bauer_9053 is Single in Pryor, Oklahoma


You can't judge a book by it's cover.

Male | 40
United States
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bauer_9053 is Single in Pryor, Oklahoma, 1 bauer_9053 is Single in Pryor, Oklahoma, 2 bauer_9053 is Single in Pryor, Oklahoma, 3 bauer_9053 is Single in Pryor, Oklahoma, 4 bauer_9053 is Single in Pryor, Oklahoma, 5 bauer_9053 is Single in Pryor, Oklahoma, 6 bauer_9053 is Single in Pryor, Oklahoma, 7 bauer_9053 is Single in Pryor, Oklahoma, 8 bauer_9053 is Single in Pryor, Oklahoma, 9
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Native American (Indian)
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Relevant Worship
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
Specialty/Trade School
My Profession
Shop manager
playing the bass guitar, music, having fun, watching movies, fishing, basketball, woodworking
About Me
My name is Dusty. I am 40 years old. I am very easy going. I play bass guitar in my church's praise band and I love God. I love being able to use my talent for his glory. I love to listen to music and hanging out with friends and family. I am looking for a Christian woman who is involved in church, has a great sense of humor, and is looking for a committed relationship. I have went to Guatemala City, Guatemala 6 times on mission trips. I have fell in love with the people there. I plan on going every year as long as I am able. I am blessed to be able to go. The 1st year I was on the construction team as well as the 3rd through 6th year. The pics are from this years trip. We pour concrete floors and replace old sheet metal on their houses with new sheet metal and new wood framing. The second year I went I was on the kids ministry/evangelism team. It was a humbling experience. It is hard coming back home but home is where God wants me. I love talking about it.
First Date
On a first date we would go out to a nice dinner so we could get to know each other better. Communication is the key to any relationship. I would try to get to know you as much as I could. It seems like people don't really get to know each other well before they date. you should date them after you know them well. I want to date a friend. Then again, sometimes dinner on the first date isn't the way to go. In that case we would do something fun. Bowling seems to break the ice the best for me. We could find something else if you don't like bowling. I was just throwing it out there.
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