
Elena & Joel Aug 14, 2013

I would Like to Give Thanks CDFF for giving me a chance to meet my special someone here last July 8, 2013 i send him a winks and followed by the message at first i felt afraid coz am not sure if he response or not but i told myself go go elena... and because i have a strong faith i did... we started talking in ym and next in skype everyday...And we are planning to get married in Oct. when he come.... and most of all Thank you God for this wonderful Blessing.. more power and Good Luck to all searchers dont give up!!!!no man is an island!!!

Alexa & Young Aug 13, 2013

I was passively searching/looking for someone, but not too seriously. I had made accounts on other sites, such as ChristianMingle and eHarmony, but no luck. What I noticed from the other pay sites was that they are more hesitant to respond back to you. It seems that it's because they are actually paying and people feel like they need to find the BEST possible person they can to get their money's worth. This site isn't a spiffy like the others, but it has pictures and messaging. What more do you need? Simple and great!

Anyways, one day I received an email saying someone messaged me. I replied back and we started talking more and more. We are now dating and are very serious. We love each other very much. She is perfect for me and I didn't need some kind of match making system to tell me that. Those things are fine, but a lot of time you overlook the ones that don't "match" you. Who knows, they could be the one you were looking for. I think it's best to talk to people and get to know them rather than just going off of a match making system.

Thanks ChristianDatingforFree!

Tammy & Darryl Aug 9, 2013

I met my beautiful wife and best friend on your wonderful site. I tried other dating sites and found them to be very tacky and vulgar in purpose. Even one of the most popular
"Christian" dating sites I visited seemed like nothing more than a hook-up site. I found your site in late April and and found it to be genuine in its purpose to bring Christian singles together in the atmosphere of faith in Christ. I created a profile and started sharing my faith and hopes for the future with others. I started chatting with Tammy May 12 and we clicked from the start. We shared about our faith which is most important to us. About what The Lord was doing and had done in our lives. It was the type of conversation I wanted to have with a woman. After that I was talking to Tammy exclusively. We spent many late nights just talking and getting to know each other. Tammy believed in me the first night we messaged and even more the first time we talked on the phone . We lived almost 200miles apart and by about may 19th I had decided I didn't want to just visit her. I wanted to marry her. I quit my job and moved to Cleveland texas on may 23rd . We were married on may 27th, Memorial Day . All in one day I became a husband and dad to four children .
One of them includes a three year old that called me daddy from the beginning. I can't say that we haven't faced some challenges already but we both agreed from the beginning when we said our wedding vowels under the eyes of god that we would take them seriously . If god could bring us through trials before we met god will bring us through trials just the same while we are husband and wife . Now we remind each other to trust god . We are very much in love and plan on spending the rest of our lives together. We are very thankful for CDFF for helping us find each other .

Brittany & Aaron Aug 8, 2013

Aaron and I crossed paths a year and a half ago. We have been together for a little over a year now and make the occasional 6 hour flight to visit each other. Since I live in Ohio and Aaron in Rhode Island its been a struggle, but with a foundation of Christ's love, we have been nothing short of blessed. I have decided to make the life changing decision to move to Rhode Island and finish the next year and a half of school there at the end of this month. The best part about our relationship is how much we have grown and continue to grow closer to Christ together and individually. Aaron was able to be in the water at my baptism in New Jersey on our mission trip! We don't know what the future entails, but we know that God's plan is nothing less than the best! Thank you christiandatingforfree.com for enabling God to work through you! Aaron and I are so humble and grateful to have met one another!

Christina & Everet Aug 2, 2013

We are definitely a success story from christiandatingforfree.com! Everet and I met on here about 6 months ago now. I had a rocky start on the whole online dating scene. One of my friends talked me into trying this website thinking it would be good for me. I didn't have good luck with it all at first. To be honest, I absolutely hated it. I was about to inactivate me account when I got an email from a gentleman on here. I already previously decided that I was done with everything that had to do with the online dating thing but something kept nagging me to look at that email. I finally broke down and did. jerobbie's account was quite appealing, actually he was everything I was looking for in a guy; Christian, family-oriented, loved animals, loves children and he was quite attractive. The only problem is he was forever away in Alabama, but I gave it a try. We began talking that day back in January of 2013 and haven't stopped. A few weeks later I was proud to call him my boyfriend and a month after that I found myself on a plane to Alabama to meet a guy I haven't ever seen in a place I have never been. We fell so in love in that week I was there. It was the hardest day of my life leaving him at that airport... from that moment on we both knew it was just a matter of time before we were engaged. Sure enough Everet came to visit me July 17, 2013 with ring in hand. We will be getting married 11-12-13 this year and I will be picking up and moving out to Alabama to be with the love of my life. Thank You Christian Dating for helping us find each other. It was by God through this web site that I now have the love of my life, my other half, my soul mate.

Christina & Everet Aug 2, 2013

This is Everet. I fell in love with Christina through Christiandatingforfree. I met Christina on January 28, 2013 and we started dating on February 4,2013. I knew that she was the one after she visited me that March, when she left and I could not stand being without her. Christina is my best friend and I love her with all my heart. I proposed to her on July 17th, 2013. We will be getting married on 11/12/13.

Clara & Mike Jul 31, 2013

God is thinking of me when He created him.
Thank you CDFF!

Liz & Doug Jul 30, 2013

Just were casual chat buddies that evolved into a relationship. If it weren't for the chatrooms on this site we probably would have never met. We have also made a lot of friends from this site too, so its a double win!

Tina & Nigel Jul 25, 2013


I wish the best to those who are seeking a relationship on this site. Pray, be honest and don't play games and you might find that one special person that will bring joy and love into your life.

Yami & Jim Jul 23, 2013

I joined ChristianDatingForFree.com about 1 year ago because I do not believe it should take money to find a partner in life. About 3 months ago I met someone who was in about the same place in their life as I was. Well, we started to talk and we found that we were definitely made for one another. I live in central Texas and she lives in Panama. I traveled to Panama to meet her last week and all the chemistry was there. At the end of my visit, I proposed marriage and she, (and her family) accepted! In this culture, the family also wishes to have a say. We are both adamant Christians and we could not be happier. First, I thank God and second I thank ChristianDatingForFree.com. We will marry in November of this year! I usually would not take time to write a testimony for a website but this one deserves it. Thank You ChristianDatingForFree and best wishes to everyone else who is seeking a Christian partner. Jim and Yami
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