Author Thread: Joey Bidein is acting like quite the hypocrite

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Joey Bidein is acting like quite the hypocrite
Posted : 20 Aug, 2022 02:30 PM

Its obvious that I am opposed to 'fake president' Joey Biden's decision to not finish the border wall.

But on top of being a political conservative, I also would consider myself to prefer to be conservative when it comes time to dealing with money.

So Joey Biden's decision to 'cancel' sections of the border wall to the tune of millions of dollars per day...well it sort of double chafes me!

Some people might wonder if Joey Biden could possibly create a bigger mess...actually I know that he can!

While Joey is using taxpayer money to not build a border wall in the Southern section of the United States, he is happy to use taxpayers to fund a border wall that surrounds one of his mansions!

(So the score is that Biden does not want the U.S.A. to have a security fence...however he honestly feels that we should pay for a fence for one of his properties. And dont worry about the cost because the American tax payers are funding the entire Joey show!)

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