DanLeVane is Single in Loveland, Colorado


The Struggle of Life is How you Forge yourself...

Male | 29
United States
Last Login Date
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DanLeVane is Single in Loveland, Colorado, 1 DanLeVane is Single in Loveland, Colorado, 2
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Christian Reformed
Looking For
A Long Term Relationship
Church Name
Genesis Project
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Sure, why not
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
HS Graduate
My Profession
Intospection and Pholosophy
About Me
Hello My name is Daniel and I don't tend to stick out in a crowd. I am someone whom tends to be quiet and listening more than anything else. Tho I am High-school in my education I rather get my Knowledge experience from the world and surroundings itself! I adore going out to coffee with other fellow church members and Genuinely Hunting Wisdom in places you would not expect. My favorite items in terms of learning are Introspection/Moral Philosophy and Rugged/Tough life experiences. (To understand that basically, I don't take classes on any given item. I Hunt it down on the field were it is most active!

Part of what Makes me whom I am is a condition I have called Autism, or more properly known by me as ASD form 1 Asperger Variant Autism with a Strong addition of High Cognitive Function / conscientiousness. Unfortunately It means I cant sit behind a white board and a teacher without hibernating into the next winter.

My Inspirations for seeking knowledge are a few to name being, Carl-Young, Jordan-B-Peterson, Jocko Willink and Paul's in the bible! Learning under them Has brought a Tremendous amount of positive change into my life. I am 50 Pounds less and loving my fitness! I Can Fully disconnect myself the the absolute Toxic mess that is General Politics. Spending my solo time Pilfering wisdom I have Obtained and mulling it over like a comb over hair! And exercising Discipline were it is Polite and necessary to do so!

When it comes to communication, I would prefer it to be talking more over Voice than Text and messaging. Do send a message if you wish to speak! I have so very much more to share especially if specifically asked anything certain!

I Really want to share MUCH more with someone whom would have me!

However a warning to those whom wonder were the gate might be. I don't Act no Think like a normal person and if your used to talking to normal people and prefer that in your partners then you may want to swipe right. I don't ever think I will be remotely good and being Normal but It doesn't stop me from dipping my toes into the Water and giving this a Try!

Discord: Hoarf#8805
Email: [email protected]
Or just send me a Message on this platform!
First Date
First Date? Public Coffee or Park? Hiking is fun!
Account Settings (To message DanLeVane you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 20 to 28.

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