Author Thread: Is a self defence couse acceptable for christian women?

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Is a self defence couse acceptable for christian women?
Posted : 21 Apr, 2017 01:39 AM

Is it a good idea to think about visiting a self defence course?

Is it against the will of God to hurt a person or is to okay is the person wants to hurt you?

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Is a self defence couse acceptable for christian women?
Posted : 1 Aug, 2017 05:52 AM

sweet you just validated everything I've said, personal attack, love it, no ability to counter an arguement love it, evidence presented zero ! refutation of of arguement zero, love it thankyou so much for making my day, don't bring an arguement about race or combative arts to the table when you have zero experience in any them, you make yourself look foolish and reinforce the perspective that you are racist, you seem to be wet behind the ears without any experience in what you speak of, there you have an insult at least it is true, as for me I have the experience, perhaps you'd like to argue the merits of your case with some vets or black people from the land of your colonisation, insults would be the last thing in your inbox.

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Is a self defence couse acceptable for christian women?
Posted : 1 Aug, 2017 05:54 AM

thats regurgitating by the way, and I assume nothing of you as you present all the evidence I would need to evidence

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Is a self defence couse acceptable for christian women?
Posted : 1 Aug, 2017 06:05 AM

You will have to qualify those accusations "racisms" and "personal attacks" before I will bother to respond to them, I don't see any. Iin fact YOU seem to have either made a lot of baseless assumptions about me or are faking this "outrage", jumping around and trying to overwhelm & confuse me with it. You also seem a bit manic in your responses but I might be imagining that. And no I'm not going to get into a measuring contest with you. Calm down and converse with me like an adult and I will do the same, that's not a "personal attack" btw just a statement of personal policy.

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Is a self defence couse acceptable for christian women?
Posted : 1 Aug, 2017 07:37 AM

you seem to be confused about many things not withstanding your assumption that I am a noble barbarian, one question ? any military experience ? any combat experience any real education in martial activities ? did you gain a rep for being hard ? did you have to fight on a regular basis to stay alive ?

probably not, so carry on disparaging those that have after all you know better don't you ? so speak for those that have. there is a saying I am reminded of those that can, do, and those that can't chat nonsense.

if you had any real experience of the matters at hand you certainly wouldn't express the views that you have.

as for faking outrage, no, I see you through your words, one thing that really enrages people is when those that have no knowledge speak for them, like I said in deference, perhaps you would like to speak for black people ? perhaps you would like to speak for those that have lived a life of violence, you like to talk about self defence and the martial arts but you have said nothing that leads me to believe you have experience or understanding in any of these things so as far as an intelligent conversation goes you would have to go and do your research before that could happen.

it is interesting that instead of responding with any kind of measured or considered conversation you call me manic and attack the messenger instead of the message, perhaps I ought to respond with a plethora of insults, I would be not so willing to engage in such speech but for you I might change my mind.

just for the record please state your experience in the martial arts the styles you studied.

Can you explain to me why you think it's ok to equate a man of heritage with a coloniser ? after all you have called me a noble barbarian thereby equating me with a white colonial, I did a quick mental check of my peoples history and yup we were subjugated enslaved and raped by the very people you attempt to equate me with, as I stated before I am neither white nor european, so just on the surface I think my outrage is justified, but for the sake transparency I've had worse and it's obvious that your words are ill thought, so would you attempt to call an african a noble barbarian, if you do please upload the result to youtube, as I said before racism is a part of everday life and I accept it, in fact I encourage people to say what ever they like offence be damned, at least you know who is who and that's what you do to stop yourself from responding with a measue equal to the guilt, I'd rather know who to avoid than who not to, what really gets black people riled is the under counter racism, usually perpetrated by do gooders that have no idea what it is like to be black, they haven't lived the life, they try the buddy buddy routine and the eyes they doth roll, but as you are from south africa I can understand so I do not judge too harshly.

Your inability to either quantify a point or counter an accusation with evidence = ???? hmmm...I put up some quick links so you could do the research and arm yourself with a countering argument but you didn't take the opportunity, you skirted the argument and continue with personal attacks so I will counter and call you out....

from what standpoint or basis do you qualify your position, what evidence can you bring ? an opinion is not a fact.

I do like to debate and I do not hate you but you must do your research, don't come to a fist fight with a gun if you don't know where the safety catch is because all the advantages you thought you had were let down by your lack of knowledge.

and I'm only a simpleton from simple town

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Is a self defence couse acceptable for christian women?
Posted : 1 Aug, 2017 07:41 AM

In general I get cautious as soon as someone says the roots of this or that come from here or there (particularly when it's africa and promoted by someone with a "noble barbarian" mindset). The proof provided is almost always subjective somehow if you dig just beneath the surface. Most of this "africa is the cradle of mankind" nonsense was formulated to move the centre of civilization away from Jerusalem to somewhere/anywhere else. (somewhere/anywhere else; oops a little leak going on here)

still waiting for a counter argument, the evidence is with me and is not subjective scratching, though my cat might have fleas... or I might...which is even more worrying...

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Is a self defence couse acceptable for christian women?
Posted : 1 Aug, 2017 10:50 AM

I did not call you a noble barbarian, you did. I spoke of people with the delusion that barbarians/savages are morally superior to modern man a theory called the "noble savage", something that is daily disproven by current one's. Being a barbarian has nothing to do with race, you get still get white barbarians they are just not common any more.

I also said that "out of africa" theories are in general unsound, dig deep enough and you will have someone blaim darkest africa for everything from advanced mathematics to deep physics. Whenever someone gushes about "roots in africa" and basically calls colonialists the devil figuratively speaking, though references to "those white devils" are not uncommon, they themselves usually display a complete ignorance of global history. Slavery did not start when the white man stepped foot on africa, the africans themselves kept the trade going with mostly arab slavers doing the exporting long before AND after the whites banned slavery. It's not called darkest africa because everyone there is black, it's called that because of extremely high levels of barbarism because of a total lack of positive contact with the rest of the world. If I were racist I would claim that genetics and not culture drives progress and fall.

The real truth is that Jerusalem is the original cultural center of the world and all races drifted their separate paths from there, almost all advancements happened around the Mediterranean because the center eventually drifted there before completely disintegrating. And no western culture is not "greek", it's the result of a philosophical grecko-roman base strengthened with Judea-Christian (middle-eastern) theology. You simplify complicated things too much and then throw literature and vapid accusations whoever counters you and twist what they say to match your increasingly obvious leftist ideology. Your retorts are all over the place with more resemblance to ranting than proper conversation.

It's very possible that a "black man" (nvm that the skin probably did not differ that much already at the time) first started standardizing some form of martial arts BUT it's not exactly all that difficult for any population anywhere in the world to also start doing something similar in complete isolation from the rest of the world. Martial arts in general are very self evident and easily developed with a relatively short period of experimentation. And even IF this black man started it first.... he probably was not out of eyesight of the Mediterranean when he did it for all we know so calling him "african" is disingenuous. No one needs experience in martial arts to do this very basic logical thinking. Also demons are not drawn to specific "things" that's superstition, they are drawn to a combination motivations and actions.... and was it not YOU that started to demonize all martial arts because it according to you originates from Africa?

You sir are a rank hypocrite, I at least am open to new PROPERLY reasoned arguments, you rely on manufactured outrage at fictional insults. You continually put words in my mouth and it tastes foul. Stop trying to make this personal and it wont be personal, not everyone HAS to bow down to what you consider to be your advantage of experience. Not everyone that disagrees with you HAS to be your enemy. I initially respectfully disagreed and you singlehandedly turned it into a circus. Merely having experience in something does not automatically make you superior to everyone else in a discussion about it ESPECIALLY if you refuse to be civil when countered.

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Is a self defence couse acceptable for christian women?
Posted : 1 Aug, 2017 12:28 PM

Nimrod ! tower of Babel.

Jerusalem is not Babel, all the nations dissipated from there, for the romans jerusalem was a backwater, your focus on jerusalem as being central is biblical and from Gods perspective correct but to say everything started from there is not.

I keep pointing to Nimrod, will you take the bait ?

do you really want to talk about slavery ? I am well aware of the slave trade as I am aware of the people groups sold into slavery I come from one, funny thing though it was the semitic peoples who were sold into slavery... the Ebo....hmm we were considered as "other" by the surrounding nations, a few lost tribes, who cares about that ? apparently the Israeli Government did.

you seem to think that african history is an attack on jerusalem, that depends on the narrative you believe, I prefer to stick to what can be provn rather than that which is conjecture, stones deposits, layers upon layers of truth being revealed, archeology is an interesting field, they may be wrong in some of their assumptions but when the evidence says this people here did this in this time period one cannot deny that they were there or did this and that, you might arguee on the date but that is all, no theories just evidence.

according to the Word Jerusalem is the center of the world, do you think then that Englands history supplants it ? I do not come from that perspective, it is history that is all !

you were first with the noble savage, you accuse me of hypocrisy yet you have no proof of it and you have bought forth no proof to support your claim, I gave you links to support my claim yet you have not disputed them or looked at them


"and even IF this black man started it first.... he probably was not out of eyesight of the Mediterranean when he did it for all we know so calling him "african" is disingenuous"

a lot of conjecture but no pointers to information.

actually I don't consider you a white devil, though there are many devils in the world of many colours.

I have been quite civil, I have provided you with enough information to go see for yourself but as you have not you cannot call me out for that, all I ask for is proof, prove that Martial disciplines do not affect you spiritually, I come from a line of fighters so my perspective is from what I have learnt, if you can dispute my history and find no evidence that coming under the discipline of those arts affects you spiritually then I will be a liar, or better still go ask a cop or a veteran if what they do and train to do affects them in a negative way you will find that it keeps them awake at night, some more than others, I am sure this small thing you can try without too much trouble.

again do you have any experience or training in any martial discipline ? I ask this not to belittle you but to point out that you need a basis of claim when disputing a thing, at least you could cite articles that are opposing what I say, then the argument would not be about what you say but what it says.... I don't particularly like talking from a position of authority as it can be counter productive, so please cite and refute and we can use that as a basis from which we discuss the matter.

You are not my enemy, I do not know you so how can you be ? you would have to do something pretty awful to earn that accolade, I am too pragmatic to let disputes or disagreements colour my view of people, as I have alluded to before I have already seen the worst that society can offer and you are not the worst not even close of that you can be thankful.

please dispute my argument, if you can prove me wrong you have gained a friend, if you can't then at least consider the words I have written.

one last thing, I have come to the conclusion that everyone has racist tendencies, it seems to me it's a question of "are you in my family group or not ?", otherness is obvious to those who see it regularly, it's a form of mixed up family values, a sort of corrupted version, so I see it as normal, until you accept a person they are "other", it is easy to make a differentiation when there is a visual indicator to make classification simpler, everyone likes life simple and unconfusing.. and when you have seen it all your life you know the cues, being from south africa I thought you would understand, perhaps you do.

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Is a self defence couse acceptable for christian women?
Posted : 1 Aug, 2017 12:53 PM

just found an article that goes back to nimrod and it encapsulates the eurocentric view of europeans where world history and the bible is concerned, whilst it does deal with attitudes from a political and historical narrative it does make allusions to what is apparent today, history is a narrative that is written to foster a particular view.

started out with Nimrod I guess we'll have to finish with Nimrod. it will stop the Babel ing

and some easy reading on Nimrod..... it will probably lead you on to the days of Noah, that's if you read Enoch.

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Is a self defence couse acceptable for christian women?
Posted : 1 Aug, 2017 01:06 PM

I wonder why our early laws are in latin and the roman empire is latin, they were grecophiles, our philosophy and even our sciences have their roots in Greece, it's culture it's architecture it's ruling bodies, all european based culture seems to have it's roots there, it's like a carbon copy, even those in the military have to study greek history as it's one of the modern war machines and centres for Democratic culture, don't take my word for it try the history channel.

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Is a self defence couse acceptable for christian women?
Posted : 1 Aug, 2017 01:45 PM

Nimrod, babel.... remind me sir where is Babylon exactly? I don't remember it being in Africa. Even if Nimrod was a descendant of Ham for him to be "African" we would himself need to originate from there. At that point the only civilization in Africa proper was around the Mediterranean so not really all that "African" yet. Before the split of the three brothers there was no races, this came after as the result of prolonged divergence. So any development ended up being collective at the start. Babel was the initial source of that secondary center I mentioned, there are many "starts" in history just as there are many resets. The only thing the word says about nimrod is that he was a "mighty hunter".... you do not hunt with your hands yes?

ALL people throughout history at one point or another either were or had slaves, no one is exempt from this other than maybe the asians who were the first in the later stages to invent slavery by class instead of force, a superior range systems which enabled them to at the time advance far beyond the rest of the world.

African history is not a attack on Jerusalem no, the FALSE ideologically motivated history fabricated to elevate the continent to unsupportable heights however is. The chief purpose of this pseudo-history is to prove the bible wrong and evolution correct... nvm that all the evidence for the "cradle of mankind" theory is so shaky any poke from the side makes it fall apart. If if nothing else if everything started in Africa why was it the continent dead last to emerge from barbarity with the America's just in front of it? One of the theories used in this narrative is the "noble savage" with his supposed superior morality (and his grouse promiscuity) that anyone that actually has contact with anyone even half-savage can easily disprove. I referred to this mindset and you assumed I meant you were the savage... nvm that I have no idea who you are nor do I care what your ethnic background is... I did not bother to look at your profile because I generally don't care what someone else is ethnically, the truth is the truth no matter who speaks it where. Perhaps you just were unaware of this part of evolutionary theology as it can be called? In general the problem with archeology is it's mostly just educated guesswork, a lot of the "proof" is subjective and faulty or simply falsified if you dig deep enough (into the proof not the ground), the moment I realized that I became suspicious of the whole popular narrative. Institutional deception is a great irritation to me.

Africa has with it's last century of revolutions had a lot of this "white devil" madness where as soon as independance was granted they killed all the whites they could because these people were obviously evil, an originally marxist way of thinking that was swallowed hook line and sinker. Yes everyone is racist in a way, it's as natural as hatered or lust, the difference is how easily you give in to that part of your sinful nature and let it cloud your judgement. There is a LOT of proof out there that ethnic differences mean almost nothing compared to cultural ones... culture can be changed. In the 1900 decades lots of white seamen settled on islands and their descendants basically started to become aborigines... reading books from that time about traveling really gives you perspective.

I have nothing against any place or people per se but I also have nothing for them, I try to remain as dispassionate as possible because I have seen that there is NO real difference between any groups no matter where they are. This might translate as contempt for a certain group where actually my contempt is shared with all of them, I basically dislike everyone equally.

Back to the real question though, no I have no training myself but I know the process well enough. I know it's basically training the body to do things it probably should not and often does serious long term damage, I also know that it works well as a method of indoctrination. Also the act of fighting people simply for the sake of fighting to the point where it becomes the centre of your life is obviously evil unless it's necessary to actually protect your community. To make a sport out of this almost ritualistic fighting is even worse and where the indoctrination can come into effect, you rewire your brain for permanent aggression. This is where the spiritual aspect comes in and draws demons... and it is true for ANY kind of repeated emotionally rewarding violence. The most widely known and practiced martial arts happen to be those with extra "magic" or "spirit" elements BUT they are not the only one's. Again, anything that involves repeated emotionally rewarding violence (and yes I can imagine really enjoying causing pain to certain groups of criminals) is spiritually poisonous, which is why law enforcement officers all suffer from some kind of spiritual malady at some point or another.

This is why I say WHY you learn self defense is more important than anything else other than the specific "art" you might learn. REAL basic self defense is completely separate from the mystical kind as it has no meditation, no shouting, no continual exercise other than to keep you fit enough not to accidentally hurt yourself. Anything that involves meditation of any kind is automatically disqualified AND I plainly said that physical self defense is the dead last option for anyone and cannot replace common sense. I can understand your emotional hatred for it but do not let that cloud your judgment. Nothing is beneath rethinking from another angle.... and yes I read a lot and widely.

For myself I tend to see trolls and ideologues everywhere at times and I have developed the habit of not backing down in cases of perceived bullying or snobby behavior. It gets me in trouble sometimes but it's better than being the coward I once was... add to that my tendency to charge a problem head on and boom here we are. Maybe I spoke of things you were unaware and misunderstood and I over reacted to your over reaction and for that I apologize.

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