Author Thread: Health issues

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Health issues
Posted : 10 Apr, 2020 07:04 AM

Concerning vaccinations, is there really any scientific evidence that vaccines cause deseases?

If you don't want children vaccinated you should homeschool them.

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Posted : 10 Apr, 2020 11:48 AM

I personally do not believe in vaccinations. I have never had a flu shot. I DID take the new pneumonia shot which my doctor insisted helps older people. Otherwise, if you dont want shots, homeschool.

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Posted : 10 Apr, 2020 07:40 PM

I'm afraid I'm on the fence on this one. Some of the diseases we get vaccinated for are devastating to their victims, but some seem like overkill. I know there was a study some time ago that suggested a connection between vaccines and autism. The author was discredited and the study was rejected, but I wonder sometimes if that was because there really was no evidence of a connection or if there was foul play.

As I understand it, there isn't much formal scientific study on vaccine injury right now, but there is a group that goes all over the US and maybe the world collecting thousands of anecdotal evidence of vaccine injuries. Some of them are quite severe, stories of children from the same household where one was vaccinated and the other was not. The ones who were not vaccinated were perfectly normal. The vaccinated children had learning and developmental challenges and were late to walk and talk, and had severe allergies and autoimmune conditions. I'm not a pediatrician, so I can't claim any expertise on this other than my limited research and experience with vaccines, but I am wondering why we're virtually forced to have children vaccinated so early in their lives? Would it be better to wait until they're slightly older and have a stronger immune system?

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Posted : 27 Apr, 2020 01:36 PM

A few years ago the doctor i had seen asked if i wanted the flu shot, i asked what was in the vaccine.

The doctor said he did not know, so i looked up the info the vaccine company provided, in the vaccine was mercury,lead and aluminum.

The report said these were necessary to help bind the vaccine in the body.

Now how do these heavy metals affect the human body, maybe Autism, cancer, who knows but YHWH.

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Posted : 30 Apr, 2020 09:25 PM

Aluminum is especially dangerous. Aluminum-based compounds are the most widely used active antiperspirant ingredient because they effectively plug up sweat ducts to temporarily stop the flow of moisture to the skin. There is a new product on the shelf that you spray all over your body not just armpits. You do not sweat. All that does is prevent nature from detoxifying your body. Alzheimers patients having their brains dissected after death have a great deal of aluminum in their brain tissue. The metal has also been prove to cause breast cancer as using the antiperspirant under the arms daily it is absorbed into the breast. The safest thing is a bath and plain deodorant.

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Posted : 1 May, 2020 01:46 AM

Antipersperants also contain glycol, has anyone heard of ANTIFREEZE.

Toothpastes have flouride, Alcoa and the US government are responsible for this, flouride is what is left after ALUMINUM has been made.

Flouride is HAZARDOUS material being put in tootpaste.

Soda contains phosphoric acid,another HAZARDOUS material.

If the sheeple omly knew what the governments allow big companies to put in food along with health and beauty products.

Yet we trust Yahshua

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Posted : 1 May, 2020 02:16 PM

All three of those metals pose a threat to our bodies even in small amounts.

Every chemical we make, material we use, food we eat, and medicine we take carries with it possible risks that will take a number of years to discover what they all are. It seems to be the price for living a modern life. There are unintended consequences for every convenience and everything we put into our bodies. The other side of that coin is that fear of the risks that come with these things can be just as potent an enemy.

Sometimes people lose their faith over the fact that a loved one died of cancer or from exposure to some chemical. With so many hazardous materials out there that our choices expose us to, though, is it any wonder we suffer from some diseases? Modern medicine does fairly well to prolong our lives, but it can only do so much to keep up, and sometimes it contributes to the problem itself. Having had to study some of these things closely myself, it now seems silly to me to blame God for things we're doing to ourselves.

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Posted : 1 May, 2020 07:32 PM

I get the Tom's of Maine toothpaste and deodorant, so no toxic metals or fluoride. A lot of that stuff gets filtered out anyway, but still I know there are people that get addicted to it, even people that eat deodorant, then get lapses in their thinking.

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Posted : 4 May, 2020 04:20 PM

Yepper Toth,

I also use Toms the past seven years or so.

For the past 30 or more years, I do not drink tap water.

I only use bath soaps and laundry detergents without fagrances, but i do like chick fil a.

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Posted : 4 May, 2020 04:20 PM

Yepper Toth,

I also use Toms the past seven years or so.

For the past 30 or more years, I do not drink tap water.

I only use bath soaps and laundry detergents without fagrances, but i do like chick fil a.

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Posted : 4 May, 2020 04:21 PM


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