Author Thread: Can somebody answer me this, or are you afraid to? Re: Philippines, Kenyan women questions.

Can somebody answer me this, or are you afraid to? Re: Philippines, Kenyan women questions.
Posted : 7 Oct, 2020 09:47 AM

I am getting a lot of winks and message interest from women who live in the Philippines and Kenya, Africa. Nothing wrong with that, many women are quite attractive, I may add, but not my type, usually.

Now, I don't think I'm super good looking, some will like the way I look, some women will think I'm plain, and some will think I am not attractive. But, as I know there are born again women in Kenya and the Philippines, what creeps into my mind are several factors. Yes, the stereotypical visa, security thing, crosses my mind, and some are trying to escape poverty. But, I want to go deeper into this... Why? The amount of mail I get from these countries warrants these questions. First, I am not hating on any women from these countries, I'm asking questions, delving...

I would like to ask Filipinos or Kenyan women who are not attracted to me (I'm not trying to sound vain) to answer me this... Do you think women in your country have a mixed motive or 'hidden agenda' like in, "they want to meet a godly guy, and they also want to escape poverty or economic limitations, by getting married, moving? This may be noble on a part of a woman wanting to help their family or get a better job, but I think it's dangerous, because we start to rely on 'people' rather than God. What can God help me with, turns into 'what can I get from this guy' or what can I change in my life through this guy... This becomes idolatry quickly. I"m truly not trying to solidify stereotypes, or spread hate, but we have a saying here in Canada. Where there is smoke, there is fire (sometimes). So, the women who have hidden agendas. Here is a Scriptural reference... "My God shall supply all of my needs, according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus." A favorite of mine... "He died for us, how much more will He not freely give us all things for us!" This means, a provision, a taking care of us, and a 'suffering' at times, as we who are called of God, will be tested, humiliated and suffer for Him, from the world, and the devil, and the trials God permits for us. . .

Ladies, God bless you, I don't mind a message from a Filipino or a Kenyan, and I truly don't look at wealth, as sometimes it's easier to deal with a woman that has less of the world, than a woman who does... In my opinion, as wealthy women are sometimes in bondage to the very things that they thought would bring them so much freedom... ! But, I digress... Ladies, when you're writing, think about any hidden agendas you have towards the guy or your life in general... Give these over to God! Right away, do not delay, as you search for your husband - don't be searching for your pot of gold to dig, if you are, because your riches should be in Christ Jesus! He will supply all of your needs.

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Can somebody answer me this, or are you afraid to? Re: Philippines, Kenyan women questions.
Posted : 26 Apr, 2021 02:05 AM


We are all having an honest conversation here....

I felt the need to shed some light on this thread.

The writer mentioned Kenya. As a Kenyan I have legitimate ground as well as a duty to clarity and inform the writer and entire team.

As a born again Christian I totally understand the writer did not mean any harm. He only failed to assess both sides of the coin and this is simply because he is not well informed.

And remember, we are all skeptical about online dating sites. There are too many scammers, fakes, perverts and all manner of evil intentions.

Dear cdff family,

Everyone came to cdff in search of love, hoping to find better chances in a Christian environment. However, times are evil. Do not put down your guard. Do not lean on your own understanding. Seek to know more about other cultures. All the world needs is true love in these days that are filled with hate and racism! Christians must make a difference to help heal the world, a step at a time.

Trust God with the process of searching for true love. He has got our lives in His hands. Won't He not grant our specific heart desires according to His plan for our life? We are much more valuable than the birds of the air and the Lily of the valley!

There is hope in Christ Jesus! Shalom.

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