Author Thread: Interracial Marrige

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Interracial Marrige
Posted : 21 Dec, 2016 03:36 PM

Hello before anyone judge me who know me already I'm asking these questions. Because you never know what God has in store for everybody. I'm like to ask some questions about Interracial Marriage.

The reason I brought that up because I'm getting some advice [in God's word foundation] about this subject.

It's not about me I think there are people out there who is in a relationship who has a different skin color and others things.

I'm not being raciest or anything I'm against the idea of raciest ideas. I believe that we are created in the image of God.

I don't want everybody to be judging me or kicking me out for asking you this question.

And I am not ruling out people who I know already as I said before I am opening some options here. Whether the ones I meet here at this site or here at home. And opening to who ever has the same skin color or not. I thought in case God has someone who is different in the outside but is following God at the same time.

I have seen so far no body brought that up and I think everybody should think that about that option if that's God's will for them.

I know God used people who married to is out side the Children of Israel like Moses and his wife who is a Mideanite.

I hope if doesn't get me into trouble but I think this subject should be talked about. Like deling with peer pressure, mocked, laugh at, and other things that could be putting pressure on a marriage for being different couple.

Again please don't feel bad for me asking this question or subject and kick me out for this subject. I believe that God uses unlikely people to do amazing things.

I hope you have a great Christmas and a happy new year!

God bless you!

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Interracial Marrige
Posted : 25 Dec, 2016 10:31 AM

"I don't want everybody to be judging me or kicking me out for asking you this question."

What exactly is your question again?

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Interracial Marrige
Posted : 26 Dec, 2016 08:31 PM

I'm sorry that I have not ask. I was worried about the questions. Anyway one of them is when someone meet someone else who is different on the outside but is a Christian. And they decided to go dating and later on people are like. "why are you dating her why not someone else with the same skin?" What would you say to those people? And try to make them understand?

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Interracial Marrige
Posted : 27 Dec, 2016 01:57 PM

If I'm in a really good mood and can overcome the inherent prejudice in the question, I'd simply say, "I'm dating her because I like (or love, as the case may be) her."

If I'm not in a good mood, I'd probably ignore the question.

If I'm in a foul mood, I'd probably ask the person how they can be so stupid to even ask such a question. But without having been in this situation, all my answers are pure conjecture.

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Interracial Marrige
Posted : 21 Mar, 2017 04:04 AM


Jesus defined love to be something so simple. It is baffling to see how complicated some people can make it. If psychology is pulled into the equation people can complicate it into oblivion where it looks nothing like what Jesus taught and instead resembles a means of controlling another person which is the antithesis of love.

There is a lot of hatred in this world we live in - some of it involves skin color or a variation of beliefs. Jesus didn't teach us to hate. Lately I've been thinking the best way to love another person is to close your eyes... use your heart instead.


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Interracial Marrige
Posted : 14 May, 2017 11:31 PM

Reading these posts reminded me of this sermon:

Talks about love for each other, because we need each other, " nations and as individuals, we are interdependent..." And as believers, we are the church of Christ.

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