Author Thread: Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.

Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 25 Feb, 2009 06:15 PM

I just need to know what other peoples opinion on this subject is. I personally am legally still married, we are separated and are in the process of a divorce. What are some of your opinions on dating a married man or woman in this situation. If the man or woman says to the other their marriage is over, are your free to start dating? Or do your have to wait until your divorce is final?

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 9 Mar, 2009 05:20 PM

Yes, a separated person is still married, but at least they are being honest about it. How many that claim divorce actually are divorced? Statistics say only about 60% of people who claim to be divorced actually are. Wonder how accurate that proves to be here.



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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 11 Mar, 2009 07:12 PM

Hi. I read most of the posts here & I wanted to add something that I didn't read from anybody else so far. God didn't create the provision of divorce. Divorce is man made. God is always in the business of restoration. I've witnessed it myself from other friends. I've known people who were on the very brink and moments before papers were signed when the Lord intervened and couples reconciled. This may not be the case for you, and God may be "allowing" the death of this relationship, but please know that God is still working on your behalf behind the scenes. Your husband's heart may be hardened, but I pray that yours will remain pliable like clay so that God can use the next chapter in your life to be your husband. The Lord wants you all to Himself so He can reveal some things to you and love on you the way nobody on earth ever could. That good-lovin' that no mortal man will ever be able to compete with. He always was & always will be the one who will love you and never leave you because He keeps His word. Please don't be too quick to jump into another relationship until you allow your Heavenly Daddy to heal your heart completely. Singleness is a gift from above. I hope that you will continue to lean on other Godly women who will lift you up in prayer and glean from your bible...God's collection of love letters to all of us.

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 12 Mar, 2009 05:56 PM

Thank you Leon for your advice.

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 12 Mar, 2009 06:03 PM

Singer1, God bless you for your words of encouragement. I just wanted to get peoples opinions on this. Because my soon to be ex-husband said he was out of the marriage mentally 6 years ago. This is while I was still trying to make my marriage work. So, I appreaciate everything you said. Thank you. Pray for me please. God has been so good to me in spite of myself. I have been thanking and praising God even through this chapter in my life. I praise God in the good times and the bad. I love this song by Donald Lawrence called "Encourage Yourself". It is awesome. Thank you again and God Bless You!

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 15 Mar, 2009 10:31 PM

Dear sister, I believe it to be kosher and right with God that the person waits until they are legally divorced before pursuing any relationship. Also I believe that after going through such an emotional time, it is okay to want to be alone and not be in a relationship. I think that emotionally, it is not good to go from one relationship directly into another relationship. A person should seek God, through prayer, about what happened in the marriage before going straight into another relationship. Even the mind needs a period of rest. Prayer, devotion to God's Word, and communicating with God is the key.

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 16 Mar, 2009 05:06 PM

I beleive it really depends on the situation, no one asked why you got a divorce, and no one asked if your husband is a christian, and no one asked if the new man is a believer, I know the Lord is against divorce, at the same time there are real acceptions, if he was in fornication,or he is an unbeliever,or he has been beating you. There may be more. In any case whether it bee any of these, I believe it would be wise to wait to see what the Lord says about this new man, and weather or not you are to get a divorce. the Lord might have told you to. There is alot of depends. these thing should be considered and prayed over. Hope this helps

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 1 Apr, 2009 09:45 AM

Hello my Sister in Christ,

The fact of the matter is that you are either married or you are not. "Separated" is not a separate classification that allows a person to date. Anything can happen during a separation like reconciliation. God simply will not condone someone who is married/separated to be dating. He will not bless a person if they do this.

Additionally a separated person should not be seeking a mate.

One, there could be a reconciliation.

Two, a separated person is emotionally too vulnerable and is easy prey for a wolf in sheep's clothing.

With all this said. I believe you can be friends with someone.....just make sure you place the boundaries as if you are married,...because you are. I would also not allow any regular meetings in person until the divorce, providing it is biblical, to occur.



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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 17 Apr, 2009 06:29 AM

I personnally think that if a person is married or are STILL married. I think a lot of people come on these sites because they are going through a seperation/divorce to find someone to feel a void for their lonliness. People need time to heal after a seperation or divorce...not going out and looking for another relationship. Grieving takes time as a divorce is a very emotional thing to go through,not only for the couple but for the children and family as well. In my experience children do not want to see their mom or dad date right after a hurts them to see their parents with someone else so soon. Doing this too early makes some children resent their parent's for it. Especially when it is fresh and a new seperation or divorce. Think about your kids before yourself and in the long run your kids will appreciate yor for this instead of feeling hurt and resentful. I think parent's should look at their children's emotional feelings on this and think about them before thinking about what is best for themselves first. Kids come first,not you. It takes more than a few weeks or even months to move on after a seperation/divorce and you need to give yourself time for a grieving and healing process before moving on. I think if a person is still married should take time to heal before jumping into a relationship and hurting themselves,their kids and the person they are seeing. And many say...but I have been seperated for over a year now and i am over him/her. Then why not get a divorce...and then move on to the next step in your life when you know in your heart you are ready. To me being lonely does not mean you need to jump in a relationship with someone else just to feel that emptiness. In the long run you end up hurting others as well and the pain starts all over again. Find ways to keep yourself busy...focus on your family, kids,faith,church. It is very difficult,painful and hard but if you are willing to move on and get through it you can with the help of family,friends and your faith. first. Always. Hope this helps...God bless..Bev~

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 17 Apr, 2009 06:46 AM

I also want to say...i personally would not date a married or seperated man because there may be some reconciliation on the couple. Then where does that leave me? Hurt! I think it is wrong for a married person to go looking for a new relationship while still married/seperated. They need time to heal and what is the rush? Get a divorce and when it is final then take that next step and move forward. Always think about kids if there are any envolved here. People always seem to think of themselves first before their own children. But i am lonely,sad,hurt...true...but what about your kids? What do you think they are feeling? And to see mom or dad go out too soon after a divorce is painful for them to see when all they knew was mom and dad together. Everyone NEEDS time to get through this difficult time and heal. Give it time,know you are ready to move on. It took me 2 years before i even thought about dating...because i thought of my kids and i needed that time to cope and emotionally be able to move on. I never even thought twice about seeing anyone! I thought about my children and how much pain they and myself were going through...they needed me and i needed them. God bless and peace..Bev~

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 21 Apr, 2009 07:25 AM

:waving: Good morning Walter, I want to compliment you on a very good to the point answer/ entry to this question/ situation. And it didn't take a page and a half to do it! Maybe you do have a down to earth side to you after all. FYI, I do agree with your stand on separation and dating, well put.

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