fail to honor God as our Creator. When we fail to honor God then we begin to worship the creation-the things that God created, instead of worshipping God, the Creator himself. We should have worship for God continually. God created the sun which rises and sets on its own with no help from us. The same God that created the sun also created you and I. We can never be the boss of things, but must be subject to the Creator-God. We can never become Mister Big Stuff, because Mister Big Stuff created us! We have to understand that God is running things and without him we can do nothing!

In Revelation 4:8-1, God has Divine Holiness. In the presence of God, the 24 elders bowed and worshipped God. Isaiah 6:1-5= The presence of Almighty God is Great and the gap between God�s holiness and our sinful nature is huge. We must realize how great and divine God is and not to forget to praise the Lord for He is Holy. We serve a Holy God. God is our judge. Rev. 15:4 =We should fear God and glorify His name. He is the Judge and the one who determines our eternal destiny. Rev. 20:14. The Books will be opened for the judgment of God.

Jesus paid a great price for our salvation. His crucifixi

on, death on the cross was so we could be saved thru his blood. Jesus died for us and rose again for us to be able to spend eternity with God the Father. We pray and ask God to lead and guide us while we are still on this Earth. We ask these things in Jesus� name. What can wash away our sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus!!


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