jlhedge is Single in CHARLOTTE, North Carolina


Old fashioned gentleman looking for a lady to make feel special

Male | 44
United States
North Carolina
Last Login Date
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jlhedge is Single in CHARLOTTE, North Carolina, 1
Eye Color
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Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
North Rock Hill Church
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
No answer
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
Sr Software Developer
martial arts, anime, wood working, going on walks, board games, some video games, training to get stronger, faster, more agile - little to do with aesthetic though
About Me
I'm an old fashioned type of gentleman - well it seems about extinct looking around today. Don't be surprised if I run ahead to open the door or pull out your chair or grab the check. It's part of what's instilled in me to do so. I'm not after quick things. I'm after things that will endure. I'm currently separated. I'm a firm believer in a man standing up for his lady and his family.

Church denomination is irrelevant to me - I trust Scripture. If the Church leaders are going by Scripture is my only qualifier and I'm open to discussion - in fact I love it! I've known some really great pastors. Until this past year I was volunteering regularly in the tech booth at Church. Right now I'm in the process of mending my relationship with the Lord.

I am a bit enthusiastic about apologetics. I love finding a verse that doesn't make sense and trying to figure out how to make it make sense.

I have a beautiful 14 year old daughter who I'm raising.

I'm into a variety of activities so the best thing I can say is let's give it a try. Until a few months ago I couldn't eat sushi. Now I can.
Who knew? There are so many things out there. I do enjoy movies, binging tv series, martial arts, watching anime, going on long walks. I tend to also go down rabbit holes on topics and become a distraction and bring everyone around me into the rabbit hole. I'm endearing what can I say?

I am also very affectionate. I do sometimes enjoy working out but it's to become stronger, faster and more agile. There's not many things I'm not willing to try. I kind of like the saying I never lose. I win or I learn but I never lose.
First Date
Perhaps a long walk in a park with a stop by a local coffee shop for a refresher and then a movie and/or dinner. The only catch is - I don't do dutch - even on a first date. If a lovely young lady is taking the time to get to know me and I want the privilege of treating her to a proper first date... and second... and so forth ;)
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Any Age.
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