Author Thread: Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?

Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 30 Dec, 2008 11:33 PM

I know in society men are supposed to be the dominent ones but still sometimes I wish if a woman was interested she'd let me know.

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 12 Feb, 2009 02:49 PM

I like your response. I am not sure why women think that giving a guy a wink or an email is chasing. It is just showing interest. There is nothing wrong with that. Once he knows you are interested, then let him do the chasing. But, don't run too far ahead in the chase or he may never catch up. And do not hide. Otherwise he may never find

Don't make the chase so hard and do not be so unapproachable.

Women, especially Christian women make it more difficult than it needs to be.

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 9 Mar, 2009 09:14 AM

When you see someone in person there is usually a lot of eye contact/body language that goes on...that's what tells me when a girl is interested. a bit different. When I see that a girl has viewed my profile it doesn't give me any confidence that she is interested at all, and doesn't give me much to go when you say you want guys to lead, I don't know about other guys...but I need to know you're at least interested in wanting me to, otherwise I just feel pushy...and I'm not. A good leader isn't pushy, right? HELP!

:peace: Markus

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 1 Jun, 2009 06:41 PM

I just never know what to say. But I bet most men feel that way to. That's why I'm glad I'm a lady, I can leave it to the men! Sorry guys, it's the lot youv'e been given.

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 10 Jun, 2009 04:44 PM

Well, I would hesistate to contact the man first so that I wouldn't appear desperate or overeager. However, I have contacted a few just to say hello, and some men don't even send a polite "I'm not interested" message. That's rude, and I guess that's another reason not to contact first - fear of rejection.

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 1 Jul, 2009 11:49 AM

:rolleyes:GOOD QUESTION!

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 18 Jul, 2009 10:45 AM

I have to say...Who care? I could care less if the man I contact to say, "hello" does not reply...better to weed out the flakes as soon as possible is my theory.It leaves more time to get to know the sincere, kind-spirited ones. And they can be few and far between, but I am sure the ladies already know that. :)~ But when you find one, a really good one, it is all soooooo worth it! God bless us all in our search :)

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 18 Jul, 2009 10:47 AM

* who cares?

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 23 Aug, 2009 06:28 PM

I guess this is an old post, but I was just reading it. I like what you wrote, "kels".

Guys do feel good about being contacted - I wouldn't call it pride, just a confirmation of their dignity. If they don't respond, it is not a rejection, they just think it's not a potential "match". I trust we all accept each other as people and brothers/sisters, but that doesn't mean all pairs should end up together in the covenant relationship of marriage.

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 23 Aug, 2009 06:40 PM

Just one more thought - to me, anyway, it seems more hurtful to respond and say "not interested", than to not respond. I think I'd rather have someone not respond to me. I understand the message. Maybe I'm wrong, or it depends on how a person feels. That's just how it seems to me.

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 31 Aug, 2009 10:10 AM

Some are afraid of rejection or being judged.

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