ItalianStallion51 is Single in Covina, California


I'm looking for a sweet woman who live near by me.
I'm looking for a girlfriend who is a few years y

Male | 48
United States
Last Login Date
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ItalianStallion51 is Single in Covina, California, 1 ItalianStallion51 is Single in Covina, California, 2 ItalianStallion51 is Single in Covina, California, 3 ItalianStallion51 is Single in Covina, California, 4 ItalianStallion51 is Single in Covina, California, 5 ItalianStallion51 is Single in Covina, California, 6 ItalianStallion51 is Single in Covina, California, 7 ItalianStallion51 is Single in Covina, California, 8
Eye Color
Body Type
A Few Extra Pounds
Hair Color
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Christ First Baptist Church of Covina
All are Welcomed.
First Love Church of Covina with Pastor Mike Foster.
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but they're grown
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
Specialty/Trade School
My Profession
Security Guard for a hospital
My interests are sports, music, art, movies, TV, eating out, hanging with friends, food, outdoor activities, travel and want to do more traveling. I just like experiencing life and loving it. Live life to the fullest.Live happy and praise God with a famil
About Me
I consider myself a fun, loving caring and honest man. I love hearing the Gospel and learning more. I'm also honest ask me anything. Nothing to hide here. Just want a family to love me and God. Searching for a God loving woman who would pray and read and go to church with me. I don't mind a woman with kids or wants kids. I want kids too. Let's keep God first here. I just want to be a good and caring loving gentleman. I want to be a better Christian and lead others to Christ. Share the Gospel with all. Let's Pray together and read together. I would like to find a wife. I would love to get married again.I want to love and be loved. I want to settle down and have a family. Must be close by. I'm tired of being single. Single Life is Boring. I want to be happy and make someone happy too.
First Date
Coffee or Lunch Maybe A Dinner Date. Any place fun or comfortable with. Don't mind just hanging out with each other. I like movies, music, TV shows and outdoor activities. I love bowling and camping and fishing would love to do more of and explore our beautiful country and visit other countries. I want to travel more often. I want many new friends. I like conversations. I want others to come to Christ. LET'S GO TO CHURCH. I'm open to anything new to experience. I like adventures and new things.
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Age between 33 to 52.
Appears on 3 members favorites lists

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