samco1 is Single in Hammonton, New Jersey


An Ephesians 5 man seeking a Proverbs 31 woman 🙏

Male | 60
United States
New Jersey
Last Login Date
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samco1 is Single in Hammonton, New Jersey, 1 samco1 is Single in Hammonton, New Jersey, 2 samco1 is Single in Hammonton, New Jersey, 3 samco1 is Single in Hammonton, New Jersey, 4 samco1 is Single in Hammonton, New Jersey, 5 samco1 is Single in Hammonton, New Jersey, 6 samco1 is Single in Hammonton, New Jersey, 7 samco1 is Single in Hammonton, New Jersey, 8
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Christian Reformed
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Victory Bible Church
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Assembly of God
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but not living at home
Do you want children?
Education Level
2 Yr College Degree
My Profession
Lab Technician
Gathering with family and friends, I enjoy serving at church, reading scripture, gospel music and faith/inspirational based movies, rmotorcycle riding, target shooting, horseback riding, the beach, swimming, I enjoy personal interaction and fellowshiping.
About Me
A sinner saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, as revealed by Scripture alone, to the glory of God alone.

I have surrendered completely to God our Heavenly Father. My desire is to live the rest of my life serving, worshiping, and bringing glory and honor to our Heavenly Father. By submitting myself to His will and His Son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

I am a born again God-fearing Godly christian man who is seeking a God-fearing Godly woman to share a Christ-centered life filled with unconditional love and mutual respect

I long for and desire to be in a Christ-centered relationship that is unconditionally loving, passionate, and is based on mutual respect and admiration; with a woman that will allow me to love her with all my heart, mind, and soul until the day I die.

I am a very: loving, gentle, tender, caring, compassionate, attentive, faithful, sincere, romantic, and loyal Godly man. I will respect, honor, and cherish you because you are the daughters of God and I am commanded by Him to love my wife.

I purpose in my heart to bring honor and glory to God with my word, actions, and deeds. I am grateful for this life that God has blessed me with and want to share and enjoy it with a God-fearing, Jesus Christ-loving, Holy Spirit-filled woman. If you are a wonderful, loving, caring, kind, tender-hearted, faithful, loyal, and respectful woman. Well then, you deserve to be with a man who will thank God for you and treat you like the blessing that you are to him.

I also seek a Godly woman who recognizes that she is a daughter of God and desires to honor Him through her words, actions, deeds. Also, how she treats her Godly husband.

I would like to say something with regards to marriage, which I am here seeking. It is an institution established by God and it is sacred to Him. So the one word that should never be mentioned In a marriage nor will it ever be mentioned in our marriage is (Divorce). God hates divorce and Jesus said that God only allowed Moses to permitted divorce is because of the hardness of the hearts of the Israelites: Read Maachi 2:16 and Matthew 19: 3-9

Finally and above all else, I seek a woman who understands the importance of both us loving God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our strength, and with all our minds. She must truly love God more than she loves me.

May Yahwah's grace and peace be multiplied to you by our Lord Yeshua from this day forth and forevermore, Amen 🙏

Here are some of the expository Preachers of the Word of God that I listen to.

Charles Spurgeon
R.C. Sproul
Paul Washer
John MacArthur
John Piper
Steve Lawson
Vodi Bachman
David Jeremiah
Sugel Michelén
Miguel Nuñez
David Barceló
First Date
Well after we get to know each other and you feel safe, secure, and comfortable. I would like to meet at a mutually agreed-upon public place where we would engage in an open and honest conversation to establish a firm foundation of trust.
Account Settings (To message samco1 you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 18 to 49.
Must not Smoke.
Must not Drink.
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