Author Thread: Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.

Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 25 Feb, 2009 06:15 PM

I just need to know what other peoples opinion on this subject is. I personally am legally still married, we are separated and are in the process of a divorce. What are some of your opinions on dating a married man or woman in this situation. If the man or woman says to the other their marriage is over, are your free to start dating? Or do your have to wait until your divorce is final?

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 21 Apr, 2009 07:37 AM

:waving: Also a comment to bayoubev, your statements and feelings on this were very good as well. The key element in this kind of situation is to certainly ask for God's leading and guidance first and foremost! In our human-ness we can very easily take a wrong step based on our emotions and our own human judgement. One of my favorite phrases is very applicable here......" Let go, Let god." He'll never fail us! Rather simple precept but oh so true!

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 21 Apr, 2009 06:04 PM

What does the Bible say.? What is the only reason that divorce was allowed in the Bible? Because of Adultry and that was only because of hardenest of the heart and not being able to fogive. Dating a person who is still legally married is still wrong as far as the Bible is concerned. It is still considered adultry. You need to get into the word and do your research if you want to truly stay in God's will and walk with him.

I don't mean to sound cold and uncareing, but I am also divorced more than once and believe me it is rough. I got out of step with the Lord and married a non-believer and I must tell you it was so wrong, and have I paid dearly. Now for the last 18 yrs my eyes have been opened to the word in the true sense. I won't even consider dating a non-believer and am still not dating. I have left that entirely up to the Lord. for me it was a long struggle, and a deep growing period, but I want to stay right with the Lord Good luck to you and may God Bless you and guide you and give you sound wisdom, Fudge :waving:

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 1 May, 2009 05:59 AM

Divorce just doesn't happen on a piece of paper. When we marry we took a convenant with that person with God being in on the contact. Like having a three person business with a legal commitment signed, sealed, and kept in heaven. Not only are we bound in the financial, emotional ways here on earth but also spiritual.

Only God can break that spiritual bond with our former mate. And it takes much prayer, and most of the time some prayer and fasting. Then only then you should set out to find out about yourself.

What you like? What you don't like? What part did I have in where the marriage went wrong or got off track? (This is not a time to sit back pointing fingers at someone else.) What kind of person am I now? Where is my spiritual walk now with the Lord? And most important to realize we need to be a whole person with just us, there is no one to make us feel whole and good about ourselves, that should be worked out before we even think about moving into a new relationship.

If not then we are setting ourselves up to do the same thing over again.

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 24 May, 2009 05:09 AM

Hebrews 13:4 "Marriage should be honored by all..."

Our actions really show if we honor the marriage vow. If we separate and date, we are not honorable - end of story...

Anyone having a question about this, and other topics related to divorce, I would encourage you to by John MacArthur's book entitled "The Divorce Dilemma"... This book will put everything in a biblical perspective and answer any questions about the "rights & wrongs" of divorce, marriage, re-marriage, and separation for the believer.

Hope this helps...

Pastor Sam

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 25 May, 2009 10:45 PM

Although I would caution against getting married again before your divorce is final (that was a joke) I would say that at some point you and your spouse's marriage vow that you made before and to God has already been broken. To this day i think dating is a questionable term in which the confines of, people find it appropriate to do a wide range of things. I don't think it would be a good idea to engage in any amorous physical activities (e.g. kissing, hugging-->i mean the long hugging, hand holding and whatever else I can't think of) for the purposes of how it might look to other people since we are called to be witnesses. But I think it is a healthy thing for you to meet new people and entertain the wonderful ideas of possible future relationships because for most it helps dull the pain that comes from the one that you are leaving.

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 17 Jul, 2009 08:06 PM

Is your spouse the one that is asking for the divorce? What is the reason? These are some of the questions that need to be cleared up.

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 17 Jul, 2009 08:49 PM

I looked at some of the responses and they are good. The reason why I am taking the time to say anything is that this is a subject that everyone take as if it is not serious. When you look in the King James Bible and they are other bible the only way you are suppose to get a divorce is because of adultery and that is with the hardness of your heart (the person who was not the adultery).

The person who commit it cannot remarry or anything until the person it was done to remarry. I rely wish that people would really take the time and look at marriage. Why does it say till death do us part? God was not playing when started this. there is so much. this is a bible study of it own. We all should read on this very carefully before taking that step. As people of God

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 25 Jul, 2009 09:53 PM

I was in the same situation that you are dealing with, as children of God we must obey the wisdom given us. I was told to wait until the divorce was final, but I found someone that I was interested in before it became final, that person respected my wanting to wait which showed me something about her. we stayed on a friendship level , no huggy kissy touchy feely, I know that it is hard but our father gives us the strength to walk in accordance of His will, so yea, I feel it is OK to begin a friendship, but hold fast to the vowels you made until they no longer apply. Be strong and pray on it, our Daddy will give you the answer you seek, if you don't get what you need here. by the way, anything you recieve here may not be what is right for you, ask and ye shall recieve, trust in that.

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 4 Aug, 2009 05:20 PM

To answer this question, you have to ask yourself am i a christian who is following what God has written, read what the bible says about marriage, divorce, think about it should you be dating a married person period. A door shouldnt be open without closing the other one.

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 5 Aug, 2009 08:12 PM

There are several answers to that question and they all depend on what you believe in.

According to the Bible, it is clearly wrong, no if ands or buts. However, according to the world, it not a bad thing as long as the two adults are clear about what they want and are not "cheating" on one another and have gone there seperate ways.

Although it takes two, the final decision is yours as to whether or not your going to become involved before the divorce is final. Personally, I wouldn't get involved but try putting the shoe on the other foot. Would you want somone dating your husband while you were seperated and not divorced yet? Also, did you hear his wife say from her own mouth that she wants a divorce? Sometimes people may only tell you their part of the story. Just because one person wants ut, doesn't mean the other one does also.

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