Author Thread: I don't think the polls really matter

I don't think the polls really matter
Posted : 2 Nov, 2020 06:24 PM

Right now Biden is ahead of Trump in the polls, but correct me if I'm wrong, wasn't Hilary ahead of Trump in the polls in the 2016 election? Hilary got the popular vote for crying out loud. But what happened? Trump won. Trump became the president. I don't care what side you lean, this shouldn't go by popular votes. If the entire map is covered in blue, yet Trump ends up getting the popular vote then he shouldn't be president. Same thing applies for Biden. Personally I think Trump will end up getting it again, but I'm not going to lie, I kind of expect there to be an all out war after that. Remember when those people gathered around the White House and Ashley Judd was bleating like a goat (she really did sound like a goat when she was a naaaaasty woman, it was pretty funny)? Yeah, I think it's going to be worse than that. I actually think people will literally try to blow up the White House. But what can you do? You just got to pray, that's the only thing you can do. Personally, if it gets that bad and I have to be killed for what I believe, then I will be waiting for it.

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I don't think the polls really matter
Posted : 2 Nov, 2020 06:30 PM

The same Hillary scenario. Biden is very seriously ill, not mentioning his advanced old age. He frequently suffers memory loss, sleepy, and have other health problems. Besides, his illness, Joe got a bad running mate who is mostly hated by majority of Americans for her radical agendas and racism.

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I don't think the polls really matter
Posted : 2 Nov, 2020 09:33 PM

Yes, there are some similarities concerning this election year with the 2016 election year. The polls showed Hilary “still ahead” until the last few days before the election, this year kinda looks similar.

Trump didn’t lose the popular vote inn2016 until votes were counted in California, where election “carelessness”

and/or laws there permit non-citizens either a right to vote or lax laws do not prevent illegal voting or both. There are several ways for a majority of nefarious politicians to skirt the law. Sometimes even dead people rise on occasion to cast a vote before quietly returning to the grave. Despite media fact-checker denial of non-citizen voting taking place, its a reality.

One simple way to accomplish non-citizen voter participation works similarly in fashion to illegal border crossings. Even though some politicians talk against illegal border crossings they conveniently allow lax enforcement—a pretty handy political trick!!

As for popular votes vs the Electoral College, it is constitutional for a President to sometimes win the election but lose the popular vote. This is due to the Electoral College.

Electoral vote tally for the 2016 presidential election. The total votes cast, 538. Donald Trump received 304, Hillary Clinton received 227. Colin Powell received 3. Bernie Sanders received 1. John Kasich received 1. Ron Paul received 1. Faith Spotted Eagle received 1.

The purpose of the Electoral College is a little more entailed than I’m ready to share but hopefully this synopsis will shed some light on its purpose.

The Electoral College prevents large cities or heavily populated states from dictating each new President. When this happens, some historians have referred to this as the “tyranny of the majority” thus disallowing less populated states a voice.

The idea helps make it possible for each state, based on its population, to elect a certain number of electors. The electors are determined by votes cast for a particular presidential candidate—thus the Electoral College.

Usually the candidate winning the popular vote also wins a majority of electors.

Hope I accurately passed on what was communicated to me

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