Phlipp is Single in Perth Sth of Rver, Western Australia


Male | 50
Perth Sth of Rver
Western Australia
Last Login Date
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Phlipp is Single in Perth Sth of Rver, Western Australia, 1
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Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
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Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
1 or 2 on occasion
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Education Level
4 Yr College Degree
My Profession
Ask Me
Scripture, growing faith; Music - numerous genres, mainly CCM now; Outdoors - nature / parks; Travelling, Health - healthy eating, growing fruit & veg; Exercise - cycling, weights, swimming, beach
About Me
Hi, I'm Phil,

I am friendly, caring and like to listen. I like to help others and try to keep an eye and ear out for those that need help in areas I can relate with. I like to talk things over too and so appreciate others that are willing to listen and discuss.

I am inspired by Biblical examples - Enoch, as one who walked with God; similarly, Joseph, who did not give up faith in God through long tough times, but remained steadfast in his faithfulness, and had no sin recorded against him; and of course, Jesus.

Of course, I am not so perfect/sinless. I have been through the Refiner's fire (separated/divorced 10 years ago), and I've had to face my weaknesses and work to improve them. I try to be open to and conscious of ongoing refinement; to take responsibility in it and thank our Saviour for his grace. It is important to me, to keep taking in scripture and related teaching, and to improve my understanding of it, my living of it and relationship with the Lord.

I'm looking for someone to share life, faith and walking with God with; initially with friendship as a foundation, to build a strong relationship with some common interests and some fun, adventure, special times and moments.

I have my daughter with me some of the time and of course she is very important to me. She's a good kid (and would even like to see dad find a new wife).

I prefer to eat and live healthily to feel and perform my best. I regularly do Pilates to protect against my sitting work. Some of the things I enjoy are cycling and getting outdoors into nature or gardening. I am not v a x e d for c-19.

I have served in church ministries at different times.

I am concerned with the deterioration of our wider society so take an interest in (and at times have been involved with) a Christian organisation to share the gospel and have a positive influence on our society.
First Date
Account Settings (To message Phlipp you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 32 to 51.
Must not Smoke.

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