Ernest_Worthing is Single in Watford, England


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Male | 34
United Kingdom
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Ernest_Worthing is Single in Watford, England, 1
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Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Church Attendance
Every week
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Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Sure, why not
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Want Children
Education Level
Masters/Post Grad
My Profession
too many to mention, but anything that involves using my mind
About Me
I love the Word of God. It helps me, and us all, to become wiser and grow, and gives us life and light. It is probably impossible to mention all ways in which the Bible makes us better. I strife to be a good student of Lord Yeshua, kind and responsible, and believe in biblical values. I hate lies, hypocrisy and all ungodliness. However, I am only a man and if I catch my self out of the straight and narrow way, I try to get back on it right away. :) I enjoy math, science, art, classical music, walks in nature, picnics - I used to do Latin American and Ballroom dancing (btw, I am looking for a partner :)). I also appreciate good taste and sense of humour. I have two MSc. in CS and maths. My work is in IT for a large international company, but also created my own software for museums and schools, which helps people to enjoy art and students to learn. I also have plans for the future and work on them, one thing I never have enough is time. :)

On this website, I hope to meet one special lady. A happy and positive person who loves our Lord Yeshua. I'd like her to be a Christian by heart. Someone with who uses their mind and with whom we will have many things in common, enjoy each other's company, spending time, and doing things together, helping and complementing each other. I like large families, and I would like to have one. Although, it seems that we are living in the last days, and probably time is short, but of course we don't know, whilst are told to work hard and do our best, and watch all the time. :)

I would not like to seem disagreeable, but in Mark 10:5-9, Luke 16:18, and other places, Lord Yeshua tells us that one man should have one woman, and one woman should have one man __ONLY__. Hence, I look for a special girl that keeps what belongs to marriage for marriage! God created us very special and particular physically, emotionally, and psychologically for good reasons. I feel that keeping intimate relations for marriage __ONLY__, and giving them only to it makes that union holy, trustworthy and strong, but even more importantly, it is a plain commandment of Lord Yeshua. Also, she is __NOT__ Covid "vaccinated" as it is a __GMO__ treatment. Hopefully, she is also as little as possible vaccinated with other slow acting human made venoms (aka vaccines) as they are really bad for the health in long term. I suppose all that I ask for is that she is as God created her - as I am myself.

God bless!!!
First Date
a nice conversation, a picnic, a visit to a good museum or classical-art gallery
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Any Age.
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