JesusGal1980 is Single in Erie, Pennsylvania


Looking for my Bible believing & following Jesus loving fun Guy♡☆

Female | 44
United States
Last Login Date
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JesusGal1980 is Single in Erie, Pennsylvania, 1 JesusGal1980 is Single in Erie, Pennsylvania, 2 JesusGal1980 is Single in Erie, Pennsylvania, 3
Eye Color
Body Type
A Few Extra Pounds
Hair Color
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
I go to an actual brick & mortar church weekly as my health allows. I also participate in an online 🔥 Christian Discipleship group with some powerful ladies (we pray together, connect via Zoom, & study the Bible) that gets together several times a week
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
No answer
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
2 Yr College Degree
My Profession
Off work due to an injury & health issues, former RN, God has me taking Online Entrepreneur & Marketing Classes at the moment as he knows I have a need & desire to work from home.
praise & worship music, prayer, church, sermons, good conversations, reading, glamping, road trips, yard sales & thrifting, family time, board & card games, dominoes, & much more.
About Me
*I apologize if I am slow to respond. I am in the process of apartment hunting, thus packing, & hopefully moving soon (still within Erie County:)

My primary residence is Erie, PA, but I have family outside of Youngstown so I am there a lot.

41, single, no kids yet, but I love kids❤. Was a dog mom to 1 spoiled SharPei I just put down the end of March:( We rescued each other. Decent cook & baker, nothing real fancy tho, but tasty. I have been successful in losing some serious weight and keep it healthy most of the time:) Junk food stays out of my house. Pain level determines if Im up to cooking, so leftovers are great. I am fighting to regain my health. Lymes disease, mold, and some other stuff. Supernatural healing would be great, but I am doing my part as money allows. Activity level is low with the current health challenges most days, but be it on the phone, in person, FB, etc I will always make time to pray for and with people. Sometimes it may even be a stranger at Walmart. ❤♡ Bit by bit, I am making gains in my health and once I am out of the current living situation it will go even quicker! So a healthy lifestyle is important to me.
Thanks to the dating app, my pics look a bit odd, as they didn't keep the proper proportions.
First Date
Lunch/dinner/Tea somewhere we can talk and get acquainted that is not loud.
Account Settings (To message JesusGal1980 you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 30 to 50.
Must not Smoke.
Must not Drink.
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