cantillator is Single in VALPARAISO, Indiana


Musician seeking harmony

Male | 43
United States
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cantillator is Single in VALPARAISO, Indiana, 1
Eye Color
Body Type
Big Guy
Hair Color
Looking For
Church Name
First Presbyterian Valparaiso
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
1 or 2 on occasion
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Education Level
Masters/Post Grad
My Profession
reading, writing, theatre, music, Art, photography, outdoor activities (hiking especially), volunteering, trivia, games
About Me
I am an Elder in my local church; born and raised in a Presbyterian congregation, though I have a number of friends and family who hold varied and diverse interpretations/denominational memberships, so I am one who is always open to listening and learning or debating; I figure that He died to take away our sins, not our minds.
Day job – Educator. Freelance jobs – Musician, Journalist, Writer, Tutor. Passion – several; the arts being one of the strongest. I love to perform, both musically and dramatically. I am a classically trained bass-baritone (on good days a basso profundo – I can hit notes that do not lie on the standard piano keyboard). I also enjoy volunteering for a number of causes (area Community Theatres, Special Olympics, Scouting, local food pantry & kitchen).
I am a voracious reader; though I will read just about anything, I enjoy historical fiction, sci-fi, and fantasy. Similarly, if choosing a movie, I'm often up for anything, but these genres stand out at the head of the line. I am also a student of history; of particular interest are the American Revolution and Civil War eras, though I love to learn about anything from the past. I have had some people accuse me of being born out of my proper time, while others say I am an old soul...
I try to write something every day; often, due to time constraints, it ends up being only a short portion of a continuing story, or some sort of verse which I tuck away. Shaw wrote a new poem every day, so why not challenge myself to do the same? No guarantee on the quality, though I can guarantee the effort.
I love Broadway musicals, especially those of the traditional cut, though I have an appreciation for some of the newer ones that use more contemporary musical genre styling. Hard to pick a favorite, though Phantom of the Opera will always hold a place in my heart, as it was the first professional stage musical I ever attended (I have seen it 5 times, and would gladly go again without a moment of hesitation).
I am a trivia buff. Silly and random facts get stuck in my brain easily; it has gotten to a point where most people will not play me in Trivial Pursuit unless they focus solely on Sports, which is a weakness...
On a related note, I thoroughly enjoy board games and card games, and I am more likely to grab those than to play a video game (though I am not opposed to them – just not the best, and would rather play something at the table).
I am a fan of classic movies and actors of the Hollywood Golden and Silver age. I admire many, though personal favorites include David Niven, Basil Rathbone, and James Stewart.
Certifiable Geek and Nerd. Unapolgetic about both. And, yes, you can be a fan of both Star Trek and Star Wars...and even like other movies and shows, too!
I often pepper my conversation with quotations. At one point in time, I believed that they made me sound sophisticated. I continue to use them, at risk of sounding pretentious, because I feel it is important to remember the wisdom of others.
Definite foodie. I love to cook, though I hate the clean-up. Kitchen experiments are fun, and trying new culinary adventures is something I do regularly, though there are several things which are tried and true favorites I will repeatedly make.
Congratulations on surviving this far in your reading endeavor! Want to know more? If I have not scared you away, and instead piqued some interest or curiosity, feel free to get to know me a little better.
First Date
That would partially depend upon the common interests that we might share. Simply sitting for conversation over a light meal is a good start to know a person better in-person. Perhaps hiking a trail or spending time at the lakeshore, enjoying bits of creation while creating a new relationship, whatever its dynamics might be, or attending a fun community event (a fair or concert, for instance), or time at a museum. Firsts of anything are meant most frequently to be the foundation, thee building blocks, and should allow for enjoyment, but also for comfort.
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