Author Thread: Hello Moon, I'm the Earth. Let me shadow you for a while...

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Hello Moon, I'm the Earth. Let me shadow you for a while...
Posted : 19 Nov, 2021 04:49 PM

Hello all, Just wondering how everyone enjoyed or didn't enjoy the lunar eclipse last night. I thought it was pretty mundane, and I think most of the wild animals agree somewhat with me. The air did have a strange feeling about it though? Also there were many more meteorites than usual, I counted almost half a dozen in the hours I was outdoors and half paying attention to the sky. How was your experience? What are your thoughts?

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Hello Moon, I'm the Earth. Let me shadow you for a while...
Posted : 23 Dec, 2021 11:50 AM

Heloo earth i'm star.

Let's chat with me 😊

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