Author Thread: Now that we have a chat line.!.!

Now that we have a chat line.!.!
Posted : 6 Apr, 2009 09:15 PM

Tell me if I'm wrong, but; I am confused. I am new, not only in my dedication to the Lord(baptized on 8-10-08), but also to the internet and chat lines. I use the site to reach out to Godly men via emails and winks. I was hoping to use the chat line the site has provided for us for knowledge, strength and love from other believers. I expected even prayer request to be sought and answered. I don't go to the chat rooms everyday, but I have felt that when my name comes up, I am invisable. I see welcomings to others and it becomes obvious that they are frequent chatters. I have questions and alot of love to give. But my christian love is not needed by most. As I said, I am new....I urge you to respond, love in Christ, auntwisa

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Now that we have a chat line.!.!
Posted : 10 Apr, 2009 03:53 PM


I am sorry that you have not had the best experience in the live chat rooms. Everyone should feel welcomed when they enter and free to ask questions and participate; you are correct about that. No one should feel 'invisible.'

I am usually in the 40+ room and my experience has been quite the opposite. I have always welcomed those who enter and ask them to participate if I 'see them' sitting on the sidelines. And others have done the same towards me most of the time. The only time I will not immediately welcome someone is when there is prayer going on; during those times, I wait for an AMEN and then try to remember and welcome all that have signed on during the prayer time. When I sign on, I immediately send out a 'hello there' to the group in the event they were so busy talking they didn't see me enter the room.

I have been in live chat when many (inlcuding myself) have submitted prayer requests, been prayed for, and felt God's presence. I've been in live chat when the prescence of God was so strong that everyone was praising, worshipping, 'singing' lines of songs, and shedding tears together over the goodness of God. These experiences have far outweighed the few less positive experiences I have felt in live chat.

It is true that many times when the 'regular' chatters are there and familiar with one another, they may carry on conversations with one another which could make a new person feel like an outsider. However, I do not believe it's done intentionally. It can be overwhelming when there are several people in the room and different conversations are going on at the same time.

I must confess, there was one time when I had a prayer request and no one was 'talking' to me. I merely 'interrupted' and said I had a need. They immediately stopped chatting among themselves and prayed for me. I left the live chat feeling much better than I did when I signed on. So feel free to interrupt, I have never noticed anyone ignore a request when I have been on there. True, you shouldn't have to interrupt, but unfortunately we are all human and sometimes we don't have the manners we should all the time.

In speaking for myself, I want you to always feel welcome to send me an email with any questions or concerns you may have. If I don't know the answer, we can search the bible together. You are right, this site should be the place where all can feel comfortable in asking questions and feeling welcome in the live chat room. There are many others on this site who would also welcome questions and concerns you have as well and be able to provide you with scriptures to back up what they are saying.

I will be praying that your future experiences will be more positive in the live chat room. So please continue 'peeking in' and give the live chatting another chance. You may even need to 'interrupt' the regulars and start a conversation. This free site has been a blessing for me spiritually and I'm grateful we all have an opportunity to share the love of Christ with other believers.


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Now that we have a chat line.!.!
Posted : 22 Apr, 2009 10:39 AM

Hey.....sorry you feel this way gurl. The chat line is open to everyone that wants to enter, and from my experience when I go in there...they usually always say "hi"..."welcome"..."how are you" etc,. You just need to jump in, and start talking. We have prayer for anyone that asks, and needs help. We talk about our love for the Lord, and reach out our arms to anyone, and everyone that enters there. I'm in the over 40chat room, and basically pretty new at it...but no matter how long u've been in there...we are all equals, and the same in God's eyes..and thats the feeling I get in that Chat room. Everyone treats you as an 'equal'.

I love everyone, and if I ever see you come ready for me..k? lol.

God Bless you...and just come in and say HI ya'll:))))

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