Author Thread: Past the point of no return

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Past the point of no return
Posted : 14 Oct, 2022 05:29 PM

The point of no return:

The place in a course of action beyond which reversal is not possible. For example, Once the contract is signed, we've reached the point of no return. This expression comes from aviation, where it signifies the point where an aircraft does not have enough fuel to return to the starting point.

On about September 18, 2022 President Trump (Joe Biden is the president of a bankrupt corporation that the 'bad boy club' named the united states of america... that explains why if you recieve a piece of mail from the fake goverment, then your name will be spelled with all capital letters.) but in a speech the correct leader spoke in front of a flag that had no stars on it.

In other words, that flag marks a persons last chance to surender...beyond the flag is 'past the point of no return'.

I want to talk about politics for a moment. (In this conversation when I say democrat...I am trying to speak about a non-conservative mindset.) Personaly I consider myself to be a conservative independent. In 2022 that means that I share alot of views as the republican party...but if this was the 1960's then I would proably be more aligned with the democrats.

Currently the democratic party has dangerous policies, and in my oppinion the policies (belief system) that the democrats hold to seem to be going in the direction of leading people 'past the point of no return'.

So I will be very clear...democrats tend to like to clump together and live in the big cities. 'leaders' within the party jump to extreme measures and I guess they they think that they have the liberties to really mess things up and then they will step back and the Patriots will clean up the mess. That is an incorect thought and they should not try to take advantage of the benovlence of other folks. With that said, mark my words, there will still be some democratic 'leaders' that will lead the masses into a bad situation. So this is my advice, look at a county election map and if you live in a heavily dominated democratic area (such as Cook county in Chicago Il) Then I would suggest that you buy a cabin outside of that area.

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