MorgMorg is Single in Osceola, Missouri


Esphesians 6:10-15

Male | 42
United States
Last Login Date
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MorgMorg is Single in Osceola, Missouri, 1 MorgMorg is Single in Osceola, Missouri, 2 MorgMorg is Single in Osceola, Missouri, 3 MorgMorg is Single in Osceola, Missouri, 4 MorgMorg is Single in Osceola, Missouri, 5
Eye Color
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Looking For
Church Name
The Church stated in the Bible by Jesus that hell will not prevail!
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but they're grown
Do you want children?
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
Relay and Sensor Technician
Rock climbing, running, hiking, outdoors, the Good Word, end time prophecy and etc
About Me
Hi, my name is Morgan. I have had a rough life growing up in foster care. I don't mind telling people what I've gone through. Just understand it made me somewhat of an introvert. Meeting new people is so hard for me(socially awkward I think). So if you want to know more, just ask. I was in the foster care system at the age of 3 to 18. I went through a lot of traumatic experiences, those experience have led me to the path to seek Gods face. I am shy at first but when I get to know you, I will open up. I am patiently waiting for God to bring me a best friend and soul mate. If it is not to happen then so be it. Paul said it is better to be single and focus on the Lord. Jesus of Nazareth is my King. May the Lord bless us, and show us mercy in the days to come. I study a lot about end times prophecy at the moment, which I have a feeling we will experience Jesus coming back and tribulation in our time. Do not let that put fear in your hearts, the only fear we should have is fear of God. I am so ready for no more tears, no more hate, no more anxiety, just pure love. By the way this whole dating thing online is new to me. Have patience, for I am a man with few words. I am far from perfect, so make sure your judgments towards me are just. I apologize for any I have offended. I am very loving, I care for all even those whom are far from caring and loving. I try to see good in all for God gave his Son for all. I will not move from the US unless Gods Spirit moves me to do so! Heaven with the Lord is my true home! Jesus is truth and the only way.

1 Peter 4:8
Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins
First Date
coffee, dinner and movie, the stars, how about a picnic, walk in the park, open for suggestions
Account Settings (To message MorgMorg you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 25 to 50.

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