briztty is Single in Fulton, New York


Looking for a genuinely great guy

Female | 37
United States
New York
Last Login Date
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briztty is Single in Fulton, New York, 1 briztty is Single in Fulton, New York, 2 briztty is Single in Fulton, New York, 3 briztty is Single in Fulton, New York, 4 briztty is Single in Fulton, New York, 5 briztty is Single in Fulton, New York, 6 briztty is Single in Fulton, New York, 7
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Church Attendance
Several times a year
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
1 or 2 on occasion
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
4 Yr College Degree
My Profession
IT/Cybersecurity Senior Analyst
God, family, friends, baseball, sports, laughing, volunteering, bubble wrap, music, movies
About Me
Oh where to start...I’m very fun, outgoing, and easygoing. Jesus Christ is my number one, and all else falls into its place. Meeting a man who is God fearing and will put Him at the center of our relationship is what I am looking for. I want someone who I can live my life with and grow with spiritually and in faith. I would like a man who wants children as well:)

I love music! Music has such an impact on me and I love it.

I play volleyball and tennis, board games and card games. Call me crazy, but I love snow! I have an amazing family and I love how close and fun we are. I love movies—Tommy Boy is hands down one of the greatest movies ever made.

I love candles and seeing beautiful things like foliage in the Fall and Christmas lights in winter! I am a huge Toronto Bluejays fan and love to watch baseball. I’ve gotten into football to give me something to do in the baseball offseason (Go Bills!)

I love giving, and I love seeing people happy..I love , and I love people that make me laugh, that’s one thing no one should ever go a day without doing.
First Date
It would depend! I’m pretty simple. I am a mix of a girly girl who is not afraid to get dirty once in a while or go to a ballgame. It’s the little things for me. I don’t need a big luxurious date to grab my interest, I just need intentional time with a good person who is interested in getting to know me🙂
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Age between 28 to 43.
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