Author Thread: What happened in Hawaii "?"

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What happened in Hawaii "?"
Posted : 28 Aug, 2023 08:27 AM

Both the BBC, and CNN are asking what caused the wildfires in Hawaii, the democrats are quick to say p 'climate change is the cause'

In the video clip below, the area is clearly not deep in the forest...but for a second lets pretend that the burnt car was parked on top of a wood pile. If I threw a match on a pile of wood (as far as I know) the hottest that the fire could get is about 500 degrees farenheit . Now thats hot, in fact its almost 100 degrees hotter than the average cooking oven get. Certainly a person could not weld metel inside there oven, nor could they create a forge by only using wood.

I obviously do not suggest trying to build a metel forge, that depends upon burning gasoline...but this is a pretend conversation. So lets pretend that the featured car had just visited the gas station. Not only did the car recieve a full gas tank but the entire car was diped into a puddle of gasoline, and then a crane picked the car up and set it ontop of the brush/wood pile, and then I threw a match onto the flamable cocktail...then how hot would the fire get?

The temperature of burning gasoline is above 1500 E (945 C) or 1733 degrees farenheit. (I do not think that the way that combustion tempertures work would allow us to add a lower burning substance) but this is our thought experiment so we will add together the burning gasoline with the burning wood, and that gives us a grand total of 2,233 degrees farienheit. (now that is a hot fire) Certainly hot enough to burn the rubber on the car, it could even melt alliminum parts...but even this hot, hot fire could not get hot enough to melt the glass. [Glass is molded at the temperature of 1400C to 1600C (2552-2912F).]

I am not saying that I would want a piece of glass protecting me from the fire that comes out of an acetlene torch, but to be honest I dont know of products that are accesable to the advrage person that is able to melt glass.

What I want people to realize that there is no way that an ordinary forest fire could make a car look the way the car looks.

I am going to post a news clip from the truthful indepeldndent media. As you watch the clip I feel confident that you will also realize that the main stream media is not telling us the real story, instead we are being told a story that does not conflict with the other lies that they have told us...

I understand that I am sharing new information to the advrage person but there is this weather station/facility called haarp

I dont know how its done, but they turn the machine on and point the lazer beam into the sky, and the lazer beam is so hot that it creates weird weather patterns. I have a buddy that lives down in Flordia, and he said that a profesional weather man on tv said that a huricane was headed towards a conservative part of Flordia and the storm was not acting normal.

I also know of a guy that lives in the state of Warshington, and he said that (like in) the 1970's or 1980's a weapon existed that could shoot out a lazer beam that would melt a hole in the side of a tank.

So if you are a person that thinks a little bit, you might be watching the news and you dont understand what you are seeing. Well there is a group of very bad people that exist on this earth. There is a group of good people that exist on this earth and one of the earthly leaders of the good guys is Presidpent Trump

Recently the group of bad guys aranged things so that president Trump had to go to jail. There are people out there that are eating up with a spoon the lies that the bad people are saying (the mainstream news media is being used to smear a leader of the good guys). People that believe what the media says are known as 'sheepel'.

It is annoying for me to hear sheepel walk around and chant 'Never Donald Trump, Never Donald Trump'! Not only is the mainstream media being played, but the sheepel are being played!

By writting this letter I am announcing that more and more sheepel will start to wake up to what is going on.

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