TheSeekingOneSings is Single in Merrillan, Wisconsin


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Female | 58
United States
Last Login Date
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TheSeekingOneSings is Single in Merrillan, Wisconsin, 1 TheSeekingOneSings is Single in Merrillan, Wisconsin, 2 TheSeekingOneSings is Single in Merrillan, Wisconsin, 3 TheSeekingOneSings is Single in Merrillan, Wisconsin, 4 TheSeekingOneSings is Single in Merrillan, Wisconsin, 5 TheSeekingOneSings is Single in Merrillan, Wisconsin, 6 TheSeekingOneSings is Single in Merrillan, Wisconsin, 7 TheSeekingOneSings is Single in Merrillan, Wisconsin, 8
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Mixed Color
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
The Body of Christ
Church Attendance
No answer
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
1 or 2 on occasion
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but they're grown
Do you want children?
Education Level
2 Yr College Degree
My Profession
SINGING, my family, customer service, people who are REAL!
About Me
as of 09/2023 - Ultimately, I desire to be married, but a REAL good place to begin is friendship - email, chat, etc.....? When I say "on occasion" I mean rarely. At MOST, I may have a margarita or a couple wine coolers in 6 MONTHS.

I wish more people understood EFFECTIVE communication! It's NOT just hearing or being heard. The end goal is UNDERSTANDING and requires, if not demand' {respectful} Q&A for clarification. If you let it so unfold, the results can be purely harmonic.

If I cannot sing, I cannot BREATHE! I'm not interested in legalistic OR wishy-washy Christianity. I'm a born-again, spirit-filled Christian. I'm all too human; I fail. I press on.

I prefer order and teamwork to chaos & being treated like a maid... I HAVE my pet peeves; don't we all? I tend to be more serious but love relaxing with people I care about. :: Laughter is a wonderful thing, comedy is my favorite movie genre, & perceptive playfulness is highly valued.

Words that describe me:
HONEST, mature, responsible, generous, selfless, sensitive, & always giving more than I receive. I put others before myself - always have. Would like someone to put ME first for a change! The benefits could only make us BOTH happy ...maybe for the rest of our lives!

Words that describe you:
HONEST, mature, responsible, generous, selfless, sensitive, fun, CONFIDENT, & willing to give as much as I do! If you exist, I'm sure you will find me - eventually.

NO GAMES - I've had more than my share. If I don't match your expectations (or vice versa) that need not reflect badly on either of us. Oh! And it would be extra helpful if you live within an hour (max), particularly if I'm going to do any of the driving - js. SCAMMERS, BE GONE!

I see cdff is inundated with ads ALL OVER now - great! smh
First Date
Maybe a park or small cafe. Somewhere we can talk openly & in a relaxed manner.

Straight-forward [respectful] honesty is best. I'm too old to spend time on anything less. In fact, I'd prefer to do some chatting & emailing first - if we have something healthy to build on, perhaps we can call or meet at some point. Whatta ya think?

Do you know what you want? Great! Let's pursue an eRelationship. My ultimate intention IS to find a life partner, but there can only be one! Friends are an undeniable gift! :thumbsup:
Account Settings (To message TheSeekingOneSings you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 40 to 65.
Must not Smoke.
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