Author Thread: Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.

Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 25 Feb, 2009 06:15 PM

I just need to know what other peoples opinion on this subject is. I personally am legally still married, we are separated and are in the process of a divorce. What are some of your opinions on dating a married man or woman in this situation. If the man or woman says to the other their marriage is over, are your free to start dating? Or do your have to wait until your divorce is final?

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 19 Mar, 2010 06:17 PM

Your still married you need not to be looking!!!

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 22 Mar, 2010 07:49 PM

I'm sorry, but having been in this position - I feel very strongly that until you are divorced, you should NOT be dating. Not even going out alone with the opposite sex. You are not free to, you are married. I didn't like how that felt, but I believe it's what God wants from us.

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 30 Mar, 2010 04:28 PM

I think deep in your heart you already know the answer. Married means just that. Married. Would you feel you were in Gods will if you met someone and they were still married but dated them anyway? In the past if someone on here was still married and contacted me, I would tell them to contact me when they were divorced. Out of Gods will is no place to be. And it would be rebound dating any way because of loneliness. Heal first , seek God, then look for a serious relationship.

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 21 Apr, 2010 07:47 AM

Wanted to write as I feel led. Lord gives us some boundaries that if we cross, we hurt ourselves and others. The covenant of marriage may 'feel' over ...but legally you are still bound. I also remember that our Lord is an expert in bringing dead things back to life. This is not a guarantee in your dead marriage..but certainly a possibility.

If you jump into a new relationship ....where is your heart? The Lord wants the best and first of your affection and your heart. When he knows you are fully satisfied in Him, I believe we are then REALLy ready for a powerful God honoring relationship.

Bless you....none of this is easy....I hope you recieve this in the spirit of love it was intended.

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 26 May, 2010 11:35 AM

For me, dating a married person that is separated is completely out of the question. Even dating a divorced person can be risky, because of the likelihood of that person still carrying baggage that binds them to past hurts and pleasures from and with another.

I have been divorced since 1992, and still bare some scares, but hopefully by now I am free enough of my past wounds that I can have a good, and healthy relationship with someone, but until that happens, I have no way of knowing for sure if it can be, but to those who believe, with God all things are possible, but are they probable?

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 18 Jun, 2010 03:38 AM

I am actually going today to try and file for a divorce. My Ex (we call each other that even though the papers are just going in today) and I sat and laughed together with the notary as we signed the papers. We are not married. I care deeply for her because she is the mother of my children. We have an obligation to raise these two the best we can because God entrusted them to us and we cannot be bitter toward each other. No, there is no chance for us to get back together. We tried for two years with Christian counseling. I actually helped her get dressed for the first serious date with the man she is exclusively dating now. I had to, she had put on a shirt with a really bad color for her. We have a piece of paper and that is it. We would be divorced already if it wasn't for all the paperwork. Our kids are doing great. Our pastor and many neighbors didn't ever realize we were separated because they saw no signs in the kids and the two of us get along better than many of the married couples we know. That last part is something I pray for each day. That they can have His healing. Sorry for this long response but I think there are times it is okay. I actually have a dear friend that dated a pastor who was separated. She worked with his ex-wife. I don't think this works at all times and I am not one that thinks "I am married in the eyes of God or not married in the eyes of God" because I can't know what He feels there but I do know my family has been blessed through this ordeal so I continue to worship every day through the music I listen to and the things I do. I am not dating anyone right now but have been working on myself and I feel ready to be with someone but they will have to understand that I am the best friend to my Ex because God blessed us with twin girls and they are amazing and we will raise them as best we can. One of my daughters lost a toy when she had just turned 5 and she I told her I didn't think we could get it back and she said "it is just a toy. As long as I have my Jesus, that is all I need". Dad cried that day. God bless each of you in your walk.

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 23 Jun, 2010 06:27 AM

The aswer is easy. Married is marred. I know friends that over the yers have dated sepated people. In some cases, they were devistaed whne the other party went back to reconcile with their partner.

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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 23 Jul, 2010 10:15 PM

My husband left me 2 years ago. I. He had already started a relationship with another before he left. I do not believe in divorice and was finally able to talk him into working on things so we sought our minister for counciling he went to a couple sessions but she kept contacting him and they chose to live in sin. You see she left her husband a couple weeks before he left me. He finally said that he felt that this was Gods will for him to be with her he felt God had put them togather. Needless to say about 6 months from the time he left we were legally divoriced. I believe that if this women would have refused to see him as long as either one of them were married that my husband may have been able to work with God to save our marriage. Seperated means that you are married not living togather Divorice in the works means that you are married and taking steps to end your marriage. Both mean you are married and there is still room for either party to change there minds and choose to reconcile. There is still time for God to work miracles. Remember that you also made a commitment under God to be with that person till death do you part not until differences do you part. So in my opinion you need to be open to reconciliation until the day that the papers are signed by the Judge saying you are divoriced and then you need to take time for repentence and grieving. Did you pray for your spose every morning every night and every afternoon. Did you pray that God would bless your spouse in all there endevors. No matter what the cause of the failure in the relationship there is always something we can look back on and maybe if we would have handled it differently the out come would have been different. Therefore I don�t recommend that you dwell on your mistakes but recognise them and repent for them. Then you need to FORGIVE you need to forgive your spouse for there mistakes. Then the hardest for me was to forgive yourself. You don�t want to take hurt, grief, unforgiveness or bad relationship skills into another relationship, take time to recognise those things and leave them at your fathers feet. I prayed for my ex husband for a very long time every day and still do ocassionaly I prayed that God would forgive him and help me forgive him I prayed that he would guide lead and protect him. I prayed for the women that he left me for.I prayed that God would heal the relationship between him and his daughters. I prayed for her children that they would be protected through this. Then I realized that I needed to learn to love him as one of Gods children no longer as my husband. This was not easy he said horrible things about me and still does. He treats his children badly and tells them bad things about me.He refuses to take calls from his daughters if they call him from my phone. But we are still to love the sinners. So there is a lot of things that need to happen before you begin a relationship with another person. Hind sight is 20/20 and I had to repent for not seeking help soon enough. I had repent for not finding a better way to say things, there were many times that I loved my husband but I did not really like him very much any more and I had to repent for that. Now 2 years later I am beginning to seek Gods next plan for my life. How long this takes there is no magical time frame and nobody can tell you how long it will take or should take but you do have to allow time for God to work. I hope this helps someone.

In Christ,


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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 5 Aug, 2010 05:02 AM

I don't know who wrote what, but this is what I see from the Scripture and I based my experience around it.

I Cor. 7:15 says if the unbeliever leaves, let them go for they are not under bondage but God has called us to peace. That and adultery is the Scriptural divorce. There is a piece of paper called the bill of divorcement. I believe it is up to the couple to decide to wait on on the bill of divorcement or not. When my ex left last year I had to wait 16 months before everything got final. I had a couple of guys that I did limited activities with as I think they were interested in me. The relationships didn't go anywhere. I really wanted to wait until the whole process was over. It's over. Yea! Those men aren't beating down my door. I think they just wanted friendship.

I married the wrong man. Now I am waiting for my soul mate, the one GOD has for me, the one who completes me. Not some man who has HIS own agenda.


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Dating a married person that is separated and or in process of divorce.... need opinions on this subject. Honest responses please.
Posted : 10 Aug, 2010 07:05 AM

ABSOLUTELY TRUE MIKE: And I can say that from experience! If you don't have a divorce decree, you are still married! Even after you are divorced, as another responder indicated, you MUST HAVE A HEALED HEART first! I say must, but I spose if you want to continue to get into relationships just to be in one, you will regret not waiting! Also from experience.

Breathe girl! Really.Take time for YOU. Draw closer to God and let HIM bring you a husband ...of HIS choosing. :) It's NOT easy - I"m not about to suggest it is! But you can do it.

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