Author Thread: Why I'm writing about human nature

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Why I'm writing about human nature
Posted : 3 Oct, 2023 10:41 AM

First off I want to say that everything I write about men and women, I write only as a general rule as there are always exceptions to the rule, but the exceptions do not make the rule. Also the Church is not an exception to the rule either as male & female nature is alive and well there along with all its associated problems.

 Now let me also state that I think the most beautiful women are the ones that are in their God given roles at home raising children, keeping house, cooking for their husband's and in general making his life easier when he comes home from his hard day of labor. 


 Men are in their true element when they work hard to provide for their wives and children and also to provide protection not only from outside threats, but also to protect their wives and children from themselves.


I have mainly been writing about female nature because that is where most of the relationship problems stem from. The actual root cause is coming from Satan and his use of female nature to destroy marriages and the family along with causing many other societal issues such as the killing of innocent babies.


Men have also played a part in it by thinking women would do the right thing when given the same rights and freedoms that men have. Over many decades men have been convinced by Radio, TV and now social media that our job is to kowtow to female nature in order to keep women happy. "Happy wife happy life" or "it's cheaper to keep her" to name a few.

 Women on the other hand started out being convinced that they should have equal rights, and they were then convinced they can do anything a man can do, and now they are being convinced they are better than men.

 For those who have eyes to see it becomes plainly obvious women aren't equipped to take on the world like men. They aren't physically, mentally or emotionally fit to be leaders and go getters in the big bad world. God just didn't design them to be that way.


By allowing women out into the world at large without the filter of a man standing before her. They end up having to face things they weren't built to face and are now getting it all unfiltered. And contrary to what many would like people to believe. It's not making women better people, but has turned many into bitter, manipulative, promiscuous, abusive, gold diggers, and for some it has also turned them into baby killers.


What I have written so far is only part of what I have experienced personally and learned through observation. In my younger days I learned what I liked and didn't like in women. I used that knowledge and found a woman that fit what I was looking for. She wasn't a Christian but I was and by my example she became convinced that becoming a Christian was the right path and got saved which sealed the deal for me and we were soon married.


We had a long & fruitful marriage and I learned a lot more about female nature during that time. Unfortunately I learned an extremely ugly side of female nature during and after my divorce, the majority of which was related to the change of life women go through.


Most of what I learned I wasn't sure was unique to my situation so out of curiosity I did a lot of causal research and found my experiences were not unusual but in fact very common. I continued my casual research for many years and gained even more knowledge of female nature. I'm certainly no expert but far from being ignorant on the subject.


Sadly but not unsurprisingly I have received some push back from both a male and a female on what I have already written here in the forums. The typical reaction from a woman is to react emotionally rather than logically when something is said she doesn't like. In this case her response was to discount, deflect and try and insult men without offering anything resembling a substantive response.


On the other hand I would have expected a more reasoned response from a male but pretty much all I received from him were insults and absolutely nothing of substance. I believe the reason for that was he was trying to stick up for women because he perceived what I wrote as insulting to them.

 I get it that what I'm writing about is going to rub some people the wrong way but from what I have seen and experienced nothing I have written is untrue. I'm also not putting it up here to insult anyone but to give people the benefit of my knowledge. How people react to it is on them.


I also admit to not reacting as well as I should to being insulted but it's something I'm working on. I'm a firm believer in controlling one's emotions and in that regard I'm a work in progress.

 I will continue to add sporadic tidbits of information as the mood strikes. So love me or hate me I'm here for the duration (whatever that ends up being.)

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