Danny2824 is Single in Oak Hill, New York


Looking for a God fearing, conservative young lady who I can love, cherish, honor, respect, nurture,

Male | 29
United States
Oak Hill
New York
Last Login Date
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Danny2824 is Single in Oak Hill, New York, 1 Danny2824 is Single in Oak Hill, New York, 2 Danny2824 is Single in Oak Hill, New York, 3 Danny2824 is Single in Oak Hill, New York, 4 Danny2824 is Single in Oak Hill, New York, 5 Danny2824 is Single in Oak Hill, New York, 6 Danny2824 is Single in Oak Hill, New York, 7 Danny2824 is Single in Oak Hill, New York, 8
Eye Color
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Looking For
A Friend
Church Name
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
2 Yr College Degree
My Profession
My interests are first and foremost to study God's word and to glean from it. I love to read Christian biographies and books about church history as well as historical fiction and old books with a biblical theme. I enjoy taking walks in the woods and spen
About Me
I'm 28 and looking for a Christian young lady who wants to be a homemaker and raise a family and live in the country. I am firmly grounded in God's Word from beginning to end (King James Version). I am old fashioned and not conformed to this world. I was homeschooled by my precious mother (as well as my 4 other siblings.) I'm primarily on here because there has been so much compromise in the churches of my connection that it seems almost impossible to find a suitable marriage partner. The push in the churches seems to be for young women to pursue careers. Whatever happened to being a homemaker? I desire to find a young, Christian lady who desires to be a homemaker and wants to raise a family; who displays her femininity in dressing modestly in skirts and dresses. I guess you could say I want to find an old fashioned girl. I have faith that God will provide the 1 for me. I enjoy spending time in the outdoors such as taking walks and driving down backcountry dirt roads. I consider myself a Christian countryboy. I love God's word and I want to spend my entirelife living for Him.
First Date
I don't know to be honest...I never went for a date. I don't really believe in dating. But if I took a young lady for an outing together, I would enjoy getting to know her by taking a drive on a backroad and taking a walk to have a picnic somewhere. I am old fashioned and believe in courting.
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