Author Thread: Fornication

Posted : 1 Oct, 2010 09:33 PM

How can someone who claims to be a Christian live in fornication and justify their life style?

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Posted : 8 Oct, 2010 09:45 PM

Amen MrRow (at least, I assume you are agreeing with Jude entirely, haha).

Okay, I know this is from the good ol' interweb, but it's from which is, Oh that's right, a DICTIONARY!

It defines fornication as, "voluntary sexual intercourse between two unmarried persons or two persons not married to each other"

That seems pretty clear cut to me. Sex outside of marriage is wrong. Pure and simple. It hurts people. And as far as the whole piece of paper argument, all throughout the Bible, marriages were LEGALLY done. In other words, the piece of paper DOES matter.

Whenever non-believers ask me to define sin, I say the best way I can define it is as something that is detrimental to yourself or others. Sex outside of marriage is very detrimental, and there are consequences for it. They aren't always immediate, but there are always consequences.

As for how Christians justify it, there are all kinds of excuses. I hear people say things like, "I only do it if I really love the person." Another excuse is, "People back in Biblical times got married much younger than we do today, so they didn't have to wait as long." There are plenty of others, but it is most definitely very wrong. Like Jude, I'm not judging individual people, I'm just speaking the truth. It is an act of sin. Whether you choose to live in that sin is your business, but I am not going to say it's not sin just because you (you as in whoever falls into this category) don't want it to be.

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Posted : 10 Oct, 2010 05:03 PM

I�ve been asking this question for a long time. The bottom line, I believe the Lord has revealed to me is that a lot of Christians just don�t want to be disciplined enough to stay abstinent. We as believers especially in America are so surrounded by this secular culture that we lose our identity in Christ and start conforming to the world�s standards. As Christians we can not define our standards by the standards of the world. If something isn�t against the law people have a hard time looking at it as something wrong, that�s why so many Christians are confused about what�s a �sin� and what�s not a sin. The truth is sex is fun and enjoyable period. The quicker Christians can have a real candid talk about sex the better a lot of us will be. We ask ourselves when we fall in love with that special person how can this be wrong after all we aren�t hurting anybody. So we find ways to justify it by trying to find other people who�ve committed fornication and lived successful and blessed lives. We believe that if it was wrong God would rain down fire on us and reveal our sin and if he doesn�t then it�s okay. In the bible it speaks about people who continue to live in sin and how harshly God deals with them in the end. There is no justification for fornicating and believe me I wish it was. But the truth is God wants us to be with the one he wants us to marry and then once we are married then we engage in sexual intimacy with that person. This is not to punish us but to protect our spirits and preserve our hearts. Marriage is beautiful when it is patterned after God�s plan and not the worlds. This is not a popular and easily settling response but it�s the requirement by our father however we may personally feel about it.

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Posted : 11 Oct, 2010 02:40 PM

Thanxs MrRow...:winksmile:

Amen ! Amen !!! to Cowgirl & Virtuous...Nice ta see the Ladys here are on the same page of the Good Book...:yay:...xo

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Posted : 12 Oct, 2010 01:16 PM

"People back in Biblical times got married much younger than we do today, so they didn't have to wait as long."

This statement raises another question. How old was Adam and Eve when they became man and wife? God created a man not a baby. Babies came later. So God created a mature man ready to reproduce. Joseph had to wait until Mary came of age. Traditionally Mary was 14 yrs old when she was found with child. If young people got married as soon as they were old enough (to reproduce) and if the parents hand picked the perfect mate as they did in bible times, marriage would be much safer than it is today. This idea humans forbid to marry until later in life in life is not only un bibilcal but also in-humane.

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Posted : 12 Oct, 2010 01:35 PM

Someone said,"The idea of a certificate of marriage is for the most part for the purposes of the law, taxes and religion. It is not a Biblical concept at all."

I agree in part with this statement. Who gave the authority to any man to sell a license for marriage. Who has the right to say who can marry or not. If you need permission and a license, that license granting agency can claim authority over anything in the marriage including your children.

The bible does not define marriage or say you need a certificate of marriage. But it does say you need a certificate of divorce, Ezra 10:3 & Deut 24:1-5 when a wife is put away "Agunah" (chained wife) and not free to remarry, she must have a written certificate before she can remarry.

If you cannot define a marriage biblically you should not condemn others. Marriage is a truth we hold to be self eident. We cannot define it but we know it when we see it. And it takes much more than a paper to make a marriage. And it takes more than a paper to get over the pain of being put away.

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Posted : 13 Oct, 2010 10:07 AM

Marriage is a covenant relation. Always in the Bible when a covenant was made there was some kind of ceremony and sometimes it would include a feast that had witnesses and vows were exchanged along with gifts. In every culture and in every religion God recognizes and honors the covenant of marriage. You are trying to say just jumping in bed and sleeping together is recognized by God as marriage, the Bible teaches just the exact opposite. Trying to smash in an idea into the text to appease the conscience is not a healthy practice. (I can be the best at that, but when I let the Bible tell me what it is saying I always do much better) People all the time look the other way or ignoring what the Bible clearly says and the two place I see it happen the most is with fornication (sex outside of the marriage covenant) and homosexuality, because these two always hit close to home with loved ones or self. It is a hard to accept teaching but it is what it is.

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Posted : 13 Oct, 2010 12:55 PM

The covenant is not the marriage. Adam made no covenant with Eve. The covenant language in Malichi2 and Proverbs that mention covenant of youth or marriage is talking about the covenant God made with HIS own covenant people. They were not to marry outsiders/pagans. WHY,Because God wanted to raise up a Godly seed through HIS people from Adam to Jesus, that the world through HIM would be saved. It has nothing to do with covenant vows made for a marriage in "God's eyes." Nowhere is that covenant commanded in the bible. In fact the whole idea of covenant marriage has been invented during my lifetime in response to the terrible epidemic of divorce in the world, and now in the church. This is what it means to smash your own opinion into scripture to make it what you want it to be, back at ya.

BTW, if you attack me and my motives it really a confesion you have no answer.

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Posted : 13 Oct, 2010 02:18 PM

I have read all your comments and wish to ad something here. The 10 ccommandments were introduced during the time of Moses. when Jesus died that introduced salvation.

The marriage agreements do change also with time.Now there is a ceremony and an exchange of vows to promise yourself to that other personThis is how it is done in the USA. In some other countries it is done in a court house.

never a church. We are lucky it can be done in a church.

Fornication can be almost anything sexual outside of marriage.Including watching movies with compromising scenes. Sex sins are sex sins no matter what.the modern age with computers and photography have changed things. The bible does not mention TV, but is watching very strng rated movies fornication??????

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Posted : 13 Oct, 2010 02:49 PM

Actually you have given me the answer I was lookin for. Your arguments have been weak and it seems like you are trying to justify this for yourself or someone else. There is no justification for fornication and those who call themselves Christian that live a life style in this sin "could" be proof of a false conversion.

I wanted to hear arguments from both sides (for and against) and between this thread and the intimacy thread for me one side stands clear as being right.

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Posted : 14 Oct, 2010 04:25 PM

"The 10 ccommandments were introduced during the time of Moses. when Jesus died that introduced salvation."

Actually, the promise of salvation came before Moses and Salvation before the foundations of the world.. The 12 spies were under the Law but only two of them were true believers of the promise by faith. We are saved by faith and none are made righteous by the keeping the Law.

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