Ilive4JESUS is Single in Havre, Montana


I am nothing without HIM

Female | 62
United States
Last Login Date
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Ilive4JESUS is Single in Havre, Montana, 1 Ilive4JESUS is Single in Havre, Montana, 2 Ilive4JESUS is Single in Havre, Montana, 3
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Mixed Color
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Assembly of God
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
No answer
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but they're grown
Do you want children?
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
Ministry, following Jesus, fishing, camping, hunting, the great outdoors, Enjoying all God has to offer.
About Me
Simply put, I am looking for someone to share life with. It's all about HIM - this journey we call life... but I am tired of going it alone. I have my physical challenges, but still love to enjoy the great outdoors. I haven't been riding in years, but would love to do that again... or maybe riding an ATV or snowmobile. Walks/hikes in the mountains are definitely in the mix - but I'm not climbing Mt. Everest anytime soon LOL. I'd like a partner to go to church with, study the Word, enjoy God's great outdoors, or maybe he will take me on some new & exciting adventures! I'm looking for a well grounded partner to enjoy the second half of life with. Is that you? Could I be what you are looking for?

More about me:
I'm an adventurous, humorous, Charismatic, born again Christian Lady, with biblical morals. When given the option, I'll take the road less traveled. I love the mountains and beaches and wide open spaces. The city can have it's charms but honestly, too many people/crowds can wear on a person I enjoy exploring and learning new things.

May God bless you on your journey! I truly hope you find the love of your life!! If you don't mind, say a prayer for me, that I may always hear HIM above all the noise, and follow HIS plan for my life.
First Date
Anywhere we could actually talk and get to know each other... over coffee or a light meal, a walk in a park or along a river or lake, whatever works for us both! If we are in different cities then let's start learning about each other and plan on meeting in person on the sooner side, rather than later.

NOTE: I used to have photos on my profile and just discovered they are gone! Found a few old photos, hunting pic is 2009, head shot is 2018?, And phone booth photo is around 2014 I think. Finding or creating new ones soon!!
Account Settings (To message Ilive4JESUS you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 55 to Any Age.
Must not Smoke.

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