Author Thread: The earth is really flat

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The earth is really flat
Posted : 12 Mar, 2017 04:48 PM

Do you realize that the earth really is flat? It is not round, like a globe.

I am not joking.

There is no outer space. Instead there is a firmament above the earth (Genesis 1.6-8) which God created, and above that firmament there is still water (Psalms 148.4). So there is no going beyond that FIRM-a-ment - that is impossible - as it is like "molten looking glass" (Job 37.18).

Outer space is a big deception, to provide cover for the alien/demon invasion that will come, with Satan presenting himself as Christ returned in the last great deception, before the true return of our Lord the Son of God. If everybody knew there was no outer space, they would not be deceived by this evil invasion, but now they will. This is the "strong delusion" that God has sent, and those who do not have a "love for the truth" will fall for it.

Think for yourself! Be critical of the things of scientism! Question everything those people say. And do not believe me either - check this for yourself. Test the globe. Do experiments, as I have done. Once you see this deception for what it is, your life will never be the same!

The Globe theory (that the earth is a globe) was popularized by Copernicus in 1543, and it quickly became a main topic of interest among the Jesuits, who even have a telescope in Arizona called "Lucifer". You cannot make this up. This goes beyond anything you could ever have imagined - at least it did for me.

The Globe theory, the Big Bang and Evolution are the three great deceptions in the end time, in my opinion.

These deceptions remove the Center of Reality far away from this earth, to a place infinitely far away - in the center of the Universe - and this has a very negative impact on the human consciousness and the experience of meaning in this world. 99.9% of the people today have fallen for this great deception, but now things are changing. Hundreds of thousands are waking up, and this will only increase in the coming years. Prepare for the end time!

The earth is flat, and the Bible confirms that it is "immovable", that God created it and it is kept in existence by His great Power. The earth does not spin at 1000 miles per hour - have you ever felt it? No. Have you ever seen the earth as a globe? No - you only believed what you were told. All your ideas about a globe is second-hand, and it is not backed by the Word of God.

In the end there will be three great messages to warn the people, and the first message is "Give glory to God! Worship him who created heaven and earth, and the fountains of water" Do you get the idea? The first message is about this earth and its creation.

The globe/big bang/evolution is the greatest deception imaginable, and the latter two deceptions totally depend on the globe model. Check out NASA - there never was a moon landing. This has been debunked a long time ago, and there are hundreds of proofs that the US faked the moon landings in 1969-1972.

During the 6 Apollo trips by NASA to the moon in that periode, 24 people were close to or on the moon, and of these 12 allegedly walked on the moon. ("fake 24 Elders") First there were 2 successful flights, numbers 11 and 12. Then Apollo 13 failed - as this is the mystical number 13. (Apollo 13 was launched at 13:13, on April 11. 1970 - interesting time of day.) Then 14, 15, 16 and 17 were successful. Notice: 2 ok, 1 fail, 4 ok - again we see the 1+2+4=7 equation from the Creation story and all 7-sequences in the Bible.

Apollo? Why that name? Because it means "the Destroyer" - Apollyon is the name of Satan, check Revelation 9.1-11. This is the "abomination of desolation", the destruction of faith and science in the end times. These three deceptions denies and removes God as the Creator.

Check out this video

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The earth is really flat
Posted : 12 Mar, 2017 05:06 PM

The interesting thing that I forgot to mention, is that since 1972 nobody has been above so-called "low earth orbit" which is only 100km above.

The distance to the moon is a staggering 384,400 km, and as mentioned only 24 people have ever been higher than low earth orbit. Nobody has been higher in 45 years! should think that once we "cracked the moon" we would be there every weekend, and today - 45 years later - there should be daily trips almost. I mean, they went to the moon in 1970 with a total computer power less than in your can anyone really believe such nonsense?

Even worse, in 1962 the US sent probes to Mars and Venus, several years before the moon landing. Clearly this was a psyop to save face before the Russians, but it was also the first steps in this great deception.

Billions of people believe the globe theory and the existence of outer space mainly due to the 1972 image of earth allegedly taken by NASA, called the "Blue Marble". It would take decades until the next images were presented, the first one allegedly taken in 2002. But NASA themselves admit these images are composites, made in digital editing software, put together by thousands of low-earth-orbit images.

If the globe theory is true, and there is outer space with vacuum, how come that we have stable atmospheric pressure? How come that the near-to-perfect vacuum in outer space does not take all the air away from earth?

Because there is a firmament - a hard barrier between the earth and above, and above that firmament is still water. Read Genesis - God separated the waters above from the waters below, by setting up the firmament which is an amazing engineering feat. A giant half-globe above us, where the sun and the moon moves, and the stars too are in that firmament. Yes, IN the firmament.

God created TWO lights, not only one. The sun and moon are BOTH lights, as it clearly says that God created TWO lights, one to shine during daytime and one to shine during the night. We can prove that the moon light is not a reflection of the sun light, as the moon light is colder than its shade, whereas it is opposite for the sun light.

But there are hundreds, yea I bet thousands, of clues and proofs that the earth is not a globe, but a flat disc with a hard firmament barrier above, and on top of that firmament God has his throne.

Quite a sobering thought. God is not far away. The firmament could be only 4.000 miles above, that is about 6.400 km. The sun and the moon is close, as you can see when you use a zoom camera or a telescope to check it, and you can easily focus on the moon.

How come the moon is always facing earth with the same side? Could it be perfectly syncronized by the earth rotation like that for decades and centuries? How reasonable is that? We have never seen the dark side of the moon, only these 24 astronatus, of which many are freemasons, as were the space flight manager of NASA and many others within the NASA/DARPA system.

I took an image of the moon a couple of days ago with a Nikon P900, the world's best superzoom camera. Check it out at

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The earth is really flat
Posted : 12 Mar, 2017 05:25 PM

�And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.� (Rev.6.13)

If you believe in the globe/space theory, this means that billions of stars with unimaginable combined weight will actually fall to the earth...does that sound reasonable?

"Look, he is coming with the clouds," and "every eye will see him, even those who pierced him"; and all peoples on earth "will mourn because of him." So shall it be! Amen. (Rev.1.7)

How is it possible that "every eye" will see Christ? This is hard to imagine if earth is a ball, but on a flat earth this is perfectly possible.

I think it makes sense that the earth is a flat disc, with the north pole in the center and the antarctic being the circumference - the outer border - and we know it has an ice wall up to 100 feet high. This has been an effective border for the ancient people, and it is for us too. That is also why Antarctica is off limits for most people, since the treaty of 1959, ratified in 1961, effectively closing off Antarctica.

This was just a few years after the US Operation Fishbowl where they sent up numerous nuclear bombs high up over the earth, to try to crack the dome (the firmament) or the "fishbowl" of the Lord. This was part of Operation Dominic, which means "Lord" or "Master" - the dominant one.

And that happened some years after the antarctic expeditions of this US Admiral Byrd, check that out - quite an interesting story. The interest in antarctica was extreme after the south pole was allegedly reached by one of my countrymen, Roald Amundsen in 1911.

But they probably discovered the foundations of the firmament - who knows? The Nazis also gained intense interest in the antarctica and sent a number of u-boats there. We know that several Nazis were transferred to DARPA and NASA after WWII in Operation Paperclip, like e.g. Werner Von Braum. He was the german rocket expert and became head of rocket research in NASA, joined by many other nazi researchers.

But you can believe in NASA if you will. I believe in our heavenly Father, and in His Son, and I pray for the guidance of their Holy Spirit. In front of God every man is a liar, including NASA and all their freemasons.

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The earth is really flat
Posted : 12 Mar, 2017 06:07 PM

The earth is stationary, not moving.

It is the stars which are moving. The brightest star in the sky - the north star - Polaris - is always right above the north pole, which is at the center of the earth. That is why it is called the North Star.

All the stars are moving in circles in the firmament, except these "wandering stars" which go back and forth to and from various places. The stars may be angels, as we know that Satan was described as a star which fell from heaven (Rev.12) and he drew a third of the stars of heaven with him.

So the stars may be the angels, and the north star may be the place of the throne of God right above the center of the flat earth - our north pole.

We may be looking right up at millions of angels positioned around in heaven, around the throne of God. Could this be true? If so, the wandering stars are angelic messengers going to and fro, fulfilling the commands of God which is sitting on his throne (Rev.4) where thousands of angels minister to Him.

Can we take the Bible literally?

If so, then God created the earth BEFORE the son and moon, which he made on the 4th day. How can this be true, if we are on a globe, which needs the sun to spin around?

Modern scientism - which is nothing but a new age religion mix of the three evils from Babylon (the philosophy of man being god), Medio-Persia (the worship of stars and outer space) and Greece (the invention of the globe by Eratosthenes, based on the premise of parallell sun rays, which can easily be falsified) - hence we have the beast coming up from the sea in Rev.13 being a mix of a leopard (Greece, the third animal in Dan.7), a bear (M-P, the second animal) and a lion (Babylon, the first beast in Dan.7). It is a beast of false philosophy, of deception, and it has been working for close to 500 years now, and with NASA the deception got even bigger, as they rose up into heaven and claimed to know what is - effectively dethroning our creator God in the minds of billions of people on earth.

Wake up! Realize that you have been fed a bunch of lies since early childhood when they gave you the globe. You came into a religion, the new age deception of Big Bang/Evolution/Globe/Coming Aliens. If and when you see these facts, you will be shocked at the reactions of others as you share this truth. You will be mocked and ridiculed to the extreme, you will lose friends and family, and you will be looked upon as an idiot for not accepting the great truths given to mankind by the Authorites and Experts and Scientists...the High Priests of this age of deception.

But those who love the truth, will prevail, and will not be deceived. Once you see that the earth is flat with a firmament above, just as the Bible says, there is no going back. No topic has caught the interest of people as this truth, and clearly this is the Spirit of God working. I believe this is the first angel's message, and it will - and is - lightening up the world. Receive this light, so you can go on to the next level when it comes, the second angel. Time is short.

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The earth is really flat
Posted : 12 Mar, 2017 07:13 PM

The earth is flat, and there is no curvature.

Theoretically you could see all the way to the 100 foot high ice wall encircling the earth perimeter, making up the "south pole".

But you cannot see that far. Why? Because we have an atmosphere which consists of water droplets. All this mist makes up something like a fog when you try to see far away, and you cannot see through a fog.

But we can see pretty far away on a clear day, like over 50km, as they have seen the US city of Chicago across the great lake Michigan. It is not a mirage, as it is not mirrored upside down.

The earth curvature on a 12.800km diameter sphere would amount to 20cm per 1.6 km squared distance from your position. This means that objects far away would fall below the curvature, and also that the horizon would always be below your level of eyesight.

But the horizon is always at your level of eyesight. The horizon is also horizontal left-right, that is why it is called "horizon", it is horizon-tal. It can only be like that on a flat earth.

Some will say that light bends - or refracts - as it goes through a mist of water, which we naturally have in our atmosphere at 1 ATM pressure. And it is true that light refracts through water, as you can try this yourself. Place an object behind a plastic bottle of water and see it bends up on the other side.

But this refraction is not enough to account for the visibility of far away objects, as is clearly proven time and again. For instance ships have reported to see light from lighthouses over 150km away, and this would not be possible on a globe, as it would require the light to refract at the exact same degree as the curvature which it does not as the refraction is variable with the amount of water in the air. Water always seeks to be perfectly level, and it is called level too. We are on a "plane", not a "planet" - lose the "t".

The globe is the last great deception by a desperate enemy, of whom it is written: "For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north" (Isa 14.13)

Notice the "north" is the coveted position, and we know Satan wants to "sit in the throne of God", "showing himself to be God". The congregation is the highest angels serving God, and there will be - or are - the 24 elders spoken of. The throne of God rests upon a sea of glass - could this be the firmament, which is like a "molten looking glass"? Is this where the saints will be for 1000 years, in heaven, above the firmament?

I find this topic to be exceptionally interesting, and to me it makes perfect sense, especially since I think the Bible confirms it. The implications are staggering, as this is one of the greatest deceptions imaginable. Who is searching for truth, no matter what it takes? Who among us is able to think outside the box, to admit that we really know nothing? Who is willing to be like a child, to be led by the hand, step by step, as the Lord shows the truth to those who yearn for answers, not trusting his own wisdom or the wisdom of the experts and of the world. Clearly this is a topic which will create great division among Christians, and lead to a lot of debate.

Are you willing to check it out? To search for yourself, to do experiments and research on your own. Are you in charge of your own life philosophy or have you given that power to someone else? Is the truth about the earth a democratic matter, to be voted upon, or is truth independent of how many who believes in it? These are all interesting questions in light of this topic, and I hope you will think about it more than just fleetingly, and pray for light on the matter. Once you fully take the step over the abyss of deception, life will never be the same! God bless and take care.

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The earth is really flat
Posted : 12 Mar, 2017 07:33 PM

How high is the firmament?

It is suggested that it is about 6.400 km above the earth surface, making up the half of a sphere.

The earth is below, and flat except for mountains and hills. Before the flood it was much flatter of course.

Then what is below the earth? Maybe another half of a sphere, filled partially with earth and water, and with underground channels of water. Remember there were 4 rivers going out from the Garden of Eden and these could have been connected to underground fountains in the "deep", which was the only thing that existed at day 1 of creation. The Spirit of God hovered upon the face of the deep, it is written.

So we have these three levels: heaven, earth and below the earth. We may be living inside a kind of sphere, but then in the middle on a flat plane. Hence we can say that the earth is flat, with a spherical firmament above and maybe something of the same above. This all could be resting on the 4 pillars the Bible speaks of which makes up the foundations of the earth.

There is no escaping this place, to Mars or the Moon or to Venus, or whatever. Only Enoch was taken up, and then Moses was woken up and taken to heaven, according to the Bible.

At the end the heavens will roll back like a scroll, as it is written in Revelation, and we will see our Lord, and all the world will see Him, and we who believe in Him will be taken up in the air, up those 6.400 km, into heaven above the firmament. It will not be a surprise as we will know where our destination is, it seems to me. That will be totally amazing. I hope we will all be there :)

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The earth is really flat
Posted : 12 Mar, 2017 11:52 PM

I'm hesitant but open enough I suppose. There must be a reason that this kind of "conspiracy theory" still has so much life in it. Life is merely a digital illusion anyway.

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The earth is really flat
Posted : 16 Mar, 2017 07:00 AM

�And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. (Rev.6.13) If you believe in the globe/space theory, this means that billions of stars with unimaginable combined weight will actually fall to the earth...does that sound reasonable?"

The Bible is not a science textbook. Stop using it as such. When it says the stars fell on the earth, it does not mean that literally. This is a description John gave us about what he saw. Keep in mind that in John's day and age, there were no telescopes, no rockets, no cameras, and no pictures of what space looks like. I am sure, if John was alive today, he would have described what he saw differently, and we would have different words in the Bible in that verse. Imagine how someone like John would describe an airplane, a laser lamp, an air boat, or a website. And then you take that description, his words, and pretend they are the most accurate description that ever existed. This is what you're doing here.

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The earth is really flat
Posted : 17 Mar, 2017 04:24 AM

It's also best to not impose your own point of view on it, just because something SEEMS metaphorical does not mean it is and the other way around. It's dangerous to try and tell God what He means when He says something, this being true for all sides of any argument.

For the stars to literally fall to earth it would not matter whether the earth was flat or globular (either way it's round :P) it can still logicaly happen just make the center of the globe the target. One important thing to note is that God created the Sun and Stars seperately... short of actually getting a probe directly to a star there is no way of proving that any of them are exactly the same as our Sun nor that they are anything more than projections. We assume that the Sun and stars are the same mostly because it suits the current scientific point of view.... does not mean it is. It's quite possible that the stars (or at least a portion of them) are actually angels but there is no way to either prove or disprove that even IF they were physically giant balls of gas... an angel can easily change his size and shape.

The big problem with flat earth is most of the claims for it can easily be explained with a globe model, not that that proves either theory true or false in itself. The "pillars of the earth" for example being from the core outward to 4 evenly spaced points forming 4 corners... a corner does not HAVE to be 90 degrees. On the other hand there is the north pole, all compasses point to it and we assume the other end to be the south pole.... nothing ever points directly to the south pole so we have no clear evidence that it even exists outside of models because of its basically "being anti-north".

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The earth is really flat
Posted : 28 Mar, 2017 07:11 PM

Matthew 24:32-35: Jesus says, "Now learn this lesson from the **FIG TREE**. As soon as the twigs get tender and its **LEAVES COME OUT**, you know that summer is **NEAR**. Even so, when you see all these things {Which Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24:4-31}, you know that **IT IS **NEAR** right at the door. I tell you the truth, this {Israeli} **GENERATION** will certainly not pass away **UNTIL **ALL** THESE THINGS** {Which Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24:4-31} **HAVE HAPPENED**!. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away!"

It is interesting to note that the destruction of the Temple in the Olivet prophecies is only discussed by Jesus in Luke 21:20-24. Everything else Jesus prophesied before Matthew 24:32-35 above pertains to what will happen just before, and during the 1260-day Great Tribulation In Matthew 24:4-31; which could possibly occur on **May 14th, 2018 to October 25th, 2021**.

Now the Preterist believes that **ALL THESE THINGS THAT HAPPENED** IN MATTHEW 24:4-31 including the 2nd coming of Jesus and the stars falling from the sky all took place before AD 70. The Preterist also believes that everything in Revelation including the 42 month reign by 666 over **EVERY NATION, TRIBE AND LANGUAGE** also took place before AD 70 and that **EVERYONE** in the world except the saints worshiped 666 before AD 70 as per Revelation 13:5-8!!

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The earth is really flat
Posted : 28 Mar, 2017 09:34 PM

Donald Trump has promised that the Jews could have their **CAPITAL** in **JERUSALEM** and all the Muslim countries have promised that they would go to *WAR** with Israel if this takes place and this war could escalate into a **WORLD WAR AND WORLD CHAOS**!! On January 24th, 2017 Israel announced that it was going to build 2,500 New Settlements on Palestinian territory which absolutely contradicts the UN resolution and would further escalate the tensions in the Middle East; and gives the Muslim countries yet another excuse to increase their hostility toward Israel.

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