Author Thread: Should we kiss ????

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Should we kiss ????
Posted : 14 Feb, 2013 04:03 AM

Do you thinks its right for christians to share a passionate kiss if dating each other ?? How far should christians go ? What are the limits ? How far in a relationship should we be to talk about are physical feelings.

All in all these are questions that many christians dating have in there head. Share your thoughts of what you think or reply !!!!

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Should we kiss ????
Posted : 14 Feb, 2013 06:02 AM

It depends on the person I think. I would say that it's much safer not to, but I can't say it's wrong or that it shouldn't happen. Some people are stronger/weaker when it comes to certain things. Some people can control themselves when it comes to alcohol/drugs/etc, some can't. I don't mean to say that affection is a drug, but it does have some similar effects, and we do crave contact and affection and love like we would a drug, so I think it should be treated similarly and we should all know our limits. I also think that if there is no passion, there is no point in getting married. For the best hope of happiness in a marriage, I think people need to be as compatible as possible in as many areas as possible, and I think people should be compatible in passion and attraction, but at the same time, "temperance in all things" and "flee from youthful lusts". So I guess, to answer your question, I think kissing is ok, but it should be at the right point in the relationship and BE CAREFUL if you want to avoid emotional pain and sin for yourself and your significant other. Don't kiss and drive.


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Should we kiss ????
Posted : 15 Feb, 2013 04:41 AM

Rather than asking should we kiss we men need to be asking what else should we do with our lips that will bring true intimacy?

Communicate honestly. If you really want a woman to love you and feel secure then you develop trust not by focus on the physical but the relationship. The relationship has little to do with the physical it is verbal.

You as the man are the leader. What does this involve? Leading....This means you lead in protecting your woman from lustful activities. This means you lead your woman in open and honest communication about life.

I know it is not easy especially when she smells so good and is so attractive. I am furtunate to be 7000 miles away from my love. But we did have 3 amazing weeks together in India. I had her younger brother shaparone us around knowing we couldnt be left alone in private.

Find public places to spend your time together and bond through verbal expressions of intimacy. Through spiritual activities and sharing. Becaue when you cross the line you can not go back and this usually ends up costing the relationship.

Remember she is nothing more than your sister spiritually. What would you do with your sister? Would you make out with your sister? Only once you are married does the dynamics of the relationship change to being one flesh. Then and only then are you free to explore your needs and desires physically.

I hope this helps young man and God be with you both.


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Should we kiss ????
Posted : 15 Feb, 2013 05:01 PM

"Remember she is nothing more than your sister spiritually. What would you do with your sister? Would you make out with your sister?"

Treat your gf like your sister? I wouldn't look at it that way.

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Should we kiss ????
Posted : 17 Feb, 2013 11:15 AM

I vote for passionate kissing - yes.

If Christian dating cuts out the physical then all that is left is the material, and there is plenty enough of that materialism going on.

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Should we kiss ????
Posted : 17 Feb, 2013 01:49 PM

No! Don't kiss! As a leader, this is more of a male question. So by GOD'S Grace, I'll answer. That woman you date may end up marrying someone else. In receiving a wife, she will hopefully come with as little previous experience as possible. In Bible times, the idea was for virgins to marry (especially as women, seeing men have always been allowed more than one wife).

In the world today, the Gospel being brought to cultures without GOD'S Standards, marrying virgins is next to impossible for most. However, purity is still important to Christian men. The woman whom I marry, GOD WILLING, may be somewhere out there. If she ends up on a date with you (for example) or some other man, before I find her (though I hope to marry a virgin), then please Do Not Kiss my future wife. Leave her alone. Lol! Hands off! They say that the DNA of Every person we kiss remains in our mouths. Keep it Clean! All the way clean.

The Scripture actually says that if you are starting to behave inappropriately towards your "virgin", then marry her. 1st Cor 7:36. But don't defile what may be for another man. PRAISE THE GOOD LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. :) AMEN.

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Should we kiss ????
Posted : 17 Feb, 2013 03:23 PM

No! Don't kiss! As a leader, this is more of a male question. So by GOD'S Grace, I'll answer. That woman you date may end up marrying someone else. In receiving a wife, she will hopefully come with as little previous experience as possible. In Bible times, the idea was for virgins to marry (especially as women, seeing men have always been allowed more than one wife).

In the world today, the Gospel being brought to cultures without GOD'S Standards, marrying virgins is next to impossible for most. However, purity is still important to Christian men. The woman whom I marry, GOD WILLING, may be somewhere out there. If she ends up on a date with you (for example) or some other man, before I find her (though I hope to marry a virgin), then please Do Not Kiss my future wife. Leave her alone. Lol! Hands off! They say that the DNA of Every person we kiss remains in our mouths. Keep it Clean! All the way clean.

The Scripture actually says that if you are starting to behave inappropriately towards your "virgin", then marry her. 1st Cor 7:36. But don't defile what may be for another man. PRAISE THE GOOD LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. :) AMEN.

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Should we kiss ????
Posted : 18 Feb, 2013 05:24 AM

So just remember, when you're kissing your future wife, you're kissing her dad and mom! :goofball:


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Should we kiss ????
Posted : 19 Feb, 2013 05:36 AM

I agree with Michael.

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Should we kiss ????
Posted : 21 Feb, 2013 04:03 AM

You see men you might win a lady through romance but for a woman romance is not enough.

The very thing that keeps a good woman is nurture. When a man nurtures a woman her heart finds rest and security with him.

We men want to win our prize and often we persue and capture our women. They enjoy the attention we give them and this gives them a false sense of our our love for them.

How often have you after winning your prize have you realised this prize is not all that great any longer?

This is because your focus is not a sustainable one. No relationship can maintain the heat. Heat comes and it goes but true intimacy comes from nurturing a honest and commited relationship.

Many have asked me how I have maintained a long distance relationship for so long over 2 years. Well the secret of maintaining any relationship is nurture.

We dont need the physical to maintain our relationship and neither do you. Do we desire this? Of course we do and we know we will have all the time to enjoy eachother after married.

And you know what? We will appreciate our time together all the more because we suffered in waiting. The suffering in waiting and the evidence of our genuine love and commitment toward oneanother is a solid foundation.

A solid foundation that can not be broken. We see divorce all around us.

Why do we seek to continue to follow the worlds way and think it will turn out any different?

You want change men then be the change maker by following the path of righteousness and life......

Keep your self and your woman from the path of lust. We have the perfect example with Adam and eve where their lust in the tree and after eating the fruit seperated them for oneanother and from God.

Is this what you want?

I know you dont..

So be change makers.

In Christ alone,


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Should we kiss ????
Posted : 21 Feb, 2013 02:03 PM

It is funny that mostly Men answered when this was a question for a girl.

And the first question was about "passionate kissing" and I figure that means not just a quick peck of a kiss.

The idea that any man would want a Lady who has never been kissed - is a man who expects too much, IMO.

I see the idea of a dating relationship without physical feelings to be an absurd idea.

I still vote for passionate kissing - yes.


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